Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1750: Did you watch it as an enemy?

Quan Jichen? !

How could he appear here?

Tang Nuanhua clearly remembered that he didn't invite Quan Zhichen to his wedding, right? After all such ugly things had happened before, Tang Nuanhua didn't want to make trouble for himself.

But this Quan Zhichen, how can he...


Tang Nuanhua frowned suddenly, with deep helplessness in her heart.

At this time, Li Jingyi also saw Quan Zhichen, his originally amiable face suddenly felt cold.

Mu Wushuang and Gu Yunzheng, as well as the surrounding Lan Sixia and others, followed the line of sight of Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan, and they saw Quan Zhichen.

I saw him wearing a straight suit, standing on the edge of the banquet arrogantly and arrogantly, looking straight through the crowd, falling on Tang Nuan's painted face, without moving away.

"Who is this person?"

At this time, Bai Ye on the side played his accustomed gossip attributes and asked curiously.

He found Tang Nuanhua and the man staring at each other closely, as if there was a story between them, he couldn't help but wonder.

He even pushed Lan Sixia next to him with his elbow and asked, "Look, Si Xia, why is that man staring at Nuanhua? Nuanhua, do you know him?"


Tang Nuan answered quietly.

She said in her heart that it was more than acquaintance.


Don't Quan Zhichen know that he is not suitable to be here?

Although there is no real grudge between them, many people know about the scandals that broke out before.

The relationship between Tang Nuan painting and Quan Zhichen was once rigid.

Now this Quan Zhichen is here impressively. This is intentional. Isn't it happy to paint Tang Nuan for her?

If it's normal, it's fine, but today is her wedding day.

Tang Nuan painting just wants to have a perfect wedding. Is this Quan Zhichen going to make trouble again?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan painting felt very irritable.

But she couldn't let Quan Zhichen be there, so Tang Nuanhua simply mentioned her wedding dress, then bypassed the crowd and strode to Quan Zhichen.

"Nuanhua!" Lin Nanxiang couldn't sit still, and quickly got up and went to take a look with Tang Nuan.

Bai Ye has always been a gossip, so naturally he leaned forward too.

On the contrary, Li Jingyi, Lan Sixia and others were still sitting indifferently, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

And Mu Wushuang and Gu Yunzheng probably had some bad feelings in their hearts, so they didn't say anything.

At this time, Tang Nuan painting was already standing in front of Quan Zhichen.

"What are you doing here?"

When he opened his mouth, Tang Nuan's painting just asked coldly.

Quan Zhichen heard the cold words and felt a slight tingling in his heart. He thought to himself, so Tang Nuan painted, now I don’t even have the qualifications to come to your wedding?

Of course, Quan Zhichen didn't say this, he was not so humble yet.

Just a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Quan Zhichen looked at the gorgeous and exquisitely dressed Tang Nuan painting in front of him, and said softly, "It's pretty today."

"Does it have anything to do with you? I ask what you are doing here and answer my questions."

Tang Nuan's attitude is still so cold and hostile in his eyes.

No way, she was too afraid of Quan Zhichen to disturb her wedding.

Tang Nuan painted this wedding only once in her life. She didn't want to recall this wedding in the future, and her heart was full of regrets.

So Tang Nuan painting doesn't want anyone to make trouble.

But what she didn't know was that Quan Zhichen didn't even think about making trouble.

He just came here to take a look, look at this girl, nothing more.

But he did not expect that in Tang Nuan's eyes, he was not only not a friend, but an enemy.

"Tang Nuan painted, so did you see me as an enemy?"

Can't help but smile, Quan Zhichen asked a bit hurt.

"I... I didn't mean that."

Tang Nuanhua suddenly remembered his attitude. It was indeed a bit aggressive, so he had to calm down a little bit.

But she was still very cautious.

Looking at Quan Zhichen in front of her, she warned, "Achen, if you come here today to bless me, then welcome you. If you come here today, it is to make my wedding unhappy, then Please go out now!"

But I don't know that Quan Zhichen's attention is only on the two words at the beginning of this sentence.

Then Quan Zhichen laughed.

He smiled casually and generously, as if he didn't even listen to Tang Nuan's paintings.

He faintly looked at Tang Nuan's painting in front of him, and said, "If you don't invite me to sit and have a glass of wedding wine, how can I bless you?"


When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he gave a sudden pause.

Then I realized that Quan Zhichen's words meant that he seemed to come to bless her?

In other words, Quan Zhichen didn't want to disturb her wedding?

If so, Tang Nuan painting suddenly felt that he was a little too much.

When she saw Quan Zhichen just now, she had such a ferocious tone... As a bride, she really shouldn't treat her guests like this.

So next, Tang Nuanhua simply slowed down his attitude, and then smiled lightly at Quan Zhichen, "Okay, since you are here to bless me today, please come in."

After that, Tang Nuanhua turned around and returned to the position he was sitting on.

Quan Zhichen just looked at Tang Nuan's back, with an indescribable smile at the corner of his mouth.

After that, Quan Zhichen followed Tang Nuan's paintings and found a place at the dining table, and naturally sat down.

But Bai Ye was behind him at this time, looking at the two people in front and behind, feeling a little clue inexplicably.

He couldn't help but gossiping over and asked Lin Nanxiang, "Nanxiang, what is the relationship between Nuanhua and this man? How do I feel that the relationship between them is unusual?"

"Heh! What does it matter."

Lin Nanxiang snorted coldly at this time, and said, "It's just a falling flower intentionally, and a running water ruthless, but as a result, falling flower doesn't give up."


Upon hearing this, Bai Ye still had some unresponsiveness.

But after he reacted, it suddenly became clear, "No, Nanxiang, you mean Nuanhua likes this man? She, shouldn't she like Li Jingyi? How could this be!"

"Oh my God!"

Lin Nanxiang hardly spurted blood when he heard this.

What kind of brain circuit is this white night...

But considering that Bai Ye is his boyfriend, Lin Nanxiang's attitude softened, and then explained, "That man likes warm painting."

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