"It doesn't matter what you are doing, it has nothing to do with you."

"Okay... But Nuanhua, what the **** is going on? Why are you and Quan Zhichen..."

Lin Nanxiang was halfway through, so she didn't dare to go on.

Because she saw it clearly, Tang Nuan's painted face had become increasingly ugly.

At this time, Tang Nuanhua took a deep breath, and then said softly, "It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? What is the truth of the matter?" Lin Nanxiang asked anxiously, she couldn't wait to know what happened.

When Lin Nanxiang saw this hot search in the morning, he was really scared to death.

She thought to herself, Nuanhua should not be such a confused talent.

Besides, Tang Nuanhua and Young Li's relationship is so good, how could it be as good as what the public opinion said, be like others?

Therefore, Lin Nanxiang is too urgent to know what happened.

Chu Chen was also very anxious. Like Lin Nanxiang, he craned his neck and waited patiently for Tang Nuan's answer.

Tang Nuan painting felt a sense of exhaustion at this time.

She said that she was so tired, that nothing happened, but she had to explain so many for no reason.

If possible, Tang Nuan really wanted to find a place to go alone, and don't care about anything.

But right now, if Tang Nuan doesn't explain clearly, I'm afraid that more and more people will misunderstand her.

So Tang Nuan painting had to take a deep breath, and then summoned his strength, cheered up, and explained the ins and outs of this matter.

She told Lin Nanxiang and Chu Chen all the details of what happened downstairs that day.

In the end, these things were finally explained clearly.

"Huh? That's how it is!"

After listening to Tang Nuan's paintings, Lin Nanxiang opened his eyes wide.

Chu Chen was also surprised, "In other words, the hug of you, Miss Quan Zhichen, doesn't mean anything at all?"

"if not?"

Tang Nuan's painting shrugged helplessly, and said innocently, "Do you think I'm the kind of woman who will go with other men behind Jing Yi? Do I have such troubles?"

"Ugh, of course not."

When Chu Chen heard this, he quickly gave up a smile.

But then he asked again, "But Miss, your picture looks really misunderstood. Why don't you come out and speak up and explain this clearly?"

"Yes, yeah, Nuanhua. Now the Internet is full of bad reviews of you. Netizens are completely biased. Now they are all misunderstanding you."

Lin Nanxiang also nodded eagerly.

No way, since this rumor was exposed, the entire Internet has been completely exploded, and there are countless people criticizing Tang Nuan's painting.

They are worried that if this matter is not explained quickly, they are afraid it will cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

However, Tang Nuan painting only sneered suddenly, "Don’t worry, I don’t care what these netizens think. Most of them just follow Feng Xia. However, I want to find out who is spreading behind the scenes. public opinion."

Tang Nuan, who has gone through many online riots, has long since no longer minded the evaluation of those netizens on the Internet.

They didn't know what it was like, and just based on what they saw on the surface, they began to convict Tang Nuanhua.

Oh, they are happy to buckle up this hat, so buckle it up, Tang Nuan doesn't care.

Compared with these public opinions, Tang Nuan painting cares more about who spread the news.

Although when Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen hugged, there were indeed some people around who picked up their mobile phones, but these netizens alone may not have that great ability to make such a big splash.

Unless someone deliberately followed her to film, and then submitted all this to the media.

Who will this person be?


At the same time, the Li Group.

Li Jingyi came to the company very early today and has been working since he came to the company, so he didn't have time to read today's news.

It wasn't until assistant Xu Mo walked into the office with a hesitant expression to look at Li Jingyi's body, and Li Jingyi vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"Xu Mo, just say anything."

After waiting for a few seconds, seeing Xu Mo had no intention to speak, Li Jingyi made a cold voice.

Xu Mo was still trembling, "I...I'm fine, President, this is the financial bill brought up by the accounting department. Please see if there is anything unreasonable."

With that said, Xu Mo cautiously handed the financial bill in his hand to Li Jingyi.

But when he handed it to Li Jingyi, his hands were shaking.

Li Jingyi obviously felt something was wrong with Xu Mo, but he knew that Xu Mo couldn't hold it back, so he didn't rush to ask.

He took the financial bill directly from Xu Mo, and then Li Jingyi assumed that he didn't know what to do, and continued to work like no one else.

And Xu Mo stood by, looking at Li Jingyi, who was calm and composed. At this moment, in his heart, it can be said that he is close to suffering...

He missed his mother!

How can he talk to the president after such a big incident?

I can’t tell Li Jingyi directly, saying that the president, the young lady is provking men outside again, you are being cuckolded by the young lady again?


If you say that, Xu Mo can guarantee that he will never survive the next morning.

Moreover, the president will definitely be furious!

However, Xu Mo felt very sorry if he kept silent.

After all, this matter is not a trivial matter, and the president has the right to know, although this incident may hit him a bit harder.

So, the biggest question now is, how should he speak so that the president feels less uncomfortable, and he is not so difficult to do it?

Thinking about it this way, Xu Mo really feels about to have a headache.

five minutes later.

After Li Jingyi finished the work at hand, he fluently slapped a signature at the place where he signed the final bill.

After that, he coldly pushed the bill to Xu Mo, "I have read the bill, and I went back and told Mu Wushuang that there are several mistakes in this bill. I have already marked it out. Let her be more careful in the future."


Xu Mo trembling quickly when he heard this, took the bill from Li Jingyi's hand.

At this moment, Li Jingyi suddenly looked up and down Xu Mo with a sizing look.

Afterwards, a faint smile filled the corner of his mouth, "Xu Mo, I ask you a sincere question, you have to answer with your conscience."

"Yes... President, please." Xu Mo nodded nervously.

Then Li Jingyi asked, "You have been with me for so long, have you ever wanted to try other industries?"

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