Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1499: It's my misfortune

Once the two parties met, he might be scolded by the Tang group, so he thought that if he could avoid it, he would try to avoid it.

However, Mr. Liao never expected that Tang Nuanhua would bring someone to the door and threaten himself with the media.

This resolute style of doing things is simply staggering!

Reluctantly, after thinking twice, Mr. Liao had to consider the consequences and said, "Forget it, let them come up. It's better than going to the media and making it impossible."


The secretary nodded, also relieved.

Then he made a call downstairs again, saying, "Let them come up."


The lady at the front desk nodded, hung up, and then greeted Tang Nuan's painting Lin Nanxiang and Chu Chen and others in, "A few please here."

One minute later, the elevator rose to the 20th floor and the elevator door opened.

Tang Nuanhua took Lin Nanxiang and Chu Chen down the elevator, and rushed into the Liao Group.

When they walked into the office area, the employees of the Liao Group were shocked. They only felt a violent wind coming, and when they looked up, they saw Tang Nuan's paintings with an angry face.

At this time, the secretary of the general manager greeted him from inside.

As soon as he saw Tang Nuan painting, he smiled flatteringly, "Oh, isn't this Mr. Tang of our Tang group? I have long heard that our Tang is always a top beauty. When I saw it today, it really deserves a reputation!"

Tang Nuan painting rolled his eyes directly.

Is this person acting too fake? I'm afraid everyone will say so, right?

So Tang Nuanhua didn't pay attention to him at all, and just asked indifferently, "What about you Manager Liao? I have something to talk to him!"

The little secretary continued to laugh, "Yes, of course I know that you have something to talk about. Mr. Liao is already in the reception room ready to receive you, so please come over here."

After speaking, the little secretary turned and led the way, and the three of Tang Nuanhua looked at each other and strode to follow.

meeting room.

With a bang, the door was opened, and the little secretary walked in with Tang Nuan painting and others.

At this time, the middle-aged man was sitting inside, and when he saw Tang Nuan's painting, he stood up and smiled kindly, trying to shake hands with Tang Nuan's painting. what!"

Tang Nuan painting ignored it.

She looked at the man in front of her coldly, and suddenly sneered sarcastically, "How do I feel that it is my misfortune to meet you?"

"Uh..." Mr. Liao was instantly dumb.

An apologetic smile appeared on the slightly rough oily skin, and Mr. Liao hurriedly eased the atmosphere, "Miss Ehahatang, you can’t say that. Anyway, let’s meet each other. Come on, sit down, what can we do? Sit down and say."

Tang Nuan snorted coldly, and he was not polite.

Directly led Lin Nanxiang and Chu Chen to sit opposite Mr. Liao, and then Tang Nuan did not talk nonsense, and said in a simple and horrible way, "Mr. Liao, why did I come to you? You should know it in your heart? Why, You suddenly attacked me, don't you intend to give me a reasonable explanation?"


Mr. Liao was speechless again.

Tang Nuanhua raised his eyebrows slightly, and put his wrists on the desk casually, tapping the desk lightly with his fingertips, "Let’s say, what do you mean, why do you want to cancel the cooperation if it is good? What do you want to do? Say, are you fun to be our Tang group?"

"Oh, how come Miss Tang!"

When Tang Nuan painted that, Mr. Liao was also anxious.

Although the cooperation has been cancelled, he still needs to do this good guy.

No, Mr. Liao looked helpless and explained desperately, "Miss Tang, you probably don't know, I also have difficulties!"

"Don’t look at our Liao Group. It’s one of the top companies in the pharmaceutical industry. However, our group’s business has not been very prosperous in the past two years. This time you suddenly said that you want to join me in some kind of public welfare organization. This is a non-profitable project. Even if I do this project, it is just for nothing.

Miss Tang, I am a businessman at any rate and cannot do this kind of loss-making business. I hope you can understand me, Haihan Haihan. "

Tang Nuanhua couldn't help but sneer when he saw him like this, "According to you, your company is worried about not being able to bear the loss, so it will not keep the contract, right?"


Mr. Liao nodded, and finally found himself a step down.

He also pretended to look ashamed, "Miss Tang, of course I also know that this matter has caused you a lot of trouble, otherwise you will not come to me personally, so here, I will express to you. Sincere apologies, okay?"

After speaking, he bowed slightly.

Don't want to see this scene, Tang Nuan painted the expressionless face, and sneered even more.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of her with cold eyes, a ruthless smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "So, is this your explanation for me?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback.

Tang Nuan's tone became completely rude, "Actually, I am not incapable of understanding the difficulties you mentioned. After all, they are all in business and it is not easy to make a few money."

"But, since you want to cancel the cooperation, why don't you cancel the cooperation earlier? Now that we have all negotiated, you suddenly let go of this irresponsible aftermath? Then who will be responsible for the loss of my Tang Group!"

"Also, if you thought that this cooperation was not cost-effective at the beginning, why didn't you think about the consequences early and have to go wrong at this critical time? Anyway, it is a well-known large company. I believe you can't even have this foresight?"

"Now, in our company's factory, because of this matter, many departments have stopped production and operation. Do you know how much this will affect our company? Who can be responsible for all the negative effects?"

After asking so many questions in one breath, Tang Nuan's attitude in painting is to do his part.

And to be honest, she didn't believe Mr. Liao's shit, but it was just a high-sounding excuse.

When talking about cooperation, the smile on Mr. Liao's face was as bright as it was blooming. After all, his company had never done an online mall operation before.

What about now? Suddenly put on such a face again!

Oh, if there are no twists and turns in this, Tang Nuan painting would not believe it!

"I, didn't I think so much..."

Being so coldly reprimanded by Tang Nuan painting, Mr. Liao was so guilty and his ears were red.

Helplessly, he had to step back ten thousand steps and said, "Ms. Tang, I admit that we, Liao Group, have not considered these issues thoroughly. I am really sorry."

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