This was the first time Quan Zhichen heard Tang Nuanhua calling him so, he couldn't help feeling a little joy.

Generally speaking, only people close to Quan Zhichen would call him this way. As for other people, they would call him Master Quan the same.

Over the years, no matter where he went, Quan Zhichen could always hear people calling for Master Quan, Master Quan, Master Quan.

With this title, his ears almost heard the cocoon.

Although Tang Nuan's painting was just subconsciously persuasive, Quan Zhichen listened to it.

His smile was so bright on his face, and his voice became excited, "Nuanhua, just call me this at you, even if you let me go today, I won't go!"


Tang Nuan was taken aback.

Quan Zhichen still smiled and said, "Didn't you just say that you are going to deal with things? I'll be with you! Anyway, I'm fine when I'm idle, maybe I can help you."

The tone seemed so relaxed, as easy as digging a cabbage on the mountain.

After listening to the painting, Tang Nuan rolled his eyes severely and almost didn't faint.

She wanted to cry without tears and thought, eldest brother, this is not something that does not help, but this Quan Zhichen, does not know how important what she is going to do now?

She is going to seek revenge on Song Yijun now!


This is not a trifle.

"Quan Zhichen, I'm sorry, I think you may have misunderstood what I mean. I really don't need you to help me, can I? You really don't follow me, what if I drag you down?"

Tang Nuan painting had no choice but to persuade again.

However, to Quan Zhichen, her persuasion has no effect at all. Quan Zhichen happily said, "It's okay, warm painting, are we friends? Doing a little favor with a friend is nothing, and you can drag it down. What about me? Besides, all of this is my voluntary. There is no drag or drag. Anyway, just let me follow you."

In short, Quan Zhichen said nothing would leave.


Tang Nuan painting was completely speechless this time.

Come on, she thought, it seems that Quan Zhichen will not give up anyway.

No matter what you say or say, he is like a dog skin plaster, he has to follow behind him when he says anything, and he can't get rid of it.


Tang Nuanhua finally recognized it helplessly in his heart.

She had to change her mind, thinking that since there was no way to drive this person away, it seemed that she could only give Quan Zhichen a psychological vaccination in advance.

"Quan Zhichen, since you have to follow me so persistently, then I can clarify the shame in advance."

Suddenly, Tang Nuan’s painted voice became calm and rational, “First of all, what I am going to do is not as simple as you think, and it may be dangerous...”

"is it?"

Before the words were finished, Quan Zhichen took it for granted, "Since it is dangerous, then I have to follow you even more. Anyway, I am also a man. If something is going to happen, I can help you. Two women carry it, right?"


Tang Nuan painted speechless.

I had to take a deep breath and continue, "Okay, the second point, what I'm going to do this time is absolutely secret, it can be said that it is my own personal grievances, I want to find someone to avenge!

If you go with me, you might get into enemies from now on, and you will probably bring you countless and countless troubles in the future. Are you sure you want to go with me? "

"The enemy?"

Quan Zhichen frowned tightly this time, as if he didn't expect that Tang Nuan would have any enemies in his paintings.

She is just a woman, how can she behave like someone who has blood and blood...

However, this is not a reason to stop Quan Zhichen.

Quan Zhichen's tone was still very firm, and his eyes gradually fixed, "Nuanhua, these are not problems. Since I have promised to go with you, then I won't regret it!"

"As for the enemies you mentioned, let him come and fight me if you have the ability. I want to see who wins and who loses."

At any rate, their Quan family is not something to provoke, Quan Zhichen wants to see with his own eyes how capable the enemy Tang Nuanhua is.

"Then, what if they want your life!"

Suddenly, Tang Nuan painted anxiously.

"What? Is it so serious?" Quan Zhichen's heart was slightly shaken when he heard this.

"Of course it's serious, don't you always think I'm joking with you? I'm not so bored yet!"

Tang Nuan's painting is very helpless, and his tone is also very low, "Since everything has been said to the point, Quan Zhichen, I will tell you the truth. Today I am going to find my enemy for many years. Revenge."

"My enemy's name is Song Yijun, which is An Ruohan who is now in charge of the Luo Family Group. A while ago, she spread a virus in this city, and inexplicably entrapped my assistant and my father!

This time I chased her to come to this remote place. After a while, I will not only find her, but also find evidence of her spreading the virus. This may be a big trouble, do you understand? "

Tang Nuan had already thought about painting. Today, no matter what means she uses, she must force Song Yijun out.

She wants Song Yijun to pay for the things she did wrong!

However, the killing of a Quan Zhichen halfway made people feel helpless.

Although Quan Zhichen said that she was not worried about danger or being involved, Tang Nuanhua thought to herself that if she really dragged Quan Zhichen, she would not be able to get through it anyway.

After all, it's good, why bother to implicate an innocent person?

So Tang Nuan could not accept Quan Zhichen behind her for a while, fearing that he would get into trouble.

However, what Tang Nuanhua didn't know was that in Quan Zhichen's heart, this was not a trouble at all.

Quan Zhichen finally heard the meaning of Tang Nuan's painting, and in his voice, there was no longer the kind of joking and joking, but a careful calculation in his mind.

Then, his eyes suddenly revealed an unprecedented firmness, "Nuanhua, you can let me go with you, no matter what you want to do, I promise you will not get in the way."


Tang Nuanhua was really taken aback this time.

"I said, you can rest assured that I will follow along to protect and protect you, rest assured, I will never get in the way for you." Quan Zhichen had to repeat it again.


When Tang Nuanhua heard this, suddenly, he didn't know how to respond.

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