"Probably so. But there are often many photographers here, probably just for fun. If you don't like it, let's go into the room." Li Jingyi said quietly.

"it is good."

Tang Nuanhua nodded, and then the two returned to the room.

At this moment, the photographer put down the camera in his hand, and suddenly found that the person was gone, and had to rub his eyes, even wondering if the two of them had appeared before.

Fortunately, in the camera, the photos of the backs of the two people were indeed saved, and the photographer was sure that he was right.

Even so, he couldn't recover for a long time.

Standing alone for a long time, the photographer kept thinking to himself, why is the man he saw just now so familiar?

No, it should be said that it is too familiar!

Could it be Li Jingyi?

But the photographer was not very sure, and frowned in a daze. He thought to himself that he was wrong? It's strange, is there something wrong with your eyes?

Hey, he took off his glasses with some dissatisfaction. The photographer thought that it seemed necessary to change to a higher-powered glasses.

At this time, inside the room.

After Tang Nuan painted back to the room, she lay down on the comfortable big bed. Not long after she lay down, her belly suddenly screamed, "Goo~"

"Hungry?" Li Jingyi looked over.

Tang Nuanhua touched her lower abdomen and smiled, "Worrying about getting airsick on the plane in the morning, I just drank some milk and didn't eat anything. Can I not be hungry?"

"Then go eat something to fill up your stomach first." Li Jingyi said.

"Yeah." Tang Nuanhua nodded willingly.

After that, the two of them held hands and went to the restaurant of the hotel. There was a variety of foods in the restaurant, including Western, Chinese, Korean, Japanese sushi, etc...

Tang Nuan's painting smelled the scent, and his saliva was about to flow. He immediately grabbed Li Jingyi and started looking for something to see what he wanted to eat.

"Look at Jing Yi, this roasted chicken leg looks really fragrant and fragrant. It has a crispy outside and tender inside. Shall we try it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the clip in Tang Nuan's hand had accurately picked up two roasted chicken legs and placed them on the dinner plate in his hand.

When I lowered my eyes, I saw another delicious sushi. I couldn't help but use the tongs again to put the sushi on my plate.

Just go all the way...

But within a few minutes, Tang Nuan painted around the dining room and filled the entire plate.

"Well, is it a little too much?"

When Tang Nuan painting was almost unable to hold the dinner plate, she suddenly realized that she had ordered a lot of things, and she couldn't help but feel a little headache, "Oh, after ordering so many, I can’t eat at all, but every one of them looks good. It's delicious, what should I do?"

Tang Nuanhua looked at Li Jingyi in confusion, "Or, let's just make some cuts? Otherwise, we can't eat and waste."

Unexpectedly, Li Jingyi smiled softly, and suddenly grabbed the plate from her hand, "Since it's a trip, come here to enjoy it. You can eat whatever you want. Don't worry about it."

"Um... that's right."

Hearing what Li Jingyi said, Tang Nuan's painting seemed reasonable, and he also showed his own smile, and said happily, "Okay, then I will listen to you. Let's work together to increase our efforts. How about eating up all of these?"

Li Jingyi also smiled indulgently at her, "Okay."

After that, the two of them happily carried a plate of food, found a place to sit down, and started to move.

Tang Nuanhua excitedly picked up the knife and fork in his hand and shouted like a child, "Then I'm going to eat!"

Then decisively forked a chicken-stick, put it in the mouth and took a bite. The crispy and tender chicken stood in the mouth instantly and melted, and even milk syrup burst out of the chicken.

"Yeah! It's delicious! Jing Yi, hurry up and try this too! It's awesome!"

Nodding contentedly, Tang Nuanhua quickly urged Li Jingyi to take a bite.

Li Jingyi had no choice but to fork a chicken-stick. After taking a bite, he nodded his head seriously, just like Tang Nuan's painting. "Yes, not bad."

For a moment, the two looked at each other, and Tang Nuanhua couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Jingyi asked strangely.

Tang Nuanhua laughed even more presumptuously. She shook her head while laughing, "It's nothing, it just feels like Jing Yi, when you are with me, you are like a different person."

"Really? What have I become?" Li Jingyi asked.

"Do you really want to listen? Then I tell you, don't be angry." Tang Nuan painted with a smile.

Then I said directly, "Jing Yi, I feel that when you are with me, you seem to have become stupid unknowingly, as if your IQ has been lowered by me, haha."

After all, before, Li Jingyi had always been such a noble and cold image, noble and arrogant, not surprised by honor or disgrace, as if there was nothing in this world that could shock his emotions.

In the blink of an eye, such a cold person actually ate chicken here with himself, and he was enjoying it very much.

Gee, this contrast is really too big,

While Tang Nuan painting felt funny, she couldn't help but feel a warm heart in her heart, thinking that Jing Yi, such a cold person, could change for herself, and she was also satisfied.

"Hello, this gentleman and young lady, there are no more places around here. Can we two sit with you?"

While Li Jingyi was chatting with Tang Nuanhua, suddenly two foreign couples came over and asked in poor Chinese.

? ? ?

Three question marks appeared on Tang Nuan's painting. She glanced at the blond foreign couple in a daze, and asked suspiciously, "Are you talking to us?"

"Yes, miss."

The blonde foreign couple was very sorry, and smiled politely, "I'm really sorry to disturb you, but there is really no extra place around here. We can only come to make a table with you. I don’t know you two. Would you like to interrupt us?"


Tang Nuanhua was stunned for a moment, then looked up and found that there was indeed no room left.

He glanced at the empty seats next to him and Li Jingyi, anyway, it was empty.

He nodded happily, "Well, let's change the position, you can sit opposite us."

"Well, this lady, you are so kind." The foreign couple immediately thanked them.

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