This is definitely the most touching news that Tang Nuan has heard for so many days.

She turned her head and hugged Qiao Manxue again, and said excitedly, "I know that you can understand me. Jing Yi is such a good person. How could he be killed by thunder? This is simply nonsense. !"

"Yeah, yes, Jing Yi is such a good child, even if he is really dead, he cannot be killed by thunder. These are just nonsense."

Qiao Manxue's words were sincere, because she was unwilling to accept that her son was struck to death by lightning.

With so many different methods of death in the world, any normal accident, such as a car accident or shooting, might be acceptable to Qiao Manxue.

But his son was killed by a sky thunder. When he died, he couldn't even see his face. He could only use DNA to determine his identity. How could this be possible?

After thinking about it this way, Qiao Manxue was suddenly biased by Tang Nuan's painting, and silently supported Tang Nuan's idea of ​​painting.

Seeing that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are united, Li Haitian feels a lot more at ease. Of course, he has not forgotten his purpose. "Nuanhua, although I believe that Jing Yi is not dead like you, there are some things that we have to deal with, you understand. ?"

Tang Nuanhua was stunned when she heard this, but she didn't quite understand it.

Li Haitian also took this opportunity to express his intentions, "Nuanhua, although it is possible that Jing Yi is not dead, it is already upset outside. We must hold a funeral for Jing Yi. , To give Jing Yi a decent, and this funeral, we need your attendance."

"I, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Tang Nuan painting really didn't understand. Since his father had already believed that Li Jingyi was not dead, why did he have to go to the so-called funeral?

Isn't this superfluous?

"Nuanhua, take it as I beg you!"

Suddenly, Li Haitian didn't know what was wrong. He threw a plop and knelt down on the ground, begging in a humble voice, "Nuanhua, you should treat it as a help for our Li family, I am the master. There is really no other way, me!"

"Dad, don't you want to look like this, dad!"

Tang Nuanhua was frightened, and knelt down with a plop, and asked incomprehensibly, "Dad, why do we have to hold an unnecessary funeral for Jing Yi, since we are not sure whether Jing Yi is still alive, Then we should find a way to prove that Ning Jingyi is indeed alive, right?"

Tang Nuan really had no way to understand Li Haitian’s brain circuits. She thought to herself that if Jing Yi hadn’t died, why bother to have a funeral, so that outsiders would think that Li Jingyi was dead, all this would not be dust. Is it settled? !


Li Haitian sighed deeply at this time, his tone was helpless, "Nuanhua, do you really think I wanted to do this? If my father had no choice, he wouldn't have come up with such an unhelpful way! "

"Now all of us, no one knows exactly where Jing Yi is, and the news outside has turned upside down, making us totally uneasy. Do you know what the outside media say about our family? The rhetoric is worse than one!"

"Nuanhua, you are not me, you may not know how I got through it, but it's really not easy for me to be a father. Now the pressure on my shoulders is really a lot of money, not at all. Exaggeration!"

Li Haitian's tone called a painstaking effort, and Qiao Manxue on the side heard her husband very much.

After that, Li Haitian gave a general description of the current situation of the Li family.

Everyone thought that Li Jingyi was dead, so all of the relatives in these families were not honest and calm. They tried every means to stand up and wanted to divide up Li Jingyi’s shares in the company, and Li Haitian couldn’t stand those people. , Every day is already very difficult.

At this time, Li Haitian needed Tang Nuanhua to stand up and help!

"Nuanhua, now only you can help our house. This is Jing Yi's house and yours. Please help me as a father!" Li Haitian continued to kneel and cry.

In my impression, Li Haitian has always been an expressionless person. This time, Tang Nuan's painting was the first time he saw his father-in-law and became so helpless.

However, she is a daughter-in-law, even if she wants to help, what can she help?

"Dad, I can understand your difficulties, but what can I do for you?" Tang Nuan said helplessly.

She finally disappeared from the hysterical state of the previous two days. After all, they are Li Jingyi's biological parents. In Tang Nuan's paintings, their status is no different from that of their parents, and naturally they will not be treated like Gu Yunzheng.

Tang Nuanhua just felt that since such a big problem had already happened at home, what good would it be to find her?

Tang Nuan painting is just the daughter-in-law of the Li family. In the eyes of the Li family, she is not even a real Li family.

To put it bluntly, if there is really a problem between the family, what can Tang Nuan painting help?

"No, Nuanhua can help you. You are now the only savior of our family!" Li Haitian was extremely certain.

This kind of determination made Tang Nuan stunned when he painted, and he didn't quite understand the meaning of Li Haitian's words.

As a daughter-in-law, how can she help? Stop laughing, okay?

"Nuan Hua, don't believe it, listen to me and tell you slowly!" Li Haitian finally saw that Tang Nuan's eyes loosened a little, so he hurriedly seized this opportunity and began to instill some spirit.

Tang Nuan's painting first pulled Li Haitian up, and said, "Dad, what do you want to say slowly, let's get up first, it's cold on the ground."

It's not a solution for the two of them to kneel on the ground so much, just sit up and say anything if they have anything.

"Okay, well, let's sit up and say." Li Haitian nodded, and then sat on the sofa beside Tang Nuan painting and started a discussion.

"Nuanhua, I'm afraid you don't know it yet. Long before Jing Yi left, no, long before Jing Yi disappeared, he had already made a will to transfer all his assets to you. The name has come down. Of course, part of it will be transferred to me and his mother, but more will be left to you and Jingye."

"is it?"

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, his expression was a little dazed, as if he couldn't believe that Li Jingyi had actually made a will in advance.

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