Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2137: Learned of the death

"Chu Chen, turn on your cell phone, I want to see what the **** is this man talking nonsense!"

Although he didn't believe the man's words, Tang Nuan's painting still asked Chu Chen to turn on the phone, for nothing else, just to slap the man in the face!

Killed by thunder?

Hahaha, I have never seen such a joke. Since this man dares to curse Li Jingyi so much, don't blame her Tang Nuan for not giving face.

"Chu Chen, hurry up!" Tang Nuan urged Chu Chen, his assistant who was on the stage.

"At once, Miss, please wait a moment."

Chu Chen hurriedly took out his mobile phone and started to check the news, because he was so eager in his heart that he slipped to the wrong place several times.

I had to force myself to calm down, and then Chu Chen opened the global news network page by page.

What caught your eye was a line of red characters.

"Rare in the century! International wanted criminal Li Jingyi, president of the Li Group, was killed by Lei in order to avoid the Interpol's chase! The car crashed and killed!"

Seeing this news headline, Chu Chen felt that his heart was about to jump out.

He said to himself how is this possible? Someone must have fabricated it, right?

What a legendary man Li Jingyi is, how could he be killed by thunder? Don't bring this to joke!

"Chu Chen, how is it?"

Seeing that Chu Chen held the phone for a long time and didn't speak, Tang Nuanhua couldn't help but frowned and asked Chu Chen. The gossiping reporters around him, including the netizens in front of the live broadcast, were all looking forward to it.

They kept knocking on the barrage in a hurry: "??? What the **** is going on, is that man Tang Nuan's assistant? Why don't you speak?"

"There is something wrong with his expression. Could it be that you saw something bad?"

"Who knows? I also think it's a little weird, or let's go over the wall and check out foreign news websites ourselves!"

"Okay, let's go and see for ourselves!"

"Then I'll be here to wait for you to come back!"

Speaking of the barrage, it suddenly lost more than half.

These people who watched the live broadcast were curious, so they went to the website and started to read the news on their own, to see if what a lunatic reporter said was true.

After a while, they came back.

The barrage suddenly went crazy, and someone started to swipe the screen frantically.

"It's actually true!!!"

"That man is not a lunatic, everything he said is true!!!"

"I was struck to death by thunder, really struck to death by thunder!"

"Oh my God!! There is such a coincidence in this world that someone will be killed by thunder? How is this possible!"

In an instant, everyone in the entire live room was going crazy.

The staff member who was holding a mobile phone to broadcast live, saw the floating screen full of screens, and instantly felt that he was creepy!

What exactly is going on? The reporter who was like a lunatic just now is not a lunatic, all those things he said are true?


Suddenly, the staff in charge of the live broadcast didn't hold on, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he passed out.

"Hello? Are you okay!?" The people around immediately looked at the staff member.

And at this time, Chu Chen was completely shocked and speechless because he had read the news report.

He didn't dare to show his cell phone to Tang Nuan's painting. He was shocked when he saw the information, let alone Tang Nuan's painting as Li Jingyi's wife.

If the eldest lady sees this news, I am afraid that she will faint instantly, right?

Thinking of this, Chu Chen couldn't help shaking his hands.

"What happened to Chu Chen?"

At this time, Tang Nuanhua clearly saw the reaction on Chu Chen's face. Although she didn't know what had happened, she already had a bad premonition in her heart.

The eyelids suddenly throbbed a few more times this time, and the bad premonition in Tang Nuanhua's heart became stronger, thinking, it's impossible, isn't it true that the crazy man said?

Could it be that Jing Yi really...

In an instant, Tang Nuan didn't even dare to move the painting.

She gritted her teeth in disbelief and confirmed to Chu Chen, "Chu Chen, this person was just spreading rumors, right? Tell me, he was just deliberately deceiving me, right?"


Chu Chen has always been a person who can't lie, but he can't bear to say this answer, for fear that it will hit Tang Nuan painting.

And at this moment, the lunatic reporter just laughed loudly. He said sharply, "Tang Nuan painting, don't pretend you are a woman without emotion. You should be better than any of us." Don’t you know the news first? Why do you pretend to be here?"

In his cognition, Tang Nuan painting is Li Jingyi's wife.

Tang Nuan painting should have been the first to know about Li Jingyi's death, but she pretended to be ignorant, and what press conference is still being held here lively?

It's ridiculous!

In his entire life, what he hates most is the use of women who are not professional, which is why he must dismantle Tang Nuan's paintings.

However, what this man didn't know was that Tang Nuan painting really knew nothing about all this.

Even at this moment, Chu Chen had looked at Tang Nuan's painting with a sad look, but Tang Nuan's painting still couldn't believe it.

Impossible, it is impossible!

Tang Nuanhua screamed in his heart, and suddenly jumped off the stage in one step, rushed to Chu Chen's front and snatched the phone from Chu Chen.

"Miss, Miss!"

Chu Chen wanted to tell Tang Nuan not to look at the painting, but it was too late.

Tang Nuan painted clearly saw the content in the news, and even saw the photos of the live report.

I saw a Bentley whose tail number was 777 was caught in the middle of a residential building, deformed by the explosion, and the whole scene was so darkened by a thick smoke that it was tragic.

Just looking at this photo, you can see that this should be a very serious accident.

"No, this must not be Jing Yi, why is Jing Yi in this car? Impossible!"

Tang Nuan's eyes widened unconsciously. Even after seeing the report, Tang Nuan's painting still didn't want to believe that the person sitting in that car would be Li Jingyi.

Until Tang Nuanhua saw the following text description, “According to a forensic investigation, he specially transferred Li Jingyi’s DNA record from China, and compared it with the DNA of the injured person on the car. In the end, he was 100% sure. The person here is indeed the president of the famous Li Group, Li Jingyi."


It was like a bolt from the blue sky, directly hitting the top of Tang Nuan's head.

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