Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2145: Unwilling to accept reality

It is very easy for a person to see the scenery on the surface, but only they know how much they have suffered.

I just hope that in the days to come, I can go smoothly with Tang Nuan's paintings. Don't have so many tribulations. Tang Nuan's paintings are just a weak woman who has no power to hold the chicken, and what she can bear is always limited.

"Chu Chen, I don’t think so. We will take turns to take care of Nuanhua in the future. If I am in the company, you will watch Nuanhua in the hospital. If I am in the hospital, you will help me take the job. Can I come to the hospital?"

Lin Nanxiang suddenly made a suggestion, and then he sighed deeply, "Oh, I am so worried about Nuanhua. You said that she is in this state, which makes people worry..."

"All right."

Chu Chen quickly agreed and nodded, thinking this is probably the best way to take care of Tang Nuan's paintings.


In the next few days, Lin Nanxiang and Chu Chen took turns to the hospital to take care of Tang Nuan's paintings. As for Li's wife who has been taking care of the baby at home, Lin Nanxiang worried that Li's wife would be frightened by Tang Nuan's paintings, so she said that she waited for Tang Nuan's painting to calm down Now let Sister Li come over again.

Unsurprisingly, in the past few days, Tang Nuan's painting has gone crazy many times.

Almost every time he wakes up, Tang Nuanhua will show the state when he went crazy the first time, yelling frantically, struggling to leave, and then crying.

Sometimes Tang Nuan painting looks like a stubborn child. No matter what others say, she always insists on a belief in her heart, that is, Li Jingyi is not dead.

In this world, a person has death in three senses.

A death is a biological death. The doctor announced the complete end of your life. From then on this human flesh. Body disappeared from this world.

A death is when everyone psychologically accepts your death, then this person disappears from the world in everyone's heart.

The last kind of death is completely forgotten by the last person in this world.

And Tang Nuan's painting refused to accept reality because Tang Nuan's painting could not accept it. If Li Jingyi really disappeared from this world, what should she do?

She once planned a beautiful blueprint for the future, and every picture and frame in it had the existence of Li Jingyi.

But now everyone wants her to accept it. All of this has completely become an illusion and a bubble. Tang Nuan can't do it, she really can't do it.


Whenever he saw Tang Nuan painting this crazy look, Lin Nanxiang couldn't stop sighing beside him.

Because she didn’t seem to have anything to do except sigh, she thought it was better to leave all this to time. Time is the cure for everything. Maybe after a long time, Tang Nuan will get used to painting. Slowly accept and let go.

However, this period of time is obviously not that short.

After about three days, Gu Yunzheng, Mu Wushuang and others paid a special visit to Tang Nuan's painting because they were worried about Tang Nuan's physical condition.

When they came, Tang Nuanhua was lying on the hospital bed, sleeping with his eyes closed.

But Tang Nuan's paintings sleep very shallowly, as long as he hears a little wind and grass, he immediately opens his eyes sober.

So when Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang just entered the ward, Lin Nanxiang hurriedly raised their fingers and made a "hush" gesture.

Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang lightened their steps in an instant, and they walked gently to the bedside of Tang Nuan's painting, and looked at Tang Nuan's pale and haggard face, and they felt uncomfortable.

This face has lost too much, and in just a few days, it seems to be a completely different person.

It is probably too painful.

And the pain of Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang did not reduce much. After all, Li Jingyi was their best and best friend, and no one expected that life would be so impermanent.

Of course, their pain is nothing compared to Tang Nuan's paintings.

Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang witnessed Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi happily coming together. They have their own home, have their own children, and have faced many difficulties together, but never thought of giving up each other.

They are so in love...

Now Li Jingyi has taken a step first, Tang Nuan painting should be the most distressed person.

Thinking of this, tears fell silently on Mu Wushuang's eyes. Mu Wushuang felt very sad when he saw the haggard appearance of Tang Nuan painting's infusion.

If you think about it in another way, it is estimated that Mu Wushuang will not survive.

"Why are you here?" At this moment, Tang Nuan painting suddenly opened his eyes.

As if he had never fallen asleep, when Tang Nuanhua woke up, he looked at Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang in front of him with sober eyes, and even smiled at the corners of his mouth, "It's rare, you guys are in the mood. Look at me."

Upon seeing this, Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang were a little surprised.

It seemed that they were surprised that Tang Nuan's paintings were in such a good state, and both of them were shocked. No, not just them, even Lin Nanxiang who was on the side was shocked to see this scene.

In the past few days, when Tang Nuanhua woke up, she was either crying or making all kinds of heart-piercing crying. Why did she be so calm today and even laughed?

"Nuanhua, are you okay?" Mu Wushuang asked nervously at this time, she was worried that Tang Nuan's painting was just pretending to be strong.

However, Tang Nuanhua chuckled and said indifferently, "It's okay, what can I do? Do you think I'm okay?"

"Well, I'm relieved to see that you are okay!" I didn't expect Tang Nuan's painting to be neither sad nor sad, and Mu Wushuang immediately felt more comfortable in his heart.

But in the next second, Mu Wushuang's feeling of comfort that had just built up in his heart was shattered in the tone of Tang Nuan's paintings.

"Have Jing Yi contacted you recently? Did you say when he will be back?" Tang Nuan painted out of bed and took a bite of an apple on the table.

Upon hearing this, Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang were both stunned.

Just now, they thought that Tang Nuan's painting was out of pain, and that Tang Nuan's painting didn't matter at all, but now it seems that Tang Nuan's painting hasn't accepted reality at all.

The smile on her face suddenly became so unreal.

Mu Wushuang looked at such Tang Nuan paintings, and suddenly there was a feeling that Tang Nuan paintings seemed to be living in a dream.

But Lin Nanxiang's mood that was just a little bit happy at first fell down again. Well, it seems that she is thinking too much.

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