Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1726: Contacted your mother

Thinking about this, Tang Nuanhua stood up from his seat with joy, preparing to go to the Li Group.

Unfortunately, at this time, a phone call came in suddenly.

Tang Nuanhua felt the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket, took out the mobile phone and took a look, only to realize that it was his father's call.


Tang Nuan's painting had to pause, and then immediately connected his father's phone, "Hello? Dad, how are you doing recently?"

In the first second after answering the phone, Tang Nuanhua took the initiative to greet his father.

Tang Zhen's tone was inexplicably excited, "Nuanhua, Nuanhua, Dad has great good news. I want to tell you immediately. Come home!"


Tang Nuan was taken aback.

"Dad said, there is great news for you. If you have time, come back quickly!" Tang Zhen repeated excitedly.

Great news?

Tang Nuan couldn't understand the painting, so he asked subconsciously, "What is the good news, Dad, you can just tell me on the phone?"

"No, no! This matter is very important!"

Tang Zhen repeatedly denied it, and then said in a pleasant tone, "Nuanhua, you must go home in person, and dad has to tell you personally! If dad doesn't tell you personally, this matter will be meaningless!"

"Ah... well."

Tang Nuan's painting became even more daunting. What kind of great things could happen to her heart?

What is it that makes my father feel so excited?

It seems necessary to go back and take a look.

Thinking this way, Tang Nuanhua had to give up the idea of ​​going to Li Jingyi, took a taxi, and went straight home.

Ten minutes later, Tang's old house.

After Tang Nuanhua entered the door, he walked directly into the living room with a carefree gesture, and he saw his father sitting in the living room with a vigorous look.

"Dad, I'm back."

Tang Nuanhua smiled happily when he saw his father.

"Hua'er, you can be regarded as painting's back!" Tang Zhen was also particularly happy to see Tang Nuan's painting.

Tang Nuanhua asked at this moment, "Dad, what is it that makes you so happy? Tell me about it."

"Oh, this is a great thing!" Tang Zhen started to get excited again.

Then I saw Tang Zhen, pulling Tang Nuan's painting directly onto the sofa, pressing Tang Nuan's painting on the sofa and sitting down, "Painting, you sit first, you sit first, and then listen to your dad telling you slowly. "

Tang Nuanhua felt a little funny seeing his father like this, so he had to laugh, and then sat on the sofa.

"Uncle Chen, hurry up and pour a glass of water for the young lady." Tang Zhen ordered the housekeeper behind him again.


The butler immediately turned his head and walked into the kitchen, and then went and brought out a glass of water.

After that, the glass of water was placed in front of Tang Nuan's painting. Tang Nuan's painting took a sip and continued to ask with a smile, "Dad, now you can talk about it. It's so mysterious. I really want to know what happened. What good has happened."

When Tang Zhen heard this, he also laughed twice.

But then, he finally didn't sell it anymore.

At this moment, Tang Zhen stretched out his hand, and suddenly took his daughter’s hand. He drew Tang Nuan's soft and cold hand and held it in his warm palm. Then he smiled very kindly and said, "Daddy these two days, contacted Your mother!"


Tang Nuanhua was immediately dumbfounded when he heard the news.

She felt her brain buzzing.

Then a tinnitus, like a flash of lightning, directly split the entire brain of Tang Nuan's painting, and Tang Nuan's painting was completely stupid in place.

"Actually, my meeting with your mother was just an accident."

Tang Zhen was talking, an old smile appeared on his face, and he began to remember.

In fact, just yesterday, Tang Zhen was bored at home alone, and didn't want to play chess with those old friends, so he wanted to go out for a walk and visit some familiar places.

These familiar places also include the place where he once met Tang Nuan's mother.

Whenever he walked under the locust tree where they met, Tang Zhen could not help but sigh softly, and then sat down on the edge of the flowerbed.

After sitting down, he began to mutter to himself, "Oh, many years have passed since this blink of an eye. After so many years, I don’t know if you are doing well. Why are you so cruel? Come back and have a look, do you know how much I regret..."

This person, of course, is talking about Tang Nuan's mother.

Tang Zhen had to admit that he had indeed failed Tang Nuan's mother, and he regretted it after losing it.

If possible, Tang Zhen really wants to use everything he has to make up for the mother who Tang Nuan painted, to make up for the hurt that she caused in her heart that year.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

More than ten years later, Tang Nuan's mother had no idea where she had gone. She seemed to have changed her name and surname, and she was missing.

Looking for a person in the vast crowd is like finding a needle in a haystack, and Tang Zhen has to give up searching.

This abandonment is another ten years later.

Tang Zhen had no regrets in his heart for a long time. He only wished faithfully that the woman who had been let down by him would be able to live happily and happily.

However, what Tang Zhen didn't expect was that one day he could actually meet that woman again.

After Tang Zhen had enough emotion, when he stood up from the locust tree, he turned his head and suddenly saw a familiar face appeared before his eyes!

The woman was old and thin, standing in front of her eyes with tears, but she still felt so familiar.

Tang Zhen was speechless in an instant!

At that moment, the overwhelming emotions surged crazily in Tang Zhen's heart.

Things are people and nothing is done. If you want to talk, tears will flow first.

Tears burst into Tang Zhen's eyes as they came out of his eye sockets, and the same was true for the woman standing opposite him.

The two people looked at each other with such affection.

Time seemed to go backwards between the two, back to the moment they met more than twenty years ago.


"So Dad, did you really meet your mother?!"

Tang Nuan's painting is really indescribable, her mood at this moment is now, her voice is broken with excitement, and it is also full of unbelievable.

"Hmm... I'm sure I read it right."

Tang Zhen said that he seemed relieved, and smiled faintly, "I didn't expect that for so many years, your mother has not forgotten us. She still asked me about your situation and cared about you."


Tang Nuan couldn't even breathe.

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