Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1529: Did not touch the wrong person

"Are you sure?" Quan Zhichen asked suspiciously.

"Yes, we are sure!" The attitudes of the gangsters were still extremely firm.

Hearing this, Quan Zhichen couldn't help but sneer.

I thought I had given you the steps, but you didn't even step down, but that has nothing to do with me.

In the end, Quan Zhichen came up with a solution that was not a solution.

He first walked to a car that had been abandoned because it hit a mountain wall, opened the door, pulled the car key from the inside, and then locked the door.

Then he turned around, grabbed the collars of the two gangsters directly, and unceremoniously stuffed the people into the car with one hand. Soon, these three people were like cotton, and were killed by Quan Zhichen. All were stuffed into the co-pilot.

At the end, Quan Zhichen was satisfied, closed the car door with a slap, and sneered, "You asked for this, so stay inside!"

After speaking, Quan Zhichen walked directly to the back of the car, opened the trunk of the car, and started preparing to take tools to fetch fuel.

Because it is a racing car, some emergency things are usually prepared on the car, so the tools and everything are still complete.

Then it can be clearly seen that after Quan Zhichen took the tools, he calmly began to take oil.

Lifting the front covers of other cars, he took fuel from the front cover, and smiled at the gnashing gangsters in the car, "Sorry, the car is out of gas. Let me borrow yours."

Then directly poured the removed oil into his own tank.

Although the gangsters gritted their teeth with anger, the car door has been locked and the key has been taken away by Quan Zhichen. They have no ability to resist, so they cursed in the car, scolding, while watching Quan Zhi. Chen took the oil from their car, but did not roll his eyes to the sky.

On the other side of the stadium, the audience saw this scene, all laughed, and the scene was even more enthusiastic.

This is really an unprecedented race in a racing circuit!

Quan Zhichen not only succeeded in dragging these people, he also had a fight with them on the track, and now he is still very calm, taking the gas from their car?

Is it a fairy?

Many women could not help but become idiots when they saw what Quan Zhichen did. "My mother, this man is too cool. Sister, I really like him."

The girl next to her also screamed excitedly, "Me too!!!"

Looking back at Tang Nuan's paintings, seeing this scene, I don't know if it is comforting or funny, and the corners of his mouth are slightly curved.

The middle-aged man was different. He was so angry that he squeezed his fists tightly, and his whole body could not stop shaking! ! !

The men on the side kept calming down, "Boss, calm down, calm down, our brothers have done their best."

He also offered a cup of tea to ease his emotions.

As a result, the cup of tea was steadily knocked over, the middle-aged bastard's face was angry, his neck and ears were red with anger, "I'll do my best! This bunch of waste, waste, waste, all waste!"

Those few rubbish, kept saying that they would teach the man a lesson, but in the end they showed such a big ugly on the court?

It's shameful to throw it into the Pacific Ocean, okay!

Are the brains of such **** people all pig brains? Let him have the face of being the boss!

Helplessly, the men around did not dare to speak any more.

At this time, Quan Zhichen, after taking out the gas, gave them back the keys of those few people indifferently, and then he got in the car again and started the return journey.

The entire track was only a few kilometers away, so it didn't take a few minutes for Tang Nuanhua to see Quan Zhichen coming back from a distance and drove smoothly to the finish line.

There was thunderous applause in the audience in the stadium!

This racing competition can be said to be unprecedentedly intense.

In the end, Quan Zhichen lived up to expectations and won the championship, just like a general who seized the saint in ancient times, full of glory.

Even when Tang Nuanhua saw Quan Zhichen, he couldn't help but feel proud. He thought that God was still on his side, and he didn't touch the wrong person at the critical moment.

Quan Zhichen was the one who didn't care the least. He just returned to the scene indifferently, smiled at everyone, and then returned to Tang Nuan's painting.

Tang Nuanhua said gratefully, "Mr. Quan, thank you so much, thank you for helping me win this game!"

Quan Zhichen just laughed and didn't take it seriously. "Don't worry about thanking me. I didn't say everything just now. I just want to take a gamble. I didn't go to the game to help you."

"Ha, it turned out to be like this..."

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he smiled, did not refute, but still felt very grateful to this man in his heart.

No matter what the reason this man was for, no matter what, he helped her, Tang Nuan still made a clear picture.

"Okay, don't you still want to save your friends? Hurry up and save your friends." Quan Zhichen said urgingly at this time.

"Hmm!" Tang Nuanhua nodded vigorously.

After that, the two of them went back to the middle-aged **** and asked this person to fulfill his promise.

"How about it, are you satisfied with the result of this competition!" Quan Zhichen smiled casually.

The middle-aged man squeezed his fists tightly together, he was about to squeeze white, and his facial features revealed intolerable anger. He wanted to choke the man in front of him.

That's not a small amount, but four hundred million!

Even if you can't earn the 400 million, at least you can earn the 200 million that Tang Nuan painted this woman, and that's not a loss.

As a result, the duck that reached the mouth just flew!

He really wanted to cut the two people in front of him alive.

"Why don't you speak anymore?"

Tang Nuanhua saw the **** who hadn't spoken for a long time, and asked strangely, "Since I have agreed to a gambling game, then I have to accept the bet. My man, can you let it go?"


The middle-aged man suddenly snorted and looked at Tang Nuan's painting coldly, "Who told you that I was going to let go?"


Tang Nuanhua's face changed instantly, "What do you mean!"

The middle-aged gangsters argued for reasons, "Don’t you know what I mean? Didn’t you see the surveillance just now? This man violated the rules of the game! So in this game, I can’t count at all, so why should I? Compliance with commitments!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people present changed.

No one thought that until now, the gangster would have played a rogue and refused to admit it. It was shameless.

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