It's a pity that Quan Zhichen is never someone willing to be taught.

After laughing, the expression on Quan Zhichen’s face gradually calmed down, and then he said casually, "Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, thank you for your teaching to me today, but I can also tell you clearly. Two."

"I’m Quan Zhichen, never look at anyone’s face and act. I want to chase her alone. It’s my ability to chase after her. If I can’t, I will respect Nuanhua’s wishes, but only if I am willing. , Not your intimidation, understand?"

"Also, for emotional matters, let us young people take the initiative. As soon as you two are old, don't worry about it, especially Mrs. Li. Don't always think so much, worry about it, get old. Quickly."

After saying this, Quan Zhichen no longer bothered to talk to the two elders in front of him.

The smile on his face stopped abruptly, and then he told Yan Jie next to him, "Okay, it's too early, Yan Jie, see off the guests."


Yan Jie nodded when he heard this.

After that, he personally stepped forward and nodded slightly at Qiao Manxue and Li Haitian, "I'm sorry you two, it's too early, let me send you downstairs."

"You, you guys!"

Qiao Manxue was still a little angry right now.

Originally, she came here today to teach Quan Zhichen a good lesson, and wanted to tell Quan Zhichen not to dig into other people's corners in the future.

But she didn't expect Quan Zhichen's attitude to be so tough and bad!

It seems that no matter what they say, Quan Zhichen will not listen.

"Okay, very good, I didn't expect you to be so stiff! It seems that I underestimated you."

Qiao Manxue said with a sullen heart at this time, "But don't worry, you just can harden your mouth. In real life, you won't get anything, because people like you don't know how to consider others. And your character needs to be improved. Nuanhua will never look at someone like you! Humph, but just a small bastard, even if it is from a good family background, it is not worthy of others to look up! Live so ignorantly forever."

After speaking so much in one breath and angrily, Qiao Manxue didn't bother to continue the quarrel with Quan Zhichen.

She directly turned around angrily, took Li Haitian's hand and walked out.

Yan Jie followed behind and sent the two out.

In the office, only Quan Zhichen was left.

He was sitting on the seat, and the smile on his face suddenly stopped little by little, and then slowly turned into a kind of coldness that was close to ruthless.


Quan Zhichen originally thought that after the news like yesterday, the person who came to the door should be Li Jingyi.

As a result, the people who came were actually Li Jingyi's parents.

So, did Li Jingyi never put him in his eyes?

Otherwise, why, if something like this happened, he was unwilling to come to communicate with him.

It seems that this Li Jingyi is indeed too pretentious.

But only such a person is worthy of his opponent Quan Zhichen!

Thinking of this, Quan Zhichen suddenly squinted his eyes deeply and narrowed his eyes.

As for what he was thinking, no one knew.


At the same time, at the door of Quan Group.

Qiao Manxue and Li Haitian walked out of the Quan Group, and both of them were very angry.

"Damn! How could this kid be so arrogant!"

Qiao Manxue couldn't help looking back angrily, staring at the gate of the Quan Group angrily, thinking that it was a long time since she had seen it. She had never seen such an arrogant kid like Quan Zhichen.

Li Haitian couldn’t help but spit out with Qiao Manxue at the moment, “I was thinking about leaving this kid a bit thin, after all, his family background is not simple! I didn’t expect this kid to be so arrogant and disrespectful at all. Our two elders, such people, really don’t know how Nuanhua provokes them."

"Isn't it? Regarding this matter, I have to talk about Nuanhua carefully when I look back. Regardless of whether there is any improper relationship between her and this man, it is to make friends. People come and go!"

Qiao Manxue sighed and said, it can be said that both of them are very angry.

Then she suddenly thought of another sentence, "By the way, Haitian, did you hear that kid say that as long as Nuanhua doesn't get married, he won't give up?"

"I heard it!" Li Haitian nodded.

"Damn! It seems that we must prepare for Jing Yi and Nuanhua's wedding immediately, but we can't give this kid a chance!"

Qiao Manxue said forcefully.

She thought to herself that instead of eating radishes and worrying about it here, she might as well prepare for the wedding of Jing Yi and Nuanhua.

As long as Li Jingyi and Tang Nuanhua really get married, it is estimated that this kid would not dare to bother.

Thinking of this, Qiao Manxue paid more attention to this wedding in her heart.

So in the next few days, Qiao Manxue concentrated on preparing for the wedding.

As for Tang Nuan painting, after finally waiting for the turmoil to subside, he began to prepare to clarify the negative news on the Internet.

In order to clarify this matter, Tang Nuanhua also deliberately held a press conference.

At the press conference, Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi sat together, they leaned closely on each other's palms.

Both of them had sweet smiles on their faces, and then calmly answered one question after another.

"Miss Tang, why are you and Young Master Li so affectionate, why do you want to hug Quan Zhichen from the Quan Group in the street? What is the relationship between you and President Quan? Can you give us an explanation?"

At this moment, a reporter stood up and asked.

When the words fell, the photographers beside them pressed the shutter at Tang Nuan's painting, as if they wanted to record this historic moment.

Unexpectedly, when Tang Nuanhua heard this, he just smiled lightly.

Then she said calmly, "Actually, there is nothing to explain, and I think this news is actually quite boring."

"When this news was exposed, I did not choose to stand up for the first time, because I felt that there was no explanation for this matter, because I and the president of the Quan Group, although they seem to be very close, Actually, we are just a cooperative relationship."

"As we all know, our company and Quan Group have been cooperating on projects recently, and within these two days, the project cooperation is about to end."

"As the person in charge of the company, I am personally very grateful to Mr. Quan and willing to cooperate with our company. I have done more than once, and I have expressed my sincere thanks to Mr. Quan."

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