"When Young Master Song came back that day, he first found a driver on the Internet, but later I didn't know why. The driver didn't seem to get on Young Master Song's car..."

"According to the evidence collected by the police at the scene, it is very likely that it was the murderer who got in the car of Young Master Song! And Young Master Song was also drunk at that time, so he didn't think much about it. Let him get in the car as expected."

After that, the tragedy happened.

"So, Song Qianran was really killed by someone designing..."


Hearing this, Tang Nuanhua frowned, feeling her heart sinking slightly.

She couldn't figure it out, who did Song Qianran offend?

Why would someone hate him so much and want to put him to death?

No one can answer this question.

"Hey, after a while, the murderer was probably not found. The police found very little evidence at the scene, and there is no way to find the murderer through those clues..."

"Also, the camera at the scene of the crime was destroyed in advance. The police had no choice but to interrupt the investigation if they could not find any evidence. This matter seems to have to be put aside for now."

Lin Nanxiang said, sighing regretfully.

"Well, this can only be done first."

Tang Nuan painting was also very helpless, and said, "However, finding the murderer is not the most critical thing. After all, people cannot come back to life after death, and those who left have already left. Even if the murderer is found, the dead cannot be resurrected. Now, what I’m most worried about is the two elderly people, Master Song and Mrs. Song. I just hope that nothing happens to them."

Compared with the real murderer who killed Young Master Song, Tang Nuanhua is more worried at the moment, but it is actually the safety of Master Song and Mrs. Song.

After all, the old couple has lost their children, and the family is already very pitiful.

If anything happened to them, it would really be a huge tragedy.

"Well, don't worry about Nuanhua, I went to take a look at Master Song and Mrs. Song today. Although their mental state is very poor, they are slowly recovering."

"Moreover, they are equipped with several bodyguards, and the police have sent people to protect them. There should be no problem." Lin Nanxiang said comfortingly.

"Okay, that's good." Tang Nuan painting felt relieved when he heard this.

She sighed softly, "I hope that Master Song and Mrs. Song can think about it a little bit. Although this is difficult, after all, everyone who left has already left, and the two elderly people still have to live a good life."

"Yes, I have to live well." Lin Nanxiang nodded afterwards.

In this way, this matter ends here, and it ends here temporarily.


In the afternoon, the largest TV station in the city.

The interview with the show that Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan had mentioned two days ago also began this afternoon.

The program team did what they said. For today's program, they only invited Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan painting, which can be said to be an exclusive interview for Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan painting.

In order to be able to appear in front of the media with a better image, Tang Nuan painted meticulously this afternoon and painted himself a very light but delicate makeup.

After that, Tang Nuanhua was interviewed with Li Jingyi.

After all, it is the first time to accept such a serious interview, Tang Nuan painting is still a little nervous.

During the interview, she held Li Jingyi's palm and sweated constantly, as if she was afraid that she would say something wrong.

Of course, Li Jingyi could also feel the tension in Tang Nuan's paintings. He couldn't help turning his head to look at her, softly soothing, "Don't be afraid."

"Well, I'm fine." Tang Nuanhua nodded slightly, and then felt more comfortable.

The reporter who interviewed took a look at Tang Nuan's painting at this time, smiled knowingly, and comforted, "Don't worry, Miss Tang, we will edit this show later, and we will definitely show you and Li Xiao, the most perfect side. "

"Hmm, that's good."

Hearing these words, Tang Nuanhua exhaled heavily, and felt relieved.

After that, Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi were interviewed very seriously.

It is worth praising that the host’s chat style is also very comfortable.

Unknowingly, it eased the atmosphere a lot, and occasionally made the two of them smile and relax.

And in a moment of relaxation, the host successfully drew out the story of her and Li Jingyi from Tang Nuan's painting.

For example, how did the two meet, met, fell in love, etc...

Tang Nuan didn’t think so much about painting, so she simply talked about how she and Li Jingyi met each other. She also said that she was repellent towards Li Jingyi at first, and then she gradually fell in love with each other... etc. wait wait wait.

This is also the first time that Tang Nuan painted the past in front of the media.

When he said that he had hurt Li Jingyi with words, Tang Nuan painted a very embarrassed smile, turned his head and confessed to Li Jingyi, "Jing Yi, I was wrong, I promise, I will never do that to you again. "


Li Jingyi chuckles when he hears this, "It's okay, if you want to bully me, bully, as long as you be yourself."


Hearing this, the host on the side was stunned.

Can't help but give a thumbs up to Li Jingyi, "Mr. Li, you really are a well-deserved reputation!"

"Do not."

Li Jingyi suddenly interrupted coldly.

"Um..." The host was a little embarrassed.

Li Jingyi looked at Tang Nuan's painting again and said warmly, "I only do this to her."

In an instant, the entire show scene seemed to be popping pink bubbles.

The host was next to him and was fed a handful of dog food, and tears were almost coming out.

Of course, the host still sincerely blessed them.

Looking at Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan painting in front of them, just from their eyes, the host could tell that Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan painting truly love each other.

There is a kind of magic power between people who love each other, like a kind of magnetic field, with light in their eyes.

So in the end, when the interview was about to end, the host couldn't help but said a few words of blessing to the two of them.

"Mr. Li, Miss Tang, you are really the most talented woman I have ever seen, the most beautiful and loving couple."

"Actually, we interviewed many couples before the show, but we have never met before. You know each other and cherish each other like you two. The feeling you give me is really sweet and happy. My sincere wishes You, I hope you can grow old together in the future and be of one mind forever."

Upon hearing this, Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi both laughed.

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