"At that time, Mrs. Young was forced by those gangsters, and the situation was urgent. Just as Quan Zhichen appeared, he just helped Mrs. Young by the way. As for other problems, please rest assured, the president."

Xu Mo finished speaking seriously, thinking that this time he should have reached the point.

as predicted.

After hearing these words, Li Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief unnoticeably, and finally seemed to feel more at ease.

Then he said calmly, "It's okay, then you go down."

Since there is no problem between Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen, and there will be almost no chance to meet again in the future, Li Jingyi is relieved, naturally there is nothing to say.


At this moment, Xu Mo suddenly showed a look of embarrassment in front of him, as if he wanted to stop talking.

He looked at Li Jingyi hesitantly, and bit his lip with difficulty, as if something was pressing in his heart, he wanted to say but he didn't dare to say it.


Li Jingyi noticed that something was wrong with Xu Mo, raised his eyebrows and glanced at him lightly, then asked him softly.

Xu Mo still bit his lip and hesitated again and again.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Mo still mustered the courage and asked the question in his mind, "President, I want to ask you to do me a favor, okay?"


This was the first time Li Jingyi heard Chu Chen and said that he wanted to ask for his help, and he couldn't help feeling novel.

But he still looked calm, "Have you encountered any difficulties recently?"

"Well, there are some difficult questions, but these difficult questions are not mine, but, they are about Miss Galen..."

When he said this, Xu Mo looked nervous, very cautious, as if worried, because he accidentally said something wrong, which would make Li Jingyi unhappy.

He didn't want Li Jingyi to hear the name Jialian, but he paused slightly.

When Xu Mo came back and said who the person was, he asked blankly, "I haven't heard you mention this person for a long time. Why, hasn't she already gone back to take care of the farm? What happened?"


When Xu Mo said this, he suddenly sighed deeply.

He knew that Li Jingyi didn't like nonsense, so next, Xu Mo didn't bother to say anything, and just said all this.

"President, I really don't want to hide it. In fact, since Ms. Galen returned to China, her life was very bad..."

While talking, Xu Mo began to remember.

In fact, Xu Mo has been in contact with Jialian since this time.

Although Jialian deliberately pretended to be cold and ignored him for several days and ignored the information he sent, Xu Mo was still very urgent and paid attention to the news over there.

Until the last time, Galen finally took the initiative to contact him.

"Xu Mo, long time no see, can I ask you to do me a favor?"

On the other side of the phone, Galen's voice was still so immature, but her tone sounded a lot more calm.

Xu Mo didn't need to see Galen's people. Just by hearing this voice, he could probably guess that Galen had changed a lot.

Because in her voice, there is no longer the youthful feeling like before.

The end of the last word of Galen used to rise, but now it's obviously lowered, becoming a cold girl.

But that doesn't matter, no matter what Galen becomes, Xu Mo's attitude towards her is still very enthusiastic.

No, he asked excitedly, "Ms. Lian'er, you don’t have to be so polite to talk to me, don’t look at it, who is with me? Don’t be so polite, if you can help Just say it!"

"Yeah." Galen nodded on the phone.

Then Jialian talked about his own affairs, which is what Xu Mo said in front of Li Jingyi at this moment.

"President, since Miss Jialian went back, the development of the company has not been very prosperous, let alone she has no experience in managing the company, and recently, an inexplicable illness is erupting abroad, which has already affected A lot of people are gone, and many people have been quarantined. It can be said that the whole foreign country is full of smog and very restless..."

"So, the president, I want to ask you if there is any way to help Galen. If it doesn't work, even if it is to ask Miss Galen to come back to our side to avoid the limelight, what do you think?"

To put it bluntly, Xu Mo was mainly worried about Galen's safety.

He was particularly worried that Galen would not be able to eat enough, sleep warmly, worry about the company's affairs, and pay attention to the reckless illness over there, which would definitely be uncomfortable.

So Xu Mo felt that even if it was just to let Galen come back temporarily, it would be fine to avoid the wind.

"President, what do you think?"

After saying everything, Xu Mo carefully looked at Li Jingyi and followed Li Jingyi's advice.

Li Jingyi finally understood what Xu Mo wanted to express, and couldn't help feeling a little funny.

Laughing is not about laughing at others, but at Xu Mo's motive.

Unexpectedly, he was speaking so carefully for Galen. It seems that this silly boy was really filled with Nagaren in his heart.

Helpless, Li Jingyi had no choice but to respond indifferently, "This is your business, you can decide by yourself. If you want her to come back to avoid the limelight, then you can let her come back. These are just trivial things. You can make your own decision. Up."

"Is it possible? Is it really possible..."

Xu Mo didn't expect Li Jingyi to agree so readily, and suddenly a smile spread across his face, extremely brilliant.

"of course can."

Li Jingyi said without changing his face, "I follow your personal wishes. You can handle this matter by yourself. If Galen needs any help, you can help her more. It's even a return. It's a human affection."

After all, Li Jingyi said before that after Jialian returned to China, if there is any need for help, he can always contact him.

Now that the woman has encountered difficulties, Li Jingyi will naturally keep his promise.

"Hmm! Okay, thank you President!"

After hearing Li Jingyi's reply, Xu Mo suddenly became happy.

The feeling of happiness is no less than that of a poor man winning a multi-million lottery. It can be said to be overjoyed.


Down Group.

After Tang Nuanhua came back to the company, he continued to work non-stop, which can be said to be extra serious.

Lin Nanxiang couldn't bear it, and stepped forward to disturb the concentration of Tang Nuan's painting, so even after washing the fruit, he only dared to put it on the table of Tang Nuan's painting carefully.

When Tang Nuan painting became a little tired, he relaxed and took a little fruit and put it in his mouth.

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