In other words, since they value this festival so much, they will definitely be cautious and cautious. How can they allow the lights to go out and this kind of stage accident occurs?

The only possibility is that someone is secretly playing a ghost.

Humph. Humph. Humph.

Just as Li Jingyi lowered his head to meditate, out of the end of the quiet corridor, a string of crisp footsteps suddenly came out, like the sound of high heels stepping on the ground.

Hearing this sound, Li Jingyi raised his head slightly, and saw a black high-heeled shoe appear in his field of vision.

Looking up from the heel, you can see a pair of thin and straight long legs, and then looking up, it is a familiar face that makes people a little disgusting.

The person here is Song Yijun!

I don't know why, as soon as Li Jingyi saw Song Yijun, he felt disgusted in his heart, and he couldn't help but look disgusted.

There was some anger in his tone, "Miss Song, what are you doing here?"

"I just want to come and see Nuanhua, Jing Yi, do you think you are so fierce?" Song Yijun's eyes fell on Li Jingyi, and he smiled flatly.

Then I continued to say to myself, "Actually, I was in the chaos just now. I heard that someone had an accident. After I inquired carefully, I realized that Nuanhua was injured, so I just took a look. Why, should I come? Isn’t it okay if you take a look? Anyway, Nuanhua and I are also old friends for many years, right?"

The tone as it should be, as if she came to visit Tang Nuan's paintings sincerely, but in fact only Song Yijun knew what she was thinking about.

In fact, the kick that kicked Tang Nuan's painting in the dark was given by Gu Jun.

Who made Tang Nuan painting so bad-tempered that she actually ignored her, Song Yijun was so angry, of course she had to teach her a lesson.

Of course, Song Yijun would not say this.

In front of Li Jingyi, she still pretended to be very concerned about Tang Nuan's paintings, and said warmly, "Jing Yi, please don't doubt my intentions? Although I and Nuanhua used to have a lot of holidays, But time has passed for so long, I am no longer who I used to be. Now, I just want to be a good person, make good friends, just want to restore the original friendship with Nuanhua, so, can you change my mind? What?"

Restore the original friendship? Change?

When Li Jingyi heard this, he just wanted to laugh.

If something is broken, it is broken. It will never be able to go back to the beginning. It's like a perfect goblet. If you break it, can you just say I'm sorry and let it re-bond?

Of course not.

Moreover, Li Jingyi knew Tang Nuan's painting very well. That girl had always been a person with clear grudges and grievances. It would definitely not be so easy. Forgive Song Yijun.

And Li Jingyi is naturally on the same front with Tang Nuan's painting.

So no matter what Song Yijun says next to her, Li Jingyi's attitude towards her is always cold and indifferent, "Miss Song, don't talk nonsense here, if you are interested, leave here quickly, why waste time."

"Haha, are you?" Song Yijun suddenly sneered.

But he didn't plan to leave. Instead, he stubbornly walked a few steps forward, his high-heeled shoes on the ground, making a crisp sound.

After that, she didn't know what Song Yijun was thinking about. She turned her head and smiled at Li Jingyi, "Jing Yi, in fact, I have something to say to you for a long time."


Li Jingyi raised his eyebrows displeased.

Song Yijun said, "Jing Yi, why do you like warm painting so much? I have been thinking about this question for a long time, but I have never figured out what you like about warm painting.

In the past, I thought you liked the beauty of Nuanhua, but no matter how beautiful a face is, you will get bored one day. So I think one day, when you get tired of Nuanhua, you will no longer like her. .

But now I suddenly discovered that you seem to be sincere in Tang Nuan's paintings, but what do you like her? I really can’t understand. There are so many people in this world who are better than Tang Nuan. Why do you only like to paint a person? "

This question has always been the doubt in Song Yijun's heart.

In any case, she couldn't understand, what point did Li Jingyi fall in love with Tang Nuan's painting?

However, Li Jingyi was not in the mood to answer this question. His calm face had no expression. "You don't need so many reasons to like someone, and you don't need to know so much. My business has nothing to do with you."

"Hahahahahaha! Yeah, it really has nothing to do with me, I am just a little curious."

Song Yijun's hot face was put on Li Jingyi's cold ass, but he didn't feel embarrassed, just laughed.

After smiling, he asked, "By the way, I heard that Nuanhua seems to be pregnant, right? Well, you said that you young couple, you finally came to travel, and you can encounter such a bad thing. Tsk tsk, me Suddenly remembered when we were in college, some people always said that Tang Nuan painting was a broom star. It seems that she was right, she..."

"what do you want to say in the end!"

Before Song Yijun finished speaking, Li Jingyi interrupted him coldly. He didn't allow anyone to insult his woman in this way.

"Ah, sorry Jing Yi, I, I, I, I didn't mean that. I just accidentally said something wrong. In fact, what I want to express is that Nuan Painting will always encounter these flying disasters. It is really a bit unlucky. "Song Yijun quickly changed his mouth pretending to be ashamed.

Li Jingyi didn't have the patience to talk to her anymore, and left a sentence directly, "Miss Song, if you are bored, stay wherever you go, don't come here to get in the way!"

Although Song Yijun appeared in front of Tang Nuan's paintings, and she said she was relieved of the past, but her words were clearly mixed with some thick irony.

Such a person, how could Li Jingyi agree to let her approach Tang Nuan's painting?

Suddenly, Li Jingyi didn't know where the anger was coming from, so he just rubbed his seat and stood up!

The tall figure carried a kind of energy, and the whole person's momentum was even stronger, and Song Yijun's heart was shocked at once.

Song Yijun looked at Li Jingyi with some trepidation, her heart became tense, and her tone was even more nervous, "Jing Yi, I really just accidentally said something wrong, I didn't mean to scold Nuan Hua Bau Ba Xing. "

After a few steps back tensely, Song Yijun really felt a burst of pressure, and Li Jingyi's powerful aura made people breathless.

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