
Why is this woman not fainting early or late, but fainting at this time?

Galen still thought about torturing her, it was really disappointing!

"Go, buy a bucket of cold water, and pour this woman to wake me up." Galen coldly ordered the men behind him.

The subordinates responded and immediately turned to fetch water.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

Tang Nuan's paintings seemed to be poisoned, and the whole person suddenly convulsed. After two twitches, it suddenly stopped again, and gradually there were even signs of foaming at the mouth.

"Will a woman have a miscarriage, will it still happen?"

Several kidnappers stared at Tang Nuan's painting motionlessly at this time, feeling very strange.

Galen couldn't help but frowned, wondering how could this happen, is it possible that Tang Nuan painted something about epilepsy?

"Miss Jia, she seems to be poisoned...Did you feed her the wrong medicine?" At this moment, a little kidnapper said softly.

Poisoned? No way.

When Galen thought of this, her heart shook slightly.

She thought to herself that she just drank a little anti-fetus for Tang Nuanhua, how could she be poisoned?

Thinking about this, she took out the pack of medicine from her pocket and took a careful look at the ingredients inside.

After reading it, I didn't feel anything strange, because I couldn't understand it at all.

Anyway, Jialian only knew that when she went to the hospital to directly ask the doctor for the fetal injection, the doctor gave this, and she didn't ask much.

Now it seems, is there something wrong with this medicine?

"Hey, Miss Jia, what you bought is not an abortion pill at all!"

At this time, the little kidnapper took a look at the packaging of the abortion pill in Jialian's hand, and found that the abortion pill he was holding was not an abortion pill at all.

"What? I didn't buy an abortion drug?" Galen was astonished!

She thought to herself that what she had told the doctor was that she wanted abortion pills, but she also deliberately emphasized that it was for abortion.

She also remembered that the doctor at the time had clearly promised to do a good job, so why didn't she give her something that she wanted?

"Hey, have you studied medicine? Don't lie to me!" Galen stared at the little kidnapper with some caution.

It took her so many weeks to fool Tang Nuan into this place, just to teach Tang Nuan a memorable lesson, but now she has such a yao moth, what an international joke!

"Hey, Miss Jia, I really didn't lie to you. I was studying at the Medical University before." The kidnapper explained helplessly at this time.

The people in black around had no choice but to help him out, "Miss Jia, our brother was indeed studying at the Medical University before, and he was right. But later because the family ran out of money, he followed his brother. A mess."

"Yes, yeah, Miss Jia, you may have really bought the wrong medicine." For a while, several kidnappers all began to say that Jialian was not.

Galen was completely confused.

She wondered why, why is it so!

Is this because God is teasing her on purpose?

Obviously, I have prepared everything, so I plan to humiliate Tang Nuan! Why, why in the end, even the medicine is fake!

con man! con man!

Why would even the hospital lie to her!


Galen was going crazy.


At the same time that Jialian was crazy, Tang Nuan's painting began to experience some adverse reactions.

After she convulsed a few times, she suddenly vomited and vomited large swaths of vomit from her stomach.

The person next to him hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, looking disgusted.

Then, Tang Nuanhua started to foam at the mouth again, and his body twitched again.

"My God, what's wrong with her!" Galen was going crazy, wondering why there were so many emergencies.

The kidnapper quickly explained, "Miss Jia, if you guessed it correctly, this lady should be poisoned. The medicine you just fed her should contain some ingredients that are allergic to pregnant women, so..."

"So what?"

"Cough cough, I don't know, but I know that if we don't detoxify in time, it may take a long time, this woman will be worried about her life."

This is not to scare people.

According to Tang Nuan's reaction, she should have accidentally taken some allergy medicine, which caused a short-term shock.

Although it shouldn't be fatal for the time being, if the delay is too long, it may be impossible.

"Huh? Then, call a doctor! Find a doctor!"

Galen was really going crazy, and hurriedly yelled at the men on the side, "What are you guys doing here? Let me tell you, if Tang Nuan painting is really poisoned here today, all of you No one can run away!"

As soon as this was said, the hearts of the surrounding kidnappers were raised.

They looked at Tang Nuan's painting nervously, but their faces became embarrassed, "We don't want to watch people have problems, but Miss Jia, our place is too hidden, even if you call for an ambulance, it doesn't take an hour. , They can't make it!"

"One hour? If you wait an hour, people will be poisoned to death sooner?"

Galen asked anxiously.

The kidnappers around nodded, and everyone looked helpless.


Damn it!

Galian wondered how she would encounter such a thing. She just wanted to draw some lessons to Tang Nuan, and wanted to return all the shame she had suffered before, all the suffering and pain in her heart, to Tang Nuan, and let her eat too. Nodding pain.

But she never thought about killing a living person!

For a moment, Galen was a little helpless, and everyone around him became anxious.

How to do how to do!

What should I do!

After thinking about it, Galen suddenly had an idea. She looked at the kidnapper who had studied medicine, "So, didn't you just say that you have studied medicine before? Why don't you think of a way to detoxify her first? ?"

Galen also really had no choice but to come up with such a method that was not a solution.

She stared at the kidnapper who had studied medicine closely, putting all hope on him, "You have studied medicine, and you must know more about this aspect than me. As long as you can help me with this For women to detoxify, I will pay you three times directly!"

The little kidnapper panicked, and shook his head quickly, "It's not a question of money or not, Miss Jia, this is a life!"

"I don't want to take my life casually. Besides, I just know that she was poisoned. I have to go to the hospital to find out."

In short, the kidnappers shirk in every possible way, for fear that they will bear an innocent life.

If the time comes, Tang Nuan's painting is really killed, and Galen still blames her on her head in the end, that's it.

He doesn't recite this black pan.

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