Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1470: Very difficult to deal with

Song Yijun's current identity is An Ruohan, twenty-three this year.

He studied at a high school in the United States since he was a child, and his IQ test was as high as 140. Before graduating from high school, he was admitted to Halston's top business school in advance. Upon graduation, he won several master degrees that ordinary people couldn't get. He was invited by the school to stay as a professor, but was declined.

As for the countless other awards, there is nothing left to say.

According to the archives, this An Ruohan is still a genius in all aspects, no matter in any professional field, she seems to have a certain talent, no matter what she does, she can achieve good results.

Now, this all-round genius has returned from overseas, and it can be said to have a very high gold content!

Because of this, she was incorporated into the company by her adoptive father as soon as she came back, as the vice president.

I heard that her adoptive father also opened a subsidiary for her and asked her to take up the post of general manager directly, which can be said to be very reusable.

"Tsk tusk tusk, even if it is a novel or TV series, I dare not write it like that."

After talking about Song Yijun's current situation roughly, Xia Ge couldn't help but slapped his lips and asked, "Boss, what is the origin of this woman? What are you doing with her? What is her grudge against you? Or, this Are women your rivals in love?!"


Tang Nuan painted speechlessly and said coldly, "She is my former enemy."

"It turned out to be so." Xia Ge had an epiphany.

After that, Xia Ge's tone changed, and he lowered his voice, seeming to be a little worried, "Boss, if this woman is your enemy, then you should be more careful in the future."

"Since this woman can forge such a file, it means that her ability is certainly not small. Her current patron, Luoshi Group, is also quite powerful. Boss, you must not take it lightly!"

"Ok, I know."

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he nodded calmly and comforted Xia Ge in turn, "You don't have to worry about me. If I were so easily calculated by others, I would not live peacefully to this day.

On your side, I haven't returned to the organization for a long time, and I still have to rely on you to take care of things over there. Remember to be more careful. "

"Okay boss, I know! You can leave it to me with confidence." Xia Ge nodded seriously.

Tang Nuan painted a hum, and then he didn't talk to Xia Ge any more.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Nuanhua first told Lin Nanxiang about Song Yijun's change of identity.

"Oh my god! Then, according to that, Song Yijun's current identity is pretty impressive?"

Lin Nanxiang was shocked after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, one year later, after Song Yijun came back, he changed himself to such a remarkable identity, and he also joined a large technology company like the Rock Group.

Wouldn't it be difficult to deal with?

"Nuanhua, what should we do? Ms. Song asked you to help her just now. You might not be able to help her with this favor." Lin Nanxiang asked with some worry.

"Yeah, this favor is really not helpful, I can't do anything at all." Tang Nuanhua nodded, undeniing this.

If Song Yijun moved such big hands and feet in the past, Tang Nuan's painting can easily disrupt all of Song Yijun's plans if he finds some loopholes in Song Yijun's behavior.

But now, Song Yijun has completely changed a new identity.

This brand-new identity has no taint and no black material.

Moreover, Song Yijun's behavior towards the Song Group is also a normal acquisition in the enterprise, and there is no illegal action, so naturally it will not be restricted by the law.

The Rock Group is such a big company, and the partners are also some big official institutions...

It seemed that this time, it would be even more difficult to shake Song Yijun's position.

"Forget it, let's work first, anyway, it's useless to be in a hurry anyway, it's better to wait until I go back tonight, tell Jing Yi about this, and then see if there is any way." At the end, Tang Nuan painted calmly.

"Yeah, that can only be done." Lin Nanxiang nodded.

After that, the two of them didn't think much, and refocused all their attention on their work.

Time flies quickly, unconsciously, it's evening.

Tang Nuan painted in a very happy mood, because this afternoon, she discussed a project.

Tang Nuanhua has been preparing for this project for a long time-she plans to reach a strategic partnership with another relatively tall group to establish an official charity.

If this charity is formally established, it can complement the pharmaceutical mall launched by the previous company.

In fact, the company's previous public welfare activities on the drug mall promised to donate two yuan for every customer who spent 100 yuan.

But when it comes to donation, the money must go through other charities before it can be donated, and the charities will draw a lot of money in the middle.

This also led to the fact that the money Tang Nuan painted in the end to the impoverished mountainous area was greatly discounted.

Over time, Tang Nuanhua felt that the charity project he launched was solely to make charities make money, and it did not play a real charity role at all, and it also caused certain consumer dissatisfaction.

That’s why Tang Nuanhua decided to personally establish such a charity organization. She wants to use all the money used for public welfare, and all the money used for public welfare, is used for public welfare. Only in this way can she help more and more poor people. Only people can gain more popular support, and the company's reputation and sales will naturally get better and better.

Later, when it is not early, Tang Nuan painting should also get off work.

After finishing the desktop, Tang Nuan painting and Song Yijun left the company together.

When I walked downstairs, I saw Xu Mo by accident.

"Hello Madam, you are off work."

Xu Mo seemed to have been waiting at the door for a long time. He nodded slightly at Tang Nuan's painting after seeing Tang Nuan's painting.

"Xu Mo, why are you here?"

Tang Nuanhua felt a little strange when he saw Xu Mo, thinking that he shouldn't be in the Li group.

"Oh, the president asked me to pick you up."

Xu Mo said quietly, "The last time you went abroad, there were some minor accidents. The president attaches great importance to this, so he decided to let me pick you up in person every evening after you get off work to ensure your safety. "

"oh, I see."

Tang Nuanhua understood it and asked, "If you are worried about my safety, you can arrange a bodyguard for me. Why do you come here in person?"

Xu Mo smiled faintly and explained, "Madam, you forgot, didn't the president arrange a bodyguard for you before?"

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