
In the process of rolling down the stairs, Tang Nuan's painting received hard and heavy blows to the head again and again, as if something was going to break her brain.

And it was in this process that scene after scene suddenly began to replay in Tang Nuan's mind.

The first act is at the engagement dinner between her and Li Jingyi.

At that time, Tang Nuan's painting was very stubborn, and the engagement banquet was very luxurious and grand, and countless celebrities from the upper class all came, but she just wore a bad face and didn't give anyone a good face.

However, Li Jingyi held her hand tightly from beginning to end, and did not let go for a moment.

He said that even if she was unwilling, she would never let her leave him for a half step.

The second act is in Li Jingyi's office.

Tang Nuan painting came to him with a lunch box of all sizes. Just when other women were showing good wishes to Li Jingyi, Tang Nuan painting stepped forward to disrupt the situation.

In the process, Li Jingyi gave her doting eyes and full preference, and finally sent the other women away, leaving only the two of them sweetly looking at each other.

In the third act, she was injured.

Li Jingyi quietly counted down on her, saying that she didn't know to be more careful, but at the same time he was carefully bandaging Tang Nuan painting, his eyes filled with distress.

In the fourth act, he kissed her, and they said they would love each other forever.

Act 5...

Act Six...

Act Seven...

Scene after scene of memories were played back in Tang Nuan's mind like a movie.

Tang Nuan's paintings rolled her eyes unconsciously, no matter how Tang Zhen stepped forward to hold her or worry about her, Tang Nuan's paintings couldn't listen at all.

A mess in her mind was completely filled with all the memories.

She remembered that she used to be in the snow, and Li Jingyi accompanied her to make a snowman, tightly holding her red-frozen hands into her arms.

When faced with danger while abroad, she pretended to be a black mandala and approached him step by step, but her heart was full of little excitement.

She liked that he would hold her hand tightly every time and touch her head indulgently. She remembered Li Jingyi wearing a groom's outfit. He was so handsome. He confessed to her at the company gate and gave it away at the beach. She took great pains on a luxury yacht, just to be able to buy her non-sale necklace...

He is not a person who is good at words, but he has been silently treating her well and paying for her silently...

Even if everyone is slandering her, they are saying that Tang Nuan painting is a yellow-haired girl at all, saying that she has a bad personality, saying that she can’t do it, that’s not okay, but Li Jingyi has never disliked her, but has always been. Secretly help her silently.

In this world, there has never been any such serious treatment of Tang Nuan's paintings.

Over time, it seems that as long as he can see him, Tang Nuan's heart is at ease, and he can clearly feel that the whole world is brighter.

And the reason why she worked so hard was to be worthy of Li Jingyi, to make up for the mistakes of the previous life, and to be able to stay with him well.

Li Jingyi, she can never give up!

She remembered, she remembered everything!


In an instant, Tang Nuan's painting suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hua'er, Hua'er, you are awake, how are you feeling? Is there anything uncomfortable? Dad has called an ambulance for you, and the ambulance will be here soon. Don't worry, don't worry!" Opening his eyes, Tang Nuanhua saw his father's anxious face.

The servants around were also panicked, for fear that there would be something wrong with Tang Nuan's painting.

Even Tang Yan'er came up with hypocritical worry, "Sister, sister, how are you? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Well, I blame me, I blamed me, just now I wanted to make sister you be more careful, but you didn't say anything, just... Sister, I'm all wrong, I'm all wrong, blame me if you are good !" Tang Yan'er wiped her tears as she spoke, as if she was really worried about the safety of Tang Nuan's paintings.

Tang Nuan painted all this in his eyes, but only found it ridiculous.

In the end, she really couldn't stand Tang Yan'er's clumsy acting skills, she sneered, and the aura of her whole body became cold, "Tang Yan'er, you pushed me down the stairs with your own hands, do you want me to die? Pretend to be here, why, you really think I'm a bully!"


As soon as he said this, everyone around him looked at Tang Yan'er with a strange expression.

"Yan'er, you!" Tang Zhen was directly angry.

Tang Yan'er didn't expect Tang Nuan's paintings to expose her in public. She panicked and hurriedly covered her face and cried, "No, it's not like that, sister, how can you spit someone! How could I push you down the stairs," Am I such a vicious person!"

"Aren't you?" Tang Nuan sneered.

"Of course I am not, how could I do such a thing! And I was hurt by myself just now, sister, don't you deliberately wronged me in order to frame me, oooooo..." Tang Yaner said I cried again.

She knew clearly that tears were her best killer.

Every time she tears first and pretends to be wronged, basically her father will feel softened.

Unfortunately, this time, Tang Yaner miscalculated.

Tang Zhen's doting on Tang Nuan's painting is not fake, and he deeply believes that Tang Nuan's painting will never tell lies.

Therefore, after taking a deep breath, he immediately yelled at Tang Yan'er, "Yan'er, please go back to my room and think about it! You can't come out without my permission!"

"Dad!" Tang Yan'er was suddenly mad.

She protested loudly, "Dad, it's really not the sister I pushed, how could I do such a thing? It's obviously that the sister is not careful, it's the sister herself..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Zhen had no patience to listen.

He directly gave a cold face to the housekeeper on the side, "Uncle Chen, why don't you bring Yan'er up to me and reflect on it?"

"Yes." The butler didn't dare to delay, immediately reached out to greet the two servants, and then dragged Tang Yan'er straight up.

"Dad, Dad, Dad!" Tang Yan'er exclaimed several times, but it didn't help. The servants unceremoniously dragged her to the second floor and threw her directly into the room.

"Second Miss, you just listen to what the master said, and reflect on it." After speaking, the butler closed the door unceremoniously.

"No, no, stop for me!" Tang Yan'er shouted urgently.

Only silent air responded to her.

Helpless, Tang Yaner had to sit on the ground feebly, and suddenly she raised her fist and gave a violent hammer to the sofa on the side.

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