It's so maddening!

However, coach Chen feels more regretful than angry, and can't help but sigh, "It's okay. Now that you have already decided to go, then it's useless to say anything, so I don’t What advise you."

"But brother, we have been working together for so long anyway. It is impossible to say that we have no feelings between us. Otherwise, we will gather together some friends in the evening and have a drink happily. How about chatting? Just take it for you."


As soon as this suggestion was put forward, the little fans next to it nodded and agreed.

Tang Nuanhua and Lin Nanxiang looked at each other, and then smiled, "Okay, let's go out together. After all, if Coach Wen leaves here in the future, we probably won't have many opportunities to meet."

Upon hearing this, Lin Nanxiang and the others nodded.

The group's opinions were reached in this way, and then they didn't say much, and went out to dinner together.

As it is a temporary decision, the place for gathering is not a high-end place.

Coach Chen said that he remembered that there was a food stall on the side of the road, and the lobster and seafood were done well, and a group of people followed him.

The smell of fireworks in food stalls has always been so strong.

After the group arrived at the night market, far away, before they reached the food stall, they smelled a spicy and fragrant smell blowing along the cold wind, making people just smell it and couldn’t help but swallow it. saliva.

When I walked to a seafood store called "Chen Chen Lobster", suddenly, coach Chen seemed to be at his own home, and he was very enthusiastic to entertain him, "Come here, everyone, come sit here, here is where we eat It’s a place! You’re welcome to sit down."

Upon seeing this, Tang Nuan painted a few people and sat down around a table under the reception of Coach Chen.

At this moment, a woman who was neatly dressed and a little charming came out of the store.

After the woman saw Coach Chen, her facial expression that was still very calm suddenly became grinning, and she rushed forward and squeezed his ears tightly, "Okay, you old Chen, You bastard! You know you are back!!!"

"Ouch, oops!"

Coach Chen suddenly yelled with pain, "Wife, wife, wife, be gentle, listen to me!"

"Explanation, what's there to explain? Leave my wife at home, and the coaches in the martial arts gym, and go out to travel in country Y? I think you are itchy!"

With that, the woman took out her palm and hit Coach Chen's body one by one.

While beating, he cursed, "Is it wrong! Did you know it! Did you know it!"

When everyone saw this scene, they all laughed.

No one would have thought that when they came out for a meal, they could see Coach Chen being taught by his wife. Tang Nuan painting and Lin Nanxiang were almost laughing to their ears.

Coach Chen wanted to cry and had no tears, so he had no choice but to confess and shout, "Knowing the wrong, knowing the wrong, knowing the wrong wife, my colleagues are still here, give some face to my wife."

"What? Your colleague?"

Hearing this, the woman stopped almost instantly.

Then his eyes turned, falling on Tang Nuan's painting and Wen Moxuan's group who were aside.

Tang Nuanhua raised his hand in embarrassment, and greeted him while holding back a smile, "Ahem, good Sister Chen, we are a student and colleague of Chen Jiao."

Several other people also greeted with a smile.

"Ah... are you all here?"

The woman was stunned. She was just hitting her husband without noticing that there were so many colleagues nearby.


Then didn't they all see her bitch?

Oh my God!

I saw the woman turned her head, regretful, and when she turned her head back, her attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

First, he changed his pungent face, smiled gently at Coach Chen, and asked very caringly, "My husband, you said you brought a friend over, why didn't you tell me in advance? I just beat you just now. Have fun, sit down, sit down, sit down, you work so hard every day, it’s really hard for you."

As he said, he pushed Coach Chen into the crowd and asked him to sit down with these colleagues.

Then he waved to everyone, "Welcome everyone to our Chen Chen Seafood, since everyone is a colleague, don't be polite! Today everyone eat as much as you want, and you are full!"

When the words fell, the woman turned around and walked into the back kitchen. She was still shouting when she entered, "Hey, don't let the people in there be idle, and quickly bring out our restaurant's signature dishes, hurry!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Nuan painting, Wen Moxuan, Lin Nanxiang, and a few fans were stunned.

You still bring this?

The speed of this face change is almost textbook level, right?

However, Coach Chen had a happy smile on his face and looked at his wife's figure. Although he had just been beaten, his eyes were still full of spoiling.

It seems that the relationship between their husband and wife is still very sweet.

Thinking of this, the people around laughed together.

After that, Tang Nuanhua deliberately joked, "Unexpectedly, Chen Jiao, you kept saying that you would go out to eat together, and the result was that you brought us to do business for you, tusk tusk!"

"Yeah, Chen Jiao, when did you actually have your own food stall?" The girls next to him also asked.

They obviously didn't know anything about Coach Chen's food stall.

Coach Chen was very embarrassed to mention this, so he laughed and said frankly, "Actually, this is my family’s hobby. I told her not to open food stalls. The family situation does not require her to work. Who knows that my family’s I can’t stay free. I have to go out and open a food stall. I can’t help it. Don’t I have to rely on her?”

With that said, Coach Chen has an inexplicable tenderness.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he loves his wife very much. Although his wife is a bit irritable and carefree, he can see that he is completely sincere to Coach Chen.

Oh, that's great!

Tang Nuan felt a little envious of them, and at the same time he thought of Li Jingyi, thinking, if only he and Li Jingyi could keep this sweetness in the future.

Afterwards, several people sat for a while and chatted happily.

Tang Nuan saw that Wen Moxuan was always lukewarm, and couldn't help but joked about Wen Moxuan, "Coach Wen, you said that when you left suddenly, everyone felt very reluctant. Should you give us a toast?"

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