Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1479: Don't let it go

After returning, the chairman of the Rock Group did not say anything, and fully supported his adopted daughter to open a subsidiary and let her directly take the post of general manager.

The acquisition of the Song Group was the first relatively sensational thing An Ruohan did after taking office.

After the news was scrapped, there was another uproar on the Internet.

In addition to being shocked, everyone also started talking about An Ruohan.

"My God, the adopted daughter of the Luoshi Group is only 23 years old! It's so unusual to have such a great ability at such a young age!"

"Isn't it? I feel like a very ambitious strong woman."

"Education is really admirable. She has won so many awards since she was a child, wouldn't she be tired?"

"I heard that it seems to be a genius? How can a genius be tired, anyway, we are only envious."

"I'm so curious. I don't know what such a strong girl looks like. If she is very beautiful, then God would be too unfair. Why give her all the good things."

"That's it."

Of course, the media is also terribly gossip.

After seeing netizens, they were very curious about An Ruohan’s appearance. The media didn’t know what method was adopted. They found a variety of ways to find a photo of Song Yijun cutting the ribbon at the event on the day of the establishment of the new company, and then put a few high-definition pictures. Go online.

This move once again caused quite a stir.

After seeing the photos of An Ruohan, the netizens were all stunned. They praised them all under the comments, "Oh my God, what a beautiful girl, God is really unfair!"

"This woman is too beautiful, too? And she looks so gentle."

"Forget it if you are talented, people are still so beautiful. In contrast, God closed a door for me and welded the windows to me, okay?"

"It's really enviable. I feel that if I don't have plastic surgery, I'm sorry for this world."

"I also lowered the average level of everyone's appearance..."


At the same time, Song Yijun was sitting on the sofa in the living room of her new villa. He laughed from ear to ear when he saw these comments.

Seeing so many people boasting that she is beautiful, God knows how happy Song Yijun is, and she thinks that her looks are still recognized by everyone.

"Gu Jun, do you think I am really beautiful?"

As if to confirm again, Song Yijun turned his head slightly at this moment and asked his subordinates.

Gu Jun nodded immediately, a smile appeared on his face, and praised, "Of course, Miss is the most beautiful woman in this world."

"Cut! Glossy tongue."

Song Yijun snorted, but there was still a satisfied smile on her face.

Not thinking about the next second, she suddenly saw a line of dazzling words in the comments!

Compared with other comments, that comment is simply too dissonant.

Someone asked strangely, "Hey, this woman is beautiful, but don't you think she is a bit like a person? It seems to be the illegitimate daughter of the Song family, Song Yijun!"

As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately followed him.

"Oh my God, it really seems like that!"

"Whether it's the facial features or the look, they are exactly the same!"

Someone even directly released the comparison chart of Song Yijun and An Ruohan, and was shocked, "My mother, how is this like? Is this exactly the same?"

"You said, Song Yijun and An Ruohan, aren't they the same person? How else can they look exactly the same?"

"You can eat rice indiscriminately. Don't talk nonsense. Didn't you say that Song Yijun is dead? After being imprisoned, he suddenly died?"

"It seems to be, so it should just look alike."

Of course, some sharp-eyed people replied, "But didn't the police say that Miss Song's family was a fake death? Later, Miss Song's face seemed to have a different appearance..."

"Wow, how do you feel that this thing is getting weird? It seems very complicated."

"Wait, don’t you think this matter is a bit weird? This An Ruohan looks like the previous Miss Song family, and after she took office, the first thing she did was to acquire the Song family group. Is there a big weirdness?!"

"The Rock Group and the Song Group were originally companies that developed into different companies. The Rock Group focuses on technology, and the Song Group mainly deals in health care products. Why does An Ruohan have to buy the Song Group when he comes back? Is there any grudge between the two families?"

"I have a bold conjecture. You said, is it possible that Miss Song's changed body and went to the Luo Family to become an adopted daughter? She changed her face and changed her status, and then came back to **** the company. Wouldn't it be possible?"


Suddenly, the phone was slammed heavily on the glass coffee table, making a loud noise.

Song Yijun still had a smile on her face, but when she saw these comments, her smile stopped abruptly!

An anger blazed from her eyes, "It's just unreasonable!"

"These netizens are really all sorts of grass on the wall. Pour it wherever the wind blows! It's disgusting!"

Obviously, I was still complimenting her for the first second, and the next second I began to doubt her identity, said that her intentions were impure, and that she was scheming, all kinds of suspicion and slander followed.

If possible, Song Yijun really wished he could touch the network cable and tear all these people's mouths away!

But at the same time of anger, Song Yijun still had deep concerns in her heart. She thought to herself that what she was most worried about had happened.

After all, Song Yijun is only changing her identity now, not her face. If everyone really links her with Song Yijun in the past, it would be a big deal.

Thinking of this, Song Yijun's expression suddenly became tense, "Gu Jun! Go and do something for me."

"Yes, you can just order directly, Miss." The subordinate quickly responded.

Song Yijun then ordered, "There are many rumors on the Internet that are bad for me, which makes me very angry. You can send me a clarification draft to explain my current identity."


"Also! Give me a good warning to the news and newspapers. When asking them to send me press releases, it is best to relax and not put all the news on it. If any news dared to tie me and the Song family together , They just wait for the bankruptcy!"

"As for the comments of those unhealthy netizens, all the ones that deserve the title will be given to me, don't let go of any of them, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Gu Jun nodded vigorously.

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