In short, all misunderstandings and contradictions have finally been resolved.

Regarding the company's products, where is the problem, who is the problem, all are frank and frank.

Tang Nuanhua does not intend to deceive the media, nor does it want to hide something from fans, just say whatever they have.

The most important thing for a business person is to be honest.

Like those factories that make milk, the factories will also be transparent and can be visited by people. Tang Nuan painted a skin care product, and the same is true.

She must prove to everyone that her products are absolutely credible and absolutely hygienic, so that she can regain everyone's trust in her!

Of course, in this press conference, although Tang Nuanhua clarified some rumors of the company, Dong Xiaoxiang also suffered a certain loss.

This press conference was taken live.

The moment Dong Xiaoxiang really wanted to shake things out, the Internet was completely exploded. Everyone posted all kinds of barrage below, all kinds of curses against Dong Xiaoxiang.

"I have never seen such a scheming woman. I knew it today, so why bother!"

"This is called your sister supporting you, but you don't know that your sister will give you a knife! The ungrateful guy, who was promoted to the position of manager by Tang Nuan less than one person, can actually do such a sordid thing. I really don’t know how long this woman’s brain circuits are."


1. I also think this woman can't think about it, right? How many people had cut their heads and wanted to join the Tang Group and they didn't have the chance. She finally got in and was promoted to her position, but she didn't do a good job of cherishing this position, which is really bad! despise. jpg"

"If you don't want to work under Tang Nuan's hands, don't join the company at the beginning. Isn't it okay to give such a good position to others?"

"Some people are really unhealthy and wrong! I'm going to throw up."

"It's really bad, everyone has it!"

"But at any rate, this woman can stand up and admit her mistakes bravely. It is commendable for her courage. Although I have given this woman a score of -100, I still give it to her because of her regret. She pulls back fifty points."

"Cut, why admit that she was wrong? If I want to see her, this is desperate, there is no way, otherwise this woman will definitely not stand up and admit her mistake, do you believe it?


On the live screen, all kinds of barrage were flying all over the sky, with all kinds of ugly words.

If Dong Xiaoxiang is watching the live broadcast at this moment, it is estimated that these comments will make him alive.

Of course, since Dong Xiaoxiang has decided to stand up, he is naturally prepared in his heart.

She thought to herself that she would not be able to withstand such a large amount of online violence, so she had to wait until the press conference was over and went back to close the network, not looking at anything, not seeing it.

As for these netizens, heh, Dong Xiaoxiang is not familiar with them, and does not rely on them for food, why care about these people's remarks?

As long as she can help Tang Nuan paint and clarify things this time, she can be considered a little worthy of Tang Nuan painting.

In this way, Dong Xiaoxiang sat motionless in her position, digesting herself.

Tang Nuan painting is very satisfied with her performance, but on the surface, Tang Nuan painting still has to show a very disdainful look, so that the audience can believe in their hearts that Tang Nuan painting is just an innocent victim.

In this way, after the whole press conference, Tang Nuan painted a few words at the beginning, but basically didn't express much.

After Dong Xiaoxiang and the management staff of the factory clarified everything, the microphone returned to Tang Nuanhua's hands.

"Everyone has heard it. This is how it happened. I wonder if you have any doubts?"

At the end, Tang Nuanhua smiled calmly and asked, "Friends from reporters on the scene, if you have any questions, you can ask them now."

When the words fell, the reporters also waited for the opportunity to move.

It's hard to catch up with such a press conference, and they naturally have to play to their fullest.

"Miss Tang, why did you respond to this incident only a week after it happened?"

"Of course it's because I have to spend time investigating. If I don't spend time investigating, how can I know the truth?" Tang Nuanhua responded with a smile.

"Miss Tang, I heard that you paid out of your own pocket to the Li Group a while ago, a full 1.8 billion, what do you think?"

"Of course it's because the boss of the Li Group is my husband. Isn't it just right for a wife to help her husband?"

"Miss Tang, are all your clarifications true? Could it be that you found two actors to fool us?"

If the first two reporters were more measured and asked some irrelevant questions, then this reporter's tone can be said to be exceptionally sharp.

Lin Nanxiang's expression changed in an instant, thinking that this reporter was really cruel.

"of course not."

Fortunately, Tang Nuanhua had already prepared the draft in her heart. Even in the face of the media's difficulties, she was able to answer with kindness, "If you don't believe me, maybe the police officer can help me respond to you."

The voice fell, and the two police officers slowly walked onto the stage from the stage.

The sound of the flashing light clicked again and again, and the reporters were stunned. Unexpectedly, Tang Nuanhua would directly call the police.

Afterwards, I saw Comrade the police officer walked to the stage without any stage fright, Tang Nuanhua also got up from his seat, walked to the policeman, and handed the microphone out, "Comrade police, I hope you can testify for me!"

These two policemen were the ones who investigated the incident with Tang Nuanhua at the time. They knew the whole story best.

After getting the microphone, the two police officers naturally spoke to Tang Nuan painting to help Tang Nuan painting.

"We can all testify that this time, sulfuric acid was indeed maliciously added to the ingredients of the'Early Tang' cosmeceutical products. None of this was the intention of Miss Tang."

"Although it was not Miss Tang's original intention, Miss Tang was willing to apologize to everyone frankly and honestly, and made a certain amount of compensation. I think everyone should not blame such an innocent girl."

"In this society, it is not easy for everyone. We should respect those who struggle for their dreams. I think Miss Tang should be this kind of person?"

The police officer not only helped Tang Nuanhua clarify, but also helped Tang Nuanhua say a few good things.

On the live webcast, a series of favorable comments were received instantly.

In this era of entertainment and fast food, although netizens like gossip, they are still very convinced by the police.

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