When he was abroad before, Quan Zhichen had been in love for a long time, how could he fail to see the meaning of his eyes?

At this moment, Quan Zhichen's expression suddenly changed.

He looked at Xiao Hong indifferently, and his voice suddenly became extremely cold, "Get out."

"Brother..." Xiao Hong raised her head, her face weak.

"I'll let you out!" Quan Zhichen increased his voice a little bit.

"Brother, don't be angry, I, I didn't mean to say to you that it's sister Nuanhua, I'm also doing it for your own good." Xiaohong was still crying.

Quan Zhichen was not in the mood to listen to her talking nonsense. He asked coldly, "You won't go? Okay, if you don't go, I will go!"

When the words were over, Quan Zhichen directly put the glass in his hand on the table with a thud, then got up and left the bar in strides.

"Brother, brother!"

Xiaohong hurriedly ran after him, but Quan Zhichen obviously didn't want her to follow.

After leaving the bar, Quan Zhichen walked quickly to the side of the road, then took a taxi and drove away.


Xiao Hong stood there, looking helplessly at the figure of the car going away, tears falling straight down one by one.

She missed her brother, I just wanted to help you!

What am I doing wrong, why are you doing this to me?

The person who obviously hurt you should be Tang Nuan painting, but you are so tolerant of her. And I am wholeheartedly for your good, but you are so indifferent to me.

Brother, are you so ruthless?

The more I thought about it, the more turbulent Xiao Hong's tears became.

She slowly squatted down, then shrank into a ball on the ground, and then she cried.

In fact, she had never thought about it a lot. Although she was dependent on Quan Zhichen, Xiaohong knew that she was not worthy of Quan Zhichen, so she never asked for anything.

She just felt sad for Quan Zhichen.

It's not good for him to like someone, so why should he like Tang Nuan's paintings?

Tang Nuan painting is already a woman who has a heart and has a marriage contract with others. How could she violate ethics and be with him?

In fact, even if Quan Zhichen fell in love with other daughters, Xiao Hong wouldn't have any objections.

Because Xiaohong knew clearly that she was just a girl who came out of a ravine, and she was not qualified to compare with those daughters.

But why... Quan Zhichen just liked Tang Nuan's paintings?

Tang Nuanhua will get married soon, and she will soon be a woman with a family. And she is already pregnant, and she will become a real mother soon.

Even if Xiaohong wants to help Quan Zhichen, she can't destroy other people's families...

Thinking of this, Xiaohong felt that she was useless to the extreme.

She thought to her brother, do you know how much hope I have, even if I can help you a little bit.

Even if only a little...

and many more!

Just between the electric light and flint, a thought suddenly slipped through Xiao Hong's mind.

She suddenly remembered that at the door of the Tang Group two afternoons ago, Quan Zhichen and Tang Nuan drew a picture of hugging each other.

At that time, there were a lot of onlookers around, and some even took the scene with their mobile phones.

Xiaohong was too far away, especially inaccurate, so she also zoomed in on the phone and took this scene.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hong took the phone out of her pocket almost immediately, and then checked it.

Sure enough, I saw that the scene of Quan Zhichen and Tang Nuan painting hugging each other was indeed recorded by her on her mobile phone.

And it was at this time that an evil thought came up in her mind.

Xiao Hong's eyes suddenly became obscure.

She looked at the photos in the phone, and then at the road in front of her, one after another with the lights on her face.

I was a little nervous thinking, brother, maybe this is what I can help you, the last thing...

Although doing so, there may be some immorality.

But brother, seeing you so unhappy makes me feel really uncomfortable.

I can only do my best to help you do something.


the next day.

Early in the morning, another blockbuster news made the headlines of the news list.

I don't know who got the black hand behind the scenes, and it exposed the scene of Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen hugging each other tightly at the door of the company that day.

These photos immediately set off a stormy sea on the Internet.

From the photo, it seems that Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen are hugging each other so tightly, as if they are a pair of lovers in love.

And there are some angles that are very strange. Quan Zhichen's head just blocked Tang Nuan's head, as if the two were kissing.

Netizens fry the pot one after another, and they are popular early in the morning, with hundreds of thousands of comments.

"Oh my God, this reversal is too fast!"

"A couple of days ago, didn't this Tang Nuan painting still spread out about having a wedding with President Li of the Li group at the end of next month?"

"Yeah, yeah, how can she hug other men at such a fast speed?"

"Oh my god…"

"I watched that interview video two days ago, and I especially liked the painting of Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan. I think they are so sweet between them, but how could it be like this..."

"I can't accept this blow! No, I have to wait for the official announcement!"

"It feels like falling directly from heaven to hell..."

In short, eight out of ten of these comments are insulting Tang Nuan painting and expressing shock.

Of course, there are some iron fans who believe in Tang Nuan's paintings and insist on speaking for Tang Nuan's paintings.

"The person involved didn't explain it. I really don't understand you keyboard guys. Why do you want to spray brainlessly? Maybe they are just friends?"

"But if it's just a friend, it would be too much to hug such an intimate gesture?" The audience was still dissatisfied.

After all, two days ago, the video of Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi participating in an interview show had just become popular on the Internet.

Now that the heat has not subsided, everyone is still hot, and the couple, Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi, are frantically eating sugar between them.

In a blink of an eye, the image that Tang Nuan painted in their hearts was directly destroyed...

This kind of sudden blow was like falling directly from heaven to hell.

Netizens couldn't accept it one by one, so they fry the pot on the Internet.

They followed one by one. "It seems that this kind of business marriage between Miss Jin Jin and Kuo Shao is indeed fake, and none of them is genuine."

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