In the next few days, Tang Nuan painted a quiet life.

No one came to harass her anymore, and everything at work went smoothly. If you should start a new project, you should start a project, and you should rest when you rest.

Occasionally after work and leisure, Tang Nuanhua went out with Lin Nanxiang, went shopping, bought clothes, drank coffee and chatted, and lived a very comfortable life.

This was also the first time that Tang Nuan painted, feeling that his heart was particularly clean, and there were no more troublesome things, and he was quite comfortable.

Until this day, an unexpected guest suddenly came to the company.

This uninvited guest is Li Jingjia.

"Miss, someone is looking for you outside the door." Chu Chen walked into the office to report.

"Who?" Tang Nuanhua asked disapprovingly.

Chu Chen replied with an innocent look, "I don't know, but this woman said that she is Young Li's cousin far away, and that you know her, so I came to inform you. Look, do you want her to come in? ?"

Far cousin?

Hearing these four words, Tang Nuanhua felt confused, almost unable to remember who this person was.

When Tang Nuanhua suddenly remembered that the cousin in the distant room was Li Jingjia, she couldn't help frowning in a strange way.

I wondered why that little girl came here?

After that, Tang Nuanhua had to relax and nodded to Chu Chen, "Okay, let her come in."


Chu Chen nodded.

Then Chu Chen turned around and put Li Jingjia in.

Then, a tall and pretty figure walked into the office like this.

"Tsk tut, cousin, I didn't expect your place to be pretty good!"

When he walked in, Li Jingjia was still so familiar.

As soon as she walked in, she almost regarded this place as her home, and she slapped her lips in admiration, "It was beyond my expectation. I had always thought that the Tang Group was just a small business. It looks pretty impressive now, not bad."

As he said, Li Jingjia appeared in front of Tang Nuanhua, and then said hello to Tang Nuanhua, and said with a smile, "Cousin, I've met again, don't come here unharmed."

"Heh." Tang Nuan painted inexplicably wanted to laugh now.

However, before Tang Nuanhua could speak, Lin Nanxiang on the side saw Li Jingjia at a glance, and his expression instantly fell on his face!

She knows this woman! on television!

"You, you, you, you are! You are!"

Lin Nanxiang was so excited for a while, his voice was directly stuck, and he almost couldn't speak.

There seemed to be a few words in her throat, but she couldn't say it.

At this moment, Li Jingjia was taken aback for a moment, and then guessed that he was recognized, so he smiled and reminded, "Jojo."

"Oh, yes, you are that international supermodel, jojo!"

Finally, Lin Nanxiang thought of this person.

She just said why this woman is so familiar, isn't she the hottest model in the fashion industry in the past two years?

God, Lin Nanxiang is really going to be stunned.

I didn't expect to see such a big star in the company, God, what kind of luck is this!

"I didn't expect that someone could recognize me."

At this moment, Li Jingjia chuckled, as if he didn't expect that he would be recognized by others, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

You must know that Li Jingjia's appearance on stage is usually exaggerated, so when he is bare-faced, not many people can recognize it.

Of course, except for her fans.

"So this lady, are you my fan? If you are my fan, I can sign for you." Li Jingjia suddenly smiled proudly.


Lin Nanxiang was a little embarrassed instantly.

She thought to herself that although she could recognize Jojo, she didn't chase stars, okay?

What's more, the reason why Lin Nanxiang knew Li Jingjia was only because when he was studying fashion before, he just noticed the popular supermodel Li Jingjia, so he left an impression.

As for fans, it's not really counted.

Thinking of this, Lin Nanxiang smiled and shook his head honestly, "Sorry, jojo, although you are really popular, but I am not a fan of you, I just happened to know you, sorry."


Hearing this, Tang Nuanhua couldn't help but laugh.

And Li Jingjia's face suddenly became a little uncontrollable.

She wanted to rely on it! Since you are not my fan, why do you see me so excited? are you crazy!

Fortunately, she thought that this woman was a fan of her, but now it seems that she is simply being passionate about herself.


Thinking of this, Li Jingjia was so angry that he didn't even bother to look at Lin Nanxiang.

She looked back at Tang Nuan's painting and said with some dissatisfaction, "Cousin, you said you are true, why I have been in for so long, so you won't let me sit down, and you won't even pour me a cup of tea. Is this how you treat guests?"

"Aha, I'm sorry, I forgot about it, sister, sit down!"

Tang Nuan hurriedly smiled when he heard the words, and really forgot to entertain Li Jingjia.

Then he quickly told Lin Nanxiang on the side, "Nanxiang, go out and bring two cups of tea in, don't make our international supermodel thirsty."

"Well, good." Lin Nanxiang nodded.

After that, Lin Nanxiang went out to pick up two cups of tea and put them on the coffee table.

At this moment, Li Jingjia had sat on the sofa with the flow, and saw the tea that was brought up.

Then she slowly began to drink tea.

At this moment, Tang Nuan painted almost put down his work, simply stood up, walked over and sat opposite Li Jingjia.

As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Palace, this sentence, Tang Nuan painting is still very clear.

So now, the two of them were sitting face to face. Tang Nuan's painting simply didn't talk nonsense, went directly to the subject, and smiled, "Sister, what's the matter if you came to me today?"

"Who said that if I came to you, there must be something wrong. I'll come to see you, no?" Li Jingjia snorted.

Tang Nuanhua felt amused when he heard this tone.

But Li Jingjia's words, Tang Nuan's painting is not even a single strand of hair.

Still the same sentence, everything goes to the Palace of Three Treasures.

Tang Nuanhua didn't believe it, this girl would come to see her in a good manner.

So Tang Nuanhua just smiled and continued, "Don't make fun of me, sister, just speak up if you have anything to do. I don't like to be circumspect."

"You... alright."

Li Jingjia still wanted to be sloppy.

As a result, Tang Nuan's straightforward attitude clearly just didn't want to talk nonsense, and Li Jingjia had no choice but to stop being vague.

Simply straight to the point, "Cousin, I am here to ask you for a chance."

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