Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 748: The Decisive Battle Begins

Ichiro Izumi was admitted to the hospital. Erisa Kazama was taken away for a secret review. Qin Yang proceeded without anyone noticing. However, Erisa Kazama's identity is extremely sensitive. She is the Japanese branch of the "Second World". In terms of the market value and scale of the "Second World", Erisa Kazama is very important. Although the "Second World" games are not very popular in Japan, there are only three games: "Audition", "The Strongest", and "Crazy Farm". And the online rate in Japan is not high. However, the graphics cards of "Second World" Gang and "Four" and their integrated motherboards have a large market in Japan, and belong to a very important company in Japan. After all, the only manufacturers in the world that can produce "rigid" than computers are currently "" and "Second World"

Damn the Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, hammering the table angrily. He did not expect Koizumi Toichiro to suddenly "fall ill" at this time, and the "illness" is so serious that he is still in danger, and it is at such a critical moment.

Logically speaking, the first suspect of Koizumi's illness this time is Lin Feng, who attacked Japanese finance this time. After all, Erisa Kazama is the Japanese branch of the "Second World". Japan has every reason to put Lin Feng in the first place. Arrested for investigation. However, Koizumi's "condition" was checked carefully and it was because of being too excited and too exciting that he caused sudden death symptoms, and the possibility of suicide, homicide and poisoning was naturally ruled out before he died. Moreover, the place where Koizumi Toichiro's accident occurred was in Erisa Kazama's villa. Erisa Kazama was another Japanese woman. The bodyguards also proved that there was no suspicious "weapon" in Erisa Kazama's villa. The pair of "weapons" on Erisa Kazama's chest would make a big fuss if Lin Feng was to be arrested under such circumstances. If it is not done well, it will become an international scandal.

Japanese lover suddenly died in woman's room! How attractive this title is, I am afraid that the global media will stir it up for a while. What's more, once Lin Feng is arrested without reason, the international disputes caused by it are worth thinking twice in Japan.

Having a headache, Ichibo shook his head while looking at Erisa Kazama who was sitting there crying in a low voice. But at this moment, he can also understand the reason why Koizumi's sudden death is still alive. He also wanted to have such a sexy and mature woman.

What should I do? Haraguchi said with a headache.

Although Erisa Genkaze is crying like rain, Rika is silently observing the surroundings to see how everyone reacts to judge how Koizumi's current condition is. This time Ichiro Izumi seems to have died suddenly due to excessive stimulation. It was Erisa Kazama's custom-made bottle of heart disease-inducing potion from the United States when she was still in "Enix". Increase the secretion of the body to cause the phenomenon of sudden death due to excessive stimulation, which cannot be detected at all. Of course, this drug is not a panacea. For young people, the effect is very good, but it can become a helpful thing. But Ichiro Izumi is no longer a young man when he is old, not to mention being so stimulated, the medicine will kill him. Especially when Koizumi Soichiro is ready to move. Erisa Kazama also knocked him out, and the unrelenting pain intensified the effect of the medicine.

Originally, this medicine was prepared by Erisa Kazama for Yoichi Wada, but it was useless after being rescued by Lin Feng. This time for gratitude. I am also grateful to Lin Feng for taking care of her daughter Yuansa Yanghe, especially Lin Feng did not have any inappropriate behavior towards Yuansa Yangli who has gradually matured, and slowly built her into a future superstar Very grateful.

You must know that there are such mature and sexy beautiful girls under Japan's own banner, and many Japanese company bosses have already played with her under their crotches. So this time when she learned that Lin Feng was in a major crisis in her life, she took the risk and "murder Koizumi Toichiro".

As for your own safety. Erisa Kazama was not very worried. After all, Koizumi Cunichiro died suddenly, and the Japanese side couldn't find any evidence related to her. Plus she bears the title of the "Second World" Japan Division if the Japanese government wants to deal with her. It is also necessary to give the world a reason why it is impossible to deal with it secretly. According to Kazama Erisa's inference, as long as Japan has no evidence, she will eventually be acquitted. After all, if you want to blame it, you can blame Koizumi for not living up to expectations. I "can't do it" and I still want to play with women, and finally die in the woman's stomach


I wonder if the boss found that piece of paper? Kazama Erisa is full of melancholy. The little piece of paper she threw out yesterday was a signal she gave to Lin Feng, a signal that Koichiro Koizumi was critically ill, so Lin Feng could use this opportunity to destroy the Japanese stock market. After all, it is impossible for her to inform Lin Feng now. As for when she was alone in that room with Koizumi, she could have sent Lin Feng a text message, but she didn't dare to notify Lin Feng during the insurance period. Otherwise, the Japanese side would definitely link Koizumi's sudden death with Lin Feng. This will bring Lin Feng great trouble. Therefore, Kazama Erisa can only adopt this kind of cryptic code transmission. And even if that piece of paper is discovered by the Japanese side. Can't see any flaws either. It was just a code that Lin Feng only understood.

