Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1728: Very limited information

Tang Zhen's brain was blank at the time, and he didn't think so much at all.

What's more, Tang Zhen was ashamed in his heart, so how could he let her come back?

"Hey... it's my father's powerlessness." Helpless Tang Zhen sighed deeply, blaming himself.

"Dad, don't say that."

Tang Nuanhua felt that his father felt so uncomfortable, so he felt uncomfortable, so he consoled his father.

She said with a generous attitude, "Actually, even if the father asks, the mother may not come back. Maybe she has a new family of her own now, and the new life is not necessarily true."

When it comes to this, although Tang Nuan's painting is somewhat disappointed, her attitude is generally optimistic.

After all, the mother has been away for so many years. Over the years, even if the mother reorganized her family, it is inevitable.

Think about it from another angle. Perhaps it is a good thing for a mother to live a happier life after she leaves her father.

Therefore, Tang Nuan didn't care too much about the question of whether his mother returned.

"By the way, dad, do you have mother's contact information?"

At the end, Tang Nuanhua asked again and smiled, "Although my mother may not be willing to come back now, but I am her daughter anyway. I want to see her. There should be no problem."

Tang Nuan hasn't seen his mother in painting for more than ten years.

She still remembered that her mother's name was Qiu Yalan.

When she was very young, her father kept calling her mother "Arran Yalan", and every time her mother heard this name, she would smile very gently.

If possible, Tang Nuan still wanted to see his mother.

"This... contact information, in fact, your mother didn't give it to me." Tang Zhen didn't want to show an embarrassed look again.

In fact, Tang Zhen didn't think about it at the time, and asked Tang Nuan's mother Qiu Yalan for contact information.

But at the time, Qiu Yalan was not very happy.

She just smiled faintly and gently, and then said, "I don't want you to contact me in the future. Don't worry, I have your numbers. If you want to contact you, I will contact you. Yours."

"Okay, then I will listen to you."

Now that she had already said that, Tang Zhen could not continue to be embarrassed.

Therefore, even if the mother Qiu Yalan, who has already met Tang Nuan's paintings, is nothing more than a meeting.

No contact information exists.

"Okay, since mom doesn't want to leave the phone, just forget it, then dad, do you know where mom is probably living now?"

Tang Nuanhua thought about it. Since I don't know the contact information of his mother, then at least understand his mother's current life.

As a result, Tang Zhen shook his head again, then looked at Tang Nuan's painting very sorryly, and said, "Painting, I have asked these questions tentatively, but your mother is not willing to tell me anything, so I, What I learned is very limited."


Tang Nuan painted silent.

So the reason why my father is so happy is just because he saw his mother?

It is also true that a person who has not reappeared for many years suddenly appears, which is indeed shocking.

Just like the painting of Tang Nuan at this moment, thinking of the news of her mother's return, she felt a little overwhelmed in her heart.

Still can't believe that her mother, who has been thinking about it for so many years, has finally returned.

"Hey, forget it, I blame my dad for uselessness. I called you back without inquiring about it. It's all because my dad is not good. You should never blame dad."

At this time, Tang Zhen sighed deeply, feeling self-blame in his heart.

He also happily called Tang Nuan painting back, wanting to share this joy with his baby daughter.

As a result, his daughter came back, and Tang Zhen didn't even know the news he wanted to know.

Isn't this a waste of her daughter's time?

So for a while, Tang Zhen felt sorry for him.

Fortunately, Tang Nuan's paintings were generous and generous, and she could understand her father's mood at the time, so she said, "It's okay father, at least I know now that my mother is still alive, that's enough."

Over the years, Tang Nuan has painted more than once in fantasies about whether an accident has happened to his mother and he has died away from home.

Whenever he thinks of this, Tang Nuanhua feels terribly sad.

But now, Tang Nuan painting at least knows that his mother is still alive and well, which is enough.

So next, Tang Nuan didn't say much, but patiently comforted his father, "Dad, don't be too sad. Mom has been away for so many years, and it's normal to be unable to face us for a while."

"However, since my mother doesn't want to contact us for a while, don't contact us. When she is willing to contact us, you must tell me." Tang Nuan painted finally.

"Well, Dad will never forget." Tang Zhen nodded vigorously.

After that, Tang Nuan didn't intend to stay. She first asked Uncle Chen on the side, "Uncle Chen, my father's physical condition is all right recently, right?"

"Well, the master's physical condition has been very good recently, so don't worry, Miss." Chen Shu nodded at Tang Nuan's painting with confidence.

"With your words, Uncle Chen, I feel relieved."

Tang Nuanhua knew that Uncle Chen had absolutely taken care of his father.

So Tang Nuan painting didn't worry about anything. He stood up and said to his father, "Dad, if there is nothing wrong here, then I will leave."

"Huh? Painter, are you leaving so soon? Do you want to stay for dinner before leaving?"

Tang Zhen saw his daughter coming so soon and leaving so soon.

Tang Nuanhua had to smile and comfort, "Dad, I will definitely come a few more times when I have time, but there are still some things in the company that I need to deal with right now, so I'm sorry, I have to leave first."

"Well, well, the company's affairs are more important in the end."

Hearing Tang Nuanhua mentioning the company, Tang Zhen nodded, thinking that company matters were more important, so he didn't say much.

He nodded to Tang Nuanhua, "Since there are still things to be busy, then you should go back first. If you have any important things, don't forget to tell Dad and don't worry me."

"Yeah, I know, dad, don't worry." Tang Nuanhua smiled and nodded comfortingly.

After that, Tang Nuan painted no longer stay, turned and left the Tang house.

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