Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1700: Still face teaching me

"In broad daylight, cuddling with other men on the street? Ha, Tang Nuan painting, do you still have a little bit of shame!"

"From my point of view, a woman like you is not worthy of my cousin. I really don't understand, what is he after you!"

These words can be said to be the words in Li Jingjia's heart for a long time.

She just couldn't understand, just couldn't figure out what point Li Jingyi liked Tang Nuan's painting.

Just such a painting by Tang Nuan, what are the advantages of his body that are more outstanding than ordinary people?

If it is beautiful, Li Jingjia admits that Tang Nuan's paintings are indeed pretty.

The facial features are delicate, the skin is fair, and the figure is graceful, just like a doll carefully fabricated by God, it is indeed a stunning beauty in the world.

But in this world, don’t you just grab a lot of beautiful women?

Especially in the upper circle where they live, there are countless beautiful ladies and daughters, which one is not a hot figure?

Even if Tang Nuan's paintings are beautiful, she is not the most beautiful one.

There are also many women who are more beautiful than Tang Nuan. It should be impossible for my cousin to like her just because of her face painted by Tang Nuan.

Besides, Li Jingjia didn't believe that his excellent cousin turned out to be just a person who only values ​​face.

Her cousin would not be so superficial.

Thinking about it this way, Li Jingjia had to turn his attention to other places in Tang Nuan's paintings.

Since you don't look at the outside, then simply look at the inside.


Thinking of these two words, Li Jingjia suddenly felt a little funny.

She thought to herself that Tang Nuan painted this woman, what's in it?

But she was just a woman who had no brains, was careless, and had a bad temper. There was nothing to like.

So, what exactly did the cousin fancy Tang Nuan painting?

Li Jingjia couldn't figure it out.

Li Jingjia only knew clearly that he was more repulsive of Tang Nuan's paintings in his heart, and his eyes were blatantly full of disgust.

Then he said casually, "Tang Nuan painting, to be honest, if it weren’t for your being pregnant with my cousin’s child, I would like to slap your two big mouths so hard to calm the anger in my heart. ."

"Don't look at what you are, you dare to cuckold my cousin? Oh, what a bitch! Tang Nuan painting, you are really the cheapest, most shameless and shameless woman I have ever seen !"

"Li Jingjia, give me more discretion when you speak!"

At this time, Tang Nuan painting was also directly angry.

Tigers don't show off their might, so what about Li Jingjia when she is a sick cat?

Yes, Tang Nuan's painting can understand Li Jingjia. After seeing the news, he will feel injustice for Li Jingyi, so he comes to himself to reason.

However, she did not accept Li Jingjia's coming up, which was groundless abuse.

What is she shameless, she shameless?

Tang Nuan hadn't explained this matter clearly, so why did Li Jingjia say so when he came up?

Besides, even if Tang Nuan's painting did not do this thing right, it would not be Li Jingjia's turn to teach and criticize.

That’s why Tang Nuan’s painting is not polite, "Li Jingjia, you said I’m not a thing, then what are you? You came to my house to teach me, do you have some too much, too arrogant? ?"


When Li Jingjia heard Tang Nuanhua's retorted words, he was speechless.

After all, this is indeed the home of Tang Nuan's paintings, and she indeed came to the door to scream, so Li Jingjia was speechless for a while.

But Tang Nuan's painting still didn't mean to stop. She looked at Li Jingjia in front of her coldly and suddenly laughed, "Also, Li Jingjia, I am not as dirty as you think, and I am not as dirty as you think. , I have my own explanation for this matter, but I don’t want to explain it to you.”

"On the contrary, Li Jingjia, based on what you said to me today, I have to figure out that your mind is too simple, and your IQ is probably negative, right?"

"Tang Nuan painted you...!"

"But since you said these things to me today, as a cousin, I will kindly remind you to stay on the sidelines and meet each other in the future. Until the truth of the matter is found out, don’t blame others for no reason. , Understand? Because this will only show that your EQ is low and that you are stupid."

"Also, don't think that if you have a mother to support you, you can show off in front of me. Please remember that I am Jing Yi's wife. There are descendants of the Li family in my stomach. Even if my mother is not satisfied with me, It won't do anything to me.

On the contrary, it's you. No matter how disrespectful you are to me, when you ask me or Jingyi later, don't blame me for embarrassing you. "

After saying these words, Tang Nuan painted an indifferent smile, his eyes full of provocations against Li Jingjia.

"You, Tang Nuan painting, you still have the face to teach me!"

Li Jingjia was almost mad.

She didn't expect that Tang Nuan painting had done such a wrong thing, and she still had such a strong confidence to teach herself, she suddenly became a little angry.

But at the same time being angry, Li Jingjia didn't know what words to use to go back to Tang Nuan painting.

Because in fact, Li Jingjia still has some fears.

She was worried about the words Tang Nuan painted just said, and worried that Tang Nuan would embarrass herself when she asked Li Jingyi in the future.

Therefore, even though Li Jingjia was angry, he still chose to keep his anger.

In the end, Li Jingjia just smiled coldly and said, "Okay, Tang Nuan painting, then I have to take a look, how do you plan to solve this matter."

"Anyway, it's already a fact that you hugged and hugged other men in broad daylight. I don't believe you have any rhetoric that can cover up all this."

"And I believe my cousin is not a fool. He must be able to tell right from wrong. Tang Nuan draws, let's just wait and see!"

After saying this, Li Jingjia never wanted to stay in this place any longer, she turned around arrogantly and left.

But I didn’t want to see Li Jingyi as soon as I walked to the door...

Li Jingyi was like a wooden person, standing at the door without moving, and it seemed that he had been standing outside the door for a long time.

He listened to the words Li Jingjia and Tang Nuanhua said just now.

"Watch, cousin..."

Suddenly, Li Jingjia's tone trembled uncontrollably.

Li Jingyi seemed to be so calm.

After that, he spoke to Li Jingjia coldly, without the slightest temperature in his voice, "You can't come to my house casually without my permission in the future, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

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