It was already midnight. Although Lin Feng was worried about the stock market situation, he was also extremely worried about the meeting between Erisa Kazama and Toichiro Koizumi tonight. Anyway, Erisa Kazama. "It's my own woman Lin Feng must not be bullied and afraid of Shixiang Zhuxiang. When I went to Kazama Erisa's villa, there was no one there. Immediately Lin Feng knew something was wrong. Thinking of Kazama Erisa's previous experience It was suggested that Lin Feng was really a little scared and quickly ordered Li Rui and others to search the villa to see if there was anything left.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Lin Feng asked anxiously when Li Rui turned the cable and came back.

"The boss didn't find anything, so we found this discarded piece of paper that was casually thrown on the ground. Do you think it can be of any use?" Li Rui handed a small piece of paper to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a look and was stunned. There are only a few words on it and half of it is torn off, which seems to be garbage thrown away casually. Lin Feng frowned and looked carefully, but found nothing. Just when I was about to put it aside, I suddenly remembered a scene of talking with Kazama Erisa before, could it be

Lin Feng quickly picked up the piece of paper and looked at it carefully for a few minutes, after which Lin Feng's face turned ashen. I knew in my heart that Erisa Kazama had really made a move, although I didn't know what method to use, but this time things must have caused a big mess.

Erisa, why are you doing this again? Feng secretly sighed. Erisa Kazama is so stupid for herself. What's more, I may not lose this time.

"Okay, let's go back!" Lin Feng suddenly got up and left. At this moment, Erisa Kazama must be taken away by the Japanese side. It's okay to stay here by yourself. It's better to wait two days to put pressure on Japan on the grounds that your o is missing. Now. Just don't disappoint Erisa Kazama's wishes and don't waste the precious time now.

"Lin Soros and I have already contacted many international financial speculators and they will start smashing the market tomorrow. They will definitely smash the Japanese foreign exchange market. Since they are completely laissez-faire, we will smash their foreign exchange market. Let them have to rescue the market!" Ai Biyi Cohen said.

This is a risky move. It depends on whether Lin Feng and others are playing hard or the Japanese side is more resistant. At present, the funds in the futures market have exceeded the US dollar. Japan's bet is that Lin Feng and others will not be able to break through the foreign exchange market within two days. On the last day, Japan regained lost ground.

Lin Feng nodded and smiled coldly.

"Abby, no matter what, we will definitely win this time! We will win as much as we have." Lin Feng said with firm eyes that this time, Little Japan must vomit blood.

Abby Cohen was slightly taken aback. Lin Feng's tone was full of confidence. Although he didn't know where Cai Feng's confidence came from, it gave Abby Cohen and others confidence.

"Lin Feng, my father called just now and said that he would support me with a certain amount of funds for me to invest in the Japanese foreign exchange market." Li Zekai said excitedly.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up. He never thought that Li Ka-shing would come to support him at this time. According to Li Ka-shing's wealth, this amount of money is definitely not low. Of course, Li Ka-shing's move is not considered a risk. After all, Japan's foreign exchange market is now a sweet potato, and he can make money as he wants. The premise is that you move fast enough and have enough cash. Because there is only time, everything may change drastically from one day to the day after tomorrow. Only tomorrow is the best opportunity to make money.

"Lin Feng, our family will also support a sum of money." Tang Jiacheng and Zheng Zhiheng said in unison.

Lin Feng nodded and felt more confident. With the funds of the super rich like them and the information he has, Lin Feng believes that this time the Japanese financial market will definitely be smashed.

Speechless all night, everyone is looking forward to tomorrow's battle. As for Lin Feng, while he was worried about the safety of Erisa Kazama, he was secretly making arrangements. At the critical moment, the news that Koizumi Toichiro was critically ill gave the Japanese financial industry a fatal blow. For this matter, Lin Feng can only find Li Rui and others whom he trusts the most to do it. Others, Lin Feng can't trust. Because the matter involved too much and Lin Feng didn't know how Kazama Erisa dealt with Koizumi Toichiro.

The next day, global financial speculators put all their attention on the Japanese foreign exchange market early. Japan is so laissez-faire that everyone wants to see the reaction of the United States in addition to trying their best to make money from it. However, the "inexplicable" plunge in the U.S. stock market yesterday was already bearish before the Japanese stock market opened. This move has made many shrewd financial speculators see the inside story.

"Humph, the U.S. government is really cunning enough to let the stock market plummet today. It's clear that it wants to use the hands of international speculators to take advantage of the situation to weaken your economic strength and wait until tomorrow to coerce you to raise the exchange rate to stabilize the stock market." Krosh said coldly. The "evil" of the US government should be careful and come out.

Several Japanese politicians present did not react after hearing this. But Crosh twitched slightly from the corners of their mouths. See the resentment in their hearts.

Ants gnawing on the embankment. Krosh will be like an ant gnawing on a levee, provoking slowly every day, waiting for the US-Japan relationship to gradually become rigid and awkward, and then waiting for a certain Japanese prime minister who is so tough and authoritarian to come to power, and then his family can take advantage of the situation.

At this time, the Japanese stock market opens! Sure enough, as Krosh expected, hot money from all over the world began to pour into the Japanese foreign exchange market, and the ratio of the yen to the dollar fell sharply all the way.

The decisive battle begins!

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