Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1679: What's wrong with you

Later, I don’t know how long I ate this meal.

Time was talking, laughing, and laughing, and it passed quickly.

In the end, Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi were full and had enough talk, so they should leave.

The two walked outside the restaurant and waved goodbye to Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang.

"Yunzheng, no frost, it's not early, let's go first." Tang Nuan painted with a smile.

"And me, I have to go back first." Li Jingjia also said.

"Okay, you all pay attention to safety and have a smooth journey." Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang waved enthusiastically.

After that, Li Jingjia walked directly to the side of the road, took a taxi, and went one step first.

Li Jingyi also took Tang Nuanhua's hand and took a taxi to the side of the road.

As a result, Tang Nuan painting suddenly grabbed Li Jingyi's hand and whispered softly, "Jing Yi, I ate a lot. I don't want to take a taxi today. Would you like to walk around with me? Just let me digest it."

"it is good."

Li Jingyi naturally would not refuse.

Then Li Jingyi stretched out his hand for granted, grabbed Tang Nuan's small hand, and the temperature of his palm was suddenly passed.

Tang Nuan painting instantly felt warm in his heart, and couldn't help feeling relieved.

After that, the two of them walked along the side of the road.

Perhaps it was because they had just eaten a meal, and both of them still had some calories, so at this moment, even if they were walking in the cold winter wind, they did not feel cold.

On the way, the two chatted from time to time.

"Jing Yi, in the future, what name shall we give the baby?"

Suddenly, Tang Nuan said expectantly and ignorantly.

When Li Jingyi heard this, he thought about it for a while, then looked at Tang Nuan's painting and asked, "What do you think?"


Tang Nuanhua thought for a while, "Actually, I didn't think about the baby's name, but if it's a boy, I want to call him Jianle, what do you think?"

"Jianle? Why is it called this."

"Because I want my baby to grow up healthy and happy. Besides, health and happiness are not the most important elements of a person's life." Tang Nuan painted with a smile.

She has no other wishes, just hope that her baby can grow up healthy and happy, that's enough.

"What if you gave birth to a daughter?" Li Jingyi asked curiously.

"Daughter? I haven't thought about it yet."

Tang Nuanhua said and thought about it, and suddenly looked at Li Jingyi happily, "Why don't it be as good as this one, Jing Yi, if you have a daughter, you still have the right to choose a name. If it's a boy, the name I take it, how about?"

"Well, that's okay."

Upon hearing this, Li Jingyi nodded slightly without comment.

After that, Li Jingyi thought for a while. After half a minute, Li Jingyi was suddenly amused by his own thoughts, "If you are a girl, why not call her Merlot. Beautiful and happy, what do you think?"

"Hahahaha! Your name is really uncreative." Tang Nuan laughed after drawing it.

The name she just took is Jianle, which means health and happiness.

As a result, Li Jingyi had another Merlot, beautiful and happy.

Hahahaha, is it really not new?

Li Jingyi was also amused by Tang Nuan's painting at this time, but he was still verbally arguing, "There is no creativity, beautiful and happy, like you, what's wrong."

Tang Nuanhua shook his head and said solemnly, "No, can I refuse? Don't be like me."

"Why?" Li Jingyi didn't understand, "What's wrong with you."

"I didn't say it's not good like me."

Tang Nuanhua smiled and said proudly, "I just feel that if you love me, you can only love me. If your daughter is like me, wouldn't I have one more rival in love?"

"Hmph, with a little girl like me, maybe I will share the love you gave me, so I don't want it." Tang Nuan hummed.

To put it bluntly, Tang Nuan painting just didn't want a girl to share Li Jingyi's love with her.

Even if that person is his own daughter, it won't work!

No, Li Jingyi smiled more spoiled after hearing this.

Tenderly embraced Tang Nuan’s shoulders, he smiled and squeezed Tang Nuan’s small face, “How come you haven’t noticed before, you are so jealous? Before your daughter was born, you started to be jealous. You really are. A small jar of vinegar."

"I... where do I find it."

Tang Nuanhua's face turned red when she heard this.

Li Jingyi still laughed, and then ridiculed, "If you are worried about giving birth to a daughter, I will share my feelings for you, so don't worry. After giving birth to a son, he will share your love for me?"

"Cut, what's to worry about." Tang Nuan still painted arrogantly.


Li Jingyi raised his eyebrows.

Tang Nuan painted at this time, suddenly taking Li Jingyi's hand away from his shoulder.

Then she looked at Li Jingyi in front of her with a sincere face, and said word by word, "Anyway, if I give birth to a son, he will definitely split my love for you so there is nothing to worry about hahahaha."

After finishing the last sentence quickly, Tang Nuan ran forward without waiting for Li Jingyi to react.

She laughed mischievously and smugly as she ran, she almost broke.

Li Jingyi reacted later, only to realize that he had been tricked by this girl, and suddenly a little bit dumbfounded.

He looked at Tang Nuan's figure and said quietly, "Tang Nuan, you'd better run far away, don't let me catch you."

"Hey, what if you caught me? Slightly, you came to catch me."

Tang Nuanhua smiled mischievously, and when he smiled, he was a little too smug. He also deliberately ran up to Li Jingyi mischievously, swaying left and right, with a little sullen look.

At this moment, Li Jingyi suddenly stretched out his hand!

Tang Nuan painting was caught off guard, and was immediately caught in his arms by Li Jingyi.

Before he could react, Li Jingyi directly stretched out his hand and slapped Tang Nuan's pretty small butt.

He also warned, "How is it, do you know that you are wrong?"


Tang Nuan painted the whole person stupid.

She instantly buried her head in Li Jingyi's arms, feeling that she was about to lose her life.

Mom, this is a big road!

Li Jingyi just spanked her ass. Wouldn't he be ashamed if someone saw her?

Fortunately, Tang Nuanhua raised his eyes timidly and found that there were no other people on this road, so he was relieved.

Then Tang Nuan painted and pushed Li Jingyi away, with an aggrieved expression of dissatisfaction, "Huh, Jing Yi, you, why are you doing this."

Without a word, tears were streaming down her eyes, shaking in her eyes.

? ? ?

Li Jingyi was crying when he saw Tang Nuan's painting, and was stunned on the spot.

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