Then she quickly stretched out her hand, wiped the tear away, and squeezed a polite smile from the corner of her mouth.

After rearranging the resignation letter and resignation form in her hand neatly, she no longer had any unnecessary nonsense, and directly pushed the resignation letter in front of Li Jingyi, "Here, I'm going to resign, sign me Words."

"Okay." Li Jingyi answered.

Slender fingers picked up the pen and quickly left a neat signature on the white paper. After Li Jingyi pushed the resignation letter to Jialian again, "Take it, go back to the personnel department, I will let her Give three times your salary to make up for yours."

"Okay." Galen nodded.

"Also, no matter where you go after you resign from here, please contact Xu Mo and tell me. No matter where you are, I will definitely help you if I can help you." Li Jingyi added.

"Haha, thank you, but this is not necessary?" Galen refused with a smile.

Li Jingyi raised his eyebrows and took a serious look at the woman in front of him. He found that there was a hearty smile on Jialian's face. He said ironically, "Don't do your self-righteous responsibilities to me anymore, I won't need."

"Really?" Jialian stabbed, Li Jingyi chuckled and raised his eyebrows, "Then respect your opinion."

"Okay." Galen smiled and nodded.

After that, she stopped talking nonsense, and she stood up directly, "Then President, I will leave, thank you for your cultivation for so long, and thank you for meeting you."

"Although I stumbled on you, I also learned a lot of things that I hadn't learned before, so if you put it together, I think it's not bad luck to meet you."

"However, after leaving your life in the future, I will definitely get better and better. Finally, I wish you happiness."

After the conversation, Galen smiled calmly at Li Jingyi, and then walked out the office door generously, never looking back.


Looking at the direction where Galen was leaving, at the last moment, Li Jingyi felt that this woman suddenly became a bit interesting.

You can cry directly when you are sad, and you can turn around and leave after drying your tears. This is probably the most charming trait of a woman.

But Li Jingyi didn't think too much, he lowered his head indifferently and continued to work.

Compared with Li Jingyi's indifferent, Xu Mo couldn't be so calm.

He quietly sent Jialian downstairs and watched Jialian stop the car on the side of the road. He was obviously blocking the car in a casual manner, but at that moment he looked extraordinarily sad.

Xu Mo's tears suddenly fell down one by one, unconvincingly.

Feeling the tears continuously falling on his face, Xu Mo's first reaction was to reach out and wipe the tears away.

But strangely, his tears were wiped more and more, and more and more.

I don't know what's wrong, I just can't control myself, and tears are falling down one by one.

Even on the streets where people come and go, there is still no way to restrain it.

"No, Xu Mo, we are outside the company, people come and go, don't be ashamed here." Jialian turned around, and saw Xu Mo's tears drop one by one. Chuckle.

While smiling, his nose is sour.

It just so happened that the sky was overcast at this moment, and it seemed that there was going to be a heavy rainstorm in just a moment.

All of this seems to be rendering an atmosphere of sadness for their parting.

Soon, the pouring rain came down, and the heavy raindrops hit the two of them, causing pain, and soon they were unceremoniously drenched.

Jialian was still smiling at Xu Mo, and said while laughing, "You fool, the rain has fallen so hard, so hurry up and go back, what are you doing in the rain, aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

Xu Mo shook his head vigorously. Tears kept falling from his face mixed with rain. He suddenly summoned the courage to say, "Miss Lian'er, do you know? I'm not afraid of colds, fevers, or illnesses. What's afraid is that you leave me!"

"is it?"

Hearing this, Galen's heart trembled, as if there was some throbbing.

But after the throbbing, there was a double loss. Galen smiled bitterly, thinking Xu Mo, Xu Mo, why can't you appear in my life earlier?

If you had appeared in my life earlier, maybe I wouldn't leave this place so sad.

do you know? I really can't find a second person in this world who is better than you to me.

Xu Mo, you are really a very good person, but I am leaving.

"Fool, you go back quickly, don't stay here with me in the rain, even if you don't care about your cold, but I will care, do you want to make me feel guilty?" Galen began to urge Xu Mo again.

She thought to her heart that she didn't want Xu Mo to suffer from a cold and fever while she was sad after she left.

In that case, it would be too cruel.

But at this moment, Xu Mo didn't know if he was embarrassed by the rain. He suddenly said to Jia Lian with full strength: "Miss Lian'er, Miss Lian'er, I'm really very, very, very sorry to you! In fact, I have always wanted to tell you a sentence for a long time, but I have never plucked up the courage to tell you, actually I, actually I..."

Halfway through, Xu Mo couldn't say something.

Because he knew that when this sentence was spoken, the relationship between him and Galen would most likely be severed.

After Jialian left this time, she would return to her country. She would meet many better men abroad, and Xu Mo might not be able to compare with those people.

Therefore, Xu Mo was very worried. After he pierced this layer of window paper, he didn't even have a friend to do with Galen.

They used to contact WeChat only by phone. If they didn't even have this contact, they might be separated from the world, and there would be nothing to do with them.

Therefore, Xu Mo's words twisted and tactfully in his throat thousands of times, and finally turned into a huge rain, which made people inaudible sobbing.

However, he didn't know that women are very sensitive creatures.

Even if Xu Mo didn't need to say some words, Galen had already understood everything in her heart.

Suddenly, she stepped forward in the rain and gave Xu Mo a big hug firmly, with blame in her tone, "You fool, you fool! You are still here hesitating and dare not speak. Do you really think I know nothing?"

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