Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 7204 He is the most trustworthy person I have ever met

There was a round of applause.

Although the entire United States is not angry about the fact that California and Texas are about to secede from the United States and establish their own countries, they are also terrified in their hearts. Because once these two states leave, the U.S. economy is bound to be greatly affected.

At this moment, Trump's statement is undoubtedly just right and timely, which makes Americans feel relieved.

“If Californians and Texans insist on leaving the United States and becoming independent countries, I will introduce a series of tax relaxation policies to help poor states such as Kentucky, so that they can get an opportunity to change their own destiny. Opportunity!" Trump said.

Everything fell silent.

No, all America is quiet.

They want to know how Trump plans to deal with such a crisis. I didn't know this before. Before the White House announces it, it is impossible for ordinary people to know what it is going to do.

But at this moment, Trump is facing a national audience, grilling skewers, having a beer, and chatting with Lin Feng, and he is able to tell everyone his truest thoughts.

This is very important!

This moment is even more critical for Americans than Madoff.

At this moment, Madoff started to get down to business after a brief chat, such as talking about Madoff's life before, life in Windy City Prison, etc. Likewise, many people are reluctant to leave because of money problems and the problems of gold mines as large as the United States.

Therefore, at this moment, many people are using two mobile phones, or one mobile phone and one computer to watch these two "reality shows" that are staged at the same time.


‘Fengshen Live Room’ also once again set a new number of simultaneous online users: 1.35 billion!

There are more than 1.35 billion people online at the same time. This is very impressive data.

Although the total population of the earth is already 6.5 billion, the population of developed countries is very small. Except for China, there are almost no non-developing countries with good networks. Including countries with large populations such as India and Brazil, their networks are not without, but compared with China, they are far behind.

China is a developing country and the best country among developing countries. Compared with developed countries in the world, China's current economic level and per capita purchasing power are among the lower-middle-class developed countries. This is a very remarkable achievement.

Of course, as to why people don’t feel happy, on the positive side, it is that the country is still in a period of rapid economic development, and all resources are used to pave the way for economic development. At the current speed of the country’s development, without war or major decisions, If a mistake is made, the next generation, that is, the generation born after 2025, will be very happy.

Including, the main force of this era, that is, those born in the 80s and 90s, will have a higher happiness index than now when they grow old.

Of course, due to the large population, there are many variables. For example, the economic aggregate has increased, but it is hard to say whether everyone will be as happy as in Western countries.

After all, China has more people but less land, and its per capita resource ownership rate is very low. This cannot be estimated at present.

As for why the happiness index is not viewed negatively, Lin Feng does not want to comment. There are some things that it is difficult for Lin Feng to say now, or in other words, it is inconvenient to say them. As far as the relationship between Lin Feng and senior officials is concerned, Lin Feng's words and deeds will be amplified by the media and held high by the public, which can easily cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Mr. Madoff, is what you said when you went to Hofstra University this time true? Did you really discover a gold mine as big as the United States? Did the 'Earth' really capture that gold mine?" Asteroid?" Jenna asked.

Everyone held their breath.

It has been a long time since humans stepped out of space. From the first moon landing on July 20, 1969, to the moment when humans truly set foot on extraterrestrial planets, a full 41 years have passed. In these 41 years, human science and technology has advanced with each passing day. You cannot Imagine how boring human life was 41 years ago.


After so many years, human life has undergone earth-shaking changes, but human beings still have not set foot on the second extraterrestrial planet. Lin Feng, including Lin Feng, has no ability to prove that human beings can leave the earth and come to the solar system.

It wasn't until Paul Allen took the Earthship and left the earth with 5,000 scientific investigators that mankind truly rekindled its enthusiasm for exploring the universe. In the past, it was all just fantasy and fantasy.

Now, there is suddenly talk of capturing an asteroid, and there is actually a small gold mine the size of the continental United States on this asteroid. This is amazing.

"Yes, Paul did discover such an asteroid, and preliminary exploration found that there is an amazing gold mine on it, as big as the continental United States. As for when it can be captured, I have not yet received more detailed information. You should know , I have been in Fengcheng Prison, waiting for trial and imprisonment. It was Mr. Lin who came to tell me the news because of the agreement between us!" Madoff explained.

"Mr. Lin?" Jenna was confused, "I heard that you didn't seem to get along very well with each other? And there were some quarrels at Hofstra University?"

Madoff nodded.

"It is true that Mr. Lin and I had a quarrel at Hofstra University due to some different positions. However, this does not hinder my admiration for Mr. Lin. He is a person with an extremely noble personality and a very faithful person to his promises. He didn't have to tell me about this news, because Paul Allen had one-sided contact with him. After I went to jail, I completely severed all contact. If he didn't tell me, I would never know, then I might be I will be sentenced to more than a hundred years and then die in prison. However, Mr. Lin has informed me and immediately provided relevant evidence to prove my investment data and repayment ability. Release me from the 'Windy City'!" Madoff lamented.

"In terms of credibility alone, Mr. Lin is unique in this world." Madoff boasted.

There was a sound of exclamation in the entire live broadcast room.

This is not just a little bit of money, but hundreds of billions of dollars, and with such a huge gold mountain, the ultimate benefits it will bring are not just trillions of dollars, but must be calculated in tens of trillions of dollars. This is a huge wealth that can allow Lin Feng's entire family to live without worries for thousands of years.

However, Lin Feng said it and still said it. In particular, he released a notorious liar and restored his reputation. I'm afraid, except for Lin Feng, there are very few people who can't resist this.

After all, it cost next to nothing. If Lin Feng doesn't say anything, who knows? In particular, no one knew that Madoff had invested in Paul Allen's Earthship.

This is zero crime cost, but Lin Feng still keeps his promise.

Once again, Lin Feng's credibility has been sublimated!

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