For a long time, Tang Nuan did not know whether this will is true or false.

At that time, she was heartbroken, and her father-in-law told herself that Jing Yi had left a will, and Tang Nuanhua could not hesitate to believe it.

Later, Xu Mo sent his will to him again, and Tang Nuan still believed it.

Now, how can Tang Nuanhua prove that this will is true?

This is true, a bit difficult.

"Don't worry, Madam!"

Fortunately, Xu Mo had already reserved for this.

Long before he came to attend this meeting, Xu Mo had already planned for a rainy day, thinking about solutions in advance for all possible problems.

At this moment, these solutions are about to come out.

"I think this question is more suitable for me to answer."

Just when everyone thought that Tang Nuan could not answer the painting and secretly rejoiced, Xu Mo directly stood up.

Standing upright in front of everyone, Xu Mo looked at everyone without any weakness, and said, "In fact, Mrs. Young is not clear about the matter of the will, because I gave it to Mrs. Young."


Everyone's eyes fell on Xu Mo's body, and each of them looked very expectant. They wanted to see what kind of tricks such a small assistant Xu Mo could say.

"I don't want to hide it from you, I already knew about the will."

Xu Mo was also unambiguous. Since everyone wanted to know the true and false of the will so much, he should just prove it seriously.

"As early as a year ago, the health of the president was not very good. At that time, the president caused frequent dizziness and transient shock due to overwork of his body. Although these were some minor problems that could be solved, The president is a very cautious person, as you know."

"The problems with the body once or twice are actually okay, but if the number of times is large, it is inevitable that the president will start to worry about his safety. So at that time, even if the president knew that he was still young, he still made a will. Coming down, in order to prevent problems before they happen."

"At that time, I knew that the president made a will. I was shocked because I felt it was unnecessary at all. But the president insisted on making the will. I was just an assistant. Seeing the president make a decision."

"But I didn't expect that this will will really come in handy one day today, alas!"

Xu Mo's attitude is very sincere. Except for not telling Li Jingyi about the virus hidden in his body, all other emotions are true.

The worry is real, the unexpected is real, and the sigh is real.

After Xu Mo sighed, he lowered his head to calm himself a little bit.

After finally calming down for a while, Xu Mo raised his head again and looked at everyone, “Whether you believe me or not, these sentences I said today are true. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Attorney Jin.”

Lawyer Kim?

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

Speaking of lawyer Jin, their first reaction was that the best gold lawyer in the city, Jin Kaifeng.

It is said that in the hands of this lawyer, no matter what bizarre case is, as long as it passes through Jin Kaifeng's hands, basically only wins.

For this reason, TV reporters once rushed to interview Jin Kaifeng one by one, but failed one by one, which also greatly increased Jin Kaifeng's reputation.

In addition, Lawyer Jin also opened his own gold medal law firm to deal with issues such as property rights.

So when everyone heard the name of Attorney Jin, they were all surprised. Could it be that Attorney Jin was also involved this time?

Just as everyone was thinking, a sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground came over.

From the entrance of the conference room, a man walked in. This man was dressed in a dark gold suit with a perfect silhouette of a toned figure. People who don't know can never tell that this is a lawyer.

This is a male model, I'm afraid it's not too much, right?

"My God, this is really Attorney Jin!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed after seeing Jin Kaifeng.

The people around also recognized Jin Kaifeng immediately, and all of them opened their eyes wide, "It's actually him? I didn't look at it, right?"

"Yes, you read that right, because I also recognized it. That person is Jin Kaifeng. Our family had asked him to help in a lawsuit before." A director said coldly.

Tang Nuanhua was also stunned at this time. Although she had heard of Jin Kaifeng's name, she had never seen Jin Kaifeng himself.

I heard that Jin Kaifeng himself is very powerful in the lawsuit, and he is basically invincible, but it is more difficult to find and more difficult to make appointments. Therefore, most people want to see Jin Kaifeng, but also depend on fate.

But at this time, Jin Kaifeng actually appeared here, could it be...

"Hello everyone, this is our lawyer Jin, let's let our lawyer Jin help explain."

After Xu Mo finished speaking out loud, he handed over the right to speak to Jin Kaifeng, "Lawyer Jin, can you please say hello to everyone and explain what happened by the way."

Jin Kaifeng smiled politely on his elegant face, "Okay."

After that, Tang Nuanhua and Xu Mo gave way to Jin Kaifeng and let Jin Kaifeng come to the podium.

Xu has attended this kind of scene too many times. At this time, Jin Kaifeng was not only not restrained at all, but also very relaxed.

With a smile on his lips, a gentleman smiled to everyone, "Hello everyone, this is Jin Kaifeng, Lawyer Jin."

"I believe some people have heard my name a long time ago, and even have seen me, but there must be someone here. It is the first time I have seen me today. I am very honored for that. But I am here today, There is one thing to help my friend Mr. Li Jing Yili do."

Afterwards, Jin Kaifeng briefly explained what happened.

In fact, no one knows that Jin Kaifeng is actually a classmate of Li Jingyi University in the same class but in different departments. The two met on the basketball court.

At that time, Jin Kaifeng was hailed as the school grass character by all the girls in the school. It can be said that the school is full of chaos.

Every time, as long as the Jinkai Summit appears, there must be a group of little fans around them, taking photos of Jinkaifeng all kinds of photos, and signing signatures, completely worshiping Jinkaifeng as an idol male god.

What Jin Kaifeng likes most is playing basketball. Every time he sweats on the basketball court, those little fans will be by his side to cheer for Jin Kaifeng.

Jin Kaifeng also enjoys this feeling, so he acts very hard.

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