Upon seeing this, Dong Xiaoxiang suddenly became nervous, and the hand holding Tang Nuan's painting couldn't help but tighten a little.

She knew, she knew that being arrogant in front of Gu Jun was not that simple!

If Gu Jun really shoots, she really can't survive!

However, Gu Jun didn’t shoot anymore. Instead, after making a ruthless remark, he calmly placed his gun on a dusty table next to him, and said, “Oh, rest assured, you are not worthy. Let me personally waste a bullet. You only need to know one truth. Even if you are just a little bit to the white blood tissue, your life and death are not up to you. You and your master are all controlled by our white blood tissue. Up."

"No, I don't want it, why?!" All of a sudden, Dong Xiaoxiang shouted angrily.

She was angrily thinking in her heart on what and what basis!

Everyone's life is his own. Why should the white blood organization judge the life and death of her and her master in a word?

Their lives belong to themselves, not to the white blood tissue! Not!

"Enough!" Suddenly, Tang Nuan painting couldn't help shouting.

She silently thought in her heart that Dong Xiaoxiang should not be allowed to mess around anymore. If Dong Xiaoxiang continued to mess around, it is estimated that Gu Jun would be driven crazy.

If he is pressed, he is someone who can do everything, so it is better not to provoke Gu Jun first, and it is better to negotiate calmly.

Of course, others don't know what Tang Nuan's painting thoughts, but Gu Jun and Dong Xiaoxiang were both stunned because of Tang Nuan's roar.

Then I heard Tang Nuan’s painting dissatisfied, "Is it interesting for you to do this? Did you bring me here to let me listen to the infighting between the two of you? Since you are an organization, what can’t you go back and say? I have to be here? Noisy?"


Suddenly, Tang Nuan painted Gu Jun and Dong Xiaoxiang silently.

The brains of both of them were confused, and Tang Nuanhua unknowingly took the right to speak.

"Hey, Gu Jun, let me ask you a question."

Tang Nuan painted hatred at Gu Jun and asked, "Why do you say you are so infatuated? Why are you just for Song Yijun, you never let me go? Adding sulfuric acid to our company's products should be your bad idea, right? Heh, you are really trying to break me by all means, but I don't understand it. Is it because of Song Yijun, you don't even want your own life?"

Tang Nuanhua has always known that the reason why Gu Jun targeted herself this way was because of Song Yijun, but she couldn't figure it out. What's wrong with Song Yijun?

How could someone like her so much, even if Song Yijun has been dead for so long, he still refuses to give up revenge for her?

"Don't ask, you don't understand my feelings for the young lady."

When Gu Jun heard Tang Nuan’s question, he was not anxious, but replied in a steady tone, “As long as the lady was killed by you, I was no longer myself. I vowed to take revenge. , I will not give up unless I kill you."

"Really? Then you can shoot me several times, why don't you do it?"

Tang Nuan painting thought it was funny. Obviously Gu Jun had countless opportunities to shoot himself to death, but Gu Jun never did it. Why?

Don't you want her to die? Things can be solved with one shot, right?

"No, I won't kill you. It would be too easy for you to die." Gu Jun answered slowly.

Indeed, he did have countless opportunities to easily kill Tang Nuan painting, but Gu Jun did not kill Tang Nuan painting all at once.

That's not because of anything else, but just because Gu Jun felt that if Tang Nuan's painting were to die so simply, it would be too cheap for her.

When Song Yijun was alive, he endured so much pain, even when he died, he was so miserable and miserable...

Gu Jun will never forget all this.

He vowed that he must let Tang Nuan paint a taste of the pain, and then let her die rather than live. Only in this way, everything is meaningful.

It's just that Gu Jun didn't expect that Tang Nuan's paintings were so lucky every time.

Obviously it fell into his own hands several times, but in the end, Tang Nuan was painted to escape safely...

Thinking about these things, Gu Jun really felt incompetent.

"Don't worry about Tang Nuan painting, you have escaped from my hands time and time again, but this time, you will never escape." Thinking of this, Gu Jun smiled confidently.

Tang Nuanhua didn't care after hearing this, "Really? You are really confident."

"Of course, self-confidence is because I am sure. Why do you think you can escape this time? Don’t forget that your most proud husband, Li Jingyi, is now an internationally wanted criminal, without his treatment of you. Asylum, what can you do?"

Hearing this, Tang Nuanhua was silent for a moment, and had to admit that Gu Jun's words had struck her heart.

During this period of time, Tang Nuan's painting tried his best to not think of Li Jingyi. Now Gu Jun mentioned Li Jingyi all of a sudden, which made Tang Nuan's mood suddenly uncontrollable.

She stared at Gu Jun in a daze, with some resentment in her eyes, but then she smiled inexplicably, "If you think so, then you look down on my husband too much, I tell you, I Her husband will be safe and sound, and he will let you pay for your behavior today!"

This sentence seemed to be a thorn, and immediately made Gu Jun feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

Unable to slap his lips, Gu Jun suddenly tilted his head curiously and amusingly, "Okay, then wait and see, I'm really looking forward to Li Jingyi coming back to find me, but it's a pity, you might be waiting. Not that time."

"Tang Nuan painting, I can tell you with absolute certainty that this time I will never let you escape from my hands again. I will make you worse off than death. I want you to pay back all that you owe my lady. come back!"

In the last sentence, Gu Jun gritted his teeth, with disgusting expression on his face.

It was enough to see how much he hated Tang Nuan's paintings in his heart.

Tang Nuan's painting paused slightly, and then he was not afraid, and smiled directly, "Okay, then wait and see."

"Have you two said enough?"

When Tang Nuan's painting and Gu Jun's voice fell, Dong Xiaoxiang was already impatient with waiting.

She looked at Gu Jun dissatisfied and said, "Gu Jun, don't talk nonsense. If you want to get Tang Nuan's paintings, you must bring my master today, otherwise I won't give them to you."

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