
When Qiao Manxue said this, Galen became even more dazed. She wondered what kind of contacts and abilities she had here, and what she could do to help Qiao Manxue.

Don't want the next second, Qiao Manxue's words are like a thunderstorm.

Qiao Manxue smiled gently, and said purposefully, "Miss Jia, can you help me catch Jing Yi's heart?"


Galen was dumbfounded on the spot.

As if hearing a big joke, there were several dry coughs in her throat. She looked at Qiao Manxue in front of her with some inconceivability, and she stammered.

"Uncle, Auntie, are you kidding me? I hooked, Yin Jingyi, I'm not stupid, and I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qiao Manxue directly dissatisfied, "Hey, look at what you said, how can you say that it is a seduction?"

"Isn't it?" Galen was taken aback.

Qiao Manxue smiled and said, "Of course not. Seducing, referring to an improper relationship, but you are now single, and Jing Yi is also single. The relationship between the two of you is free. Where is the hook? What about a quote?"

"But, Jing Yi isn't already unmarried..."

"Who said he has a fiancée? Even if he has a fiancée, doesn't it mean that he is unmarried? Before being unmarried, everyone has the right to choose their relationship, right?" Qiao Manxue said irrationally.

No matter what doubts Galen throws out, she can use all kinds of perverted principles to prevaricate Galen back.

Galen didn't know how to respond for a while, and the fingers of both hands were tightly twisted together, feeling very cramped.

Upon seeing this, Qiao Manxue realized that she had just spoken, as if she was indeed anxious, and quickly relieved her embarrassment and smiled gently.

"Look at you, you don't need to be so careful in front of your aunt. Auntie treats you as a child. If you can, she hopes to treat you as a future daughter-in-law. Of course, if you don't want to, auntie I won't force you."

He sighed again, "Actually, I just hope that there will be a girl who can divert Jing Yi's attention and rekindle the hope in his heart so that he will not be so sad."

"After all, Jing Yi grew up under my nose since he was a child. He has a withdrawn character and has always been very stubborn. I know his personality very well.

Now that Tang Nuan painting has left him, he doesn't even know whether it is alive or dead. Tang Nuan painting that Jing Yi doesn't look for will never give up, but what if he can't find it? Is it necessary to spend all of my life on searching for Tang Nuan's paintings? "

Qiao Manxue put her hands around her in dissatisfaction and shook her head, "Even if Jing Yi had this idea, I would never agree to it, so Miss Jia, I am looking for you just because I hope you can help me walk slowly into the scene. Yi's heart allowed him to completely let go of Tang Nuan's paintings and put an end to the past relationship."

"Miss Jia, can you understand my painstaking efforts?"

Looking at Jialian sincerely, Qiao Manxue sincerely asked her for help this time.

"Auntie, I, I don't know."

Galen really didn't know how to respond to such a thing.

In fact, what Galen was thinking was very, very simple, yes, she really admired Li Jingyi, and she was willing to always give, even if Li Jingyi had always been so cold, at least Galian thought it was worth it.

If she likes someone, she will strive for it.

Even if she didn't succeed in the end, even if her hot face kept sticking to other people's cold ass, her face was cold, at least, Galen had no regrets in her heart.

But Galen never thought that she would deliberately enter Li Jingyi's heart.

To put it harder, Jialian is willing to challenge herself constantly, trying to constantly change all kinds of tricks to attract Li Jingyi, but she doesn't want to work hard to become a green tea bitch.

Therefore, after struggling in her heart and overcoming the psychological embarrassment, Galen was still very sorry and bowed her head to Qiao Manxue, "Sorry aunt, I can't promise to help you."


Qiao Manxue obviously did not expect that Galen would reject him, and her face suddenly changed.

The original face of Yanyue's color suddenly became a little fierce, "Does it make it so difficult to do me a favor! Miss Jia, you obviously like Jing Yi too, I'm also helping you!"

Galen felt so guilty that her head was so heavy that she could hardly lift her head up, "Yes, auntie, I can understand your feelings. I know that you want to ask me for help for Jing Yi's good. But..."

"But I don't want to approach him deliberately, I, I don't have to be so contemptuous of myself!"

Galen knew that the atmosphere at this moment was very embarrassing, but even so, she still couldn't do anything against her conscience.

"I'm really sorry, Auntie, I can understand your worry about Jing Yi, it is really understandable. As Jing Yi's admirer, in fact, my worry is no less than you, and I am also very worried that Jing Yi's heart will last forever. Tang Nuan's paintings are all living, and I am worried that the woman will never get out of his heart, but I don't want to take advantage of it."

"I hope that one day, Li Jingyi can accept me sincerely and accept my character, so he is willing to be with me. Not because... after losing another woman, he will use me as the substitute."

"So I'm really sorry, Auntie, I can't agree to your request."

Galen's tightly twisted hands seemed to have become two buttons. They were buckled together tightly, and they couldn't escape.

"Miss Jia, you, you! I don't know good or bad!"

Qiao Manxue suddenly became a little angry.

Angrily stood up, Qiao Manxue picked up her lady-level bag, turned and left.

As he walked, he left a cold note, "Miss Jia, I have given you the choice. I hope you reject me today and don't regret it in the future!"

"Don't worry, I won't regret it."

Galen bit her lips tightly, and said this to herself silently.

The hands of the two clenched together finally loosened, and the palms have been pinched white, and Galen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Li Jingyi's office.

After his mother left, Li Jingyi has been busy with his work, obviously not being affected by his mother's remarks.

Sitting on the sofa, without deliberately straightening his body, Li Jingyi seemed to have such an innate aura.

Noble, cold, arrogant, and daunting.

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