"What a hard life, I think this company will be destroyed by this yellow girl sooner or later!"

I don't know who turned around and sneered, and the others shook their heads and sighed.

Gradually, people in the conference room walked out one by one.

"Tang Nuan painting, I really don't understand what you are thinking, can you tell me what you think?"

Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang hadn't left in a hurry. At this moment, while there was no one around, they immediately went forward to inquire about Tang Nuan painting.

"Nuanhua, why did you suddenly think of layoffs? This is not a trivial matter, why don't you discuss it with us in advance?" Mu Wushuang also looked worried.

She didn't think that Tang Nuan's painting was wrong, or she felt that no matter how important things were, she always communicated with them in advance, right?

Anyway, when Li Jingyi was in this company, no matter what important decisions he made, he would discuss with them in advance. How could he get to Tang Nuan's painting here, and he would completely become his own way?

"There is nothing to discuss, even if I discuss with you, I will still stick to my decision, so there is no need."

Tang Nuanhua responded indifferently, with a very cold voice, which was indeed what she thought in her heart.

What is the need for communication? Regardless of whether it is to communicate or not, Tang Nuan painting will definitely stick to his inner thoughts.

In the end, it is nothing more than arguing with them, and then stubbornly sticking to their opinions.

It's just a waste of time.

"Well, even if you don’t discuss it with us, then you should always tell us what is the reason for doing this, right? Tang Nuan, you are also a brainy person, you should know that layoffs are for us. What an important thing for the Group, why did you suddenly think of making such a decision?"

Gu Yunzheng really couldn't figure it out. What was in Tang Nuan's painting mind?

At any rate, she also manages a Tang group independently, how can she not even understand this basic common sense?

If a company does not undergo major changes, it will not lay off employees at every turn. Tang Nuanhua's approach will only cause a panic to the company's employees!

However, Tang Nuan painting only raised the corners of her mouth indifferently. Her mind was very clear, and her response was extremely concise and powerful, "Did I have already said everything when we were in the meeting? We can't use it up and down. With so many people, there is no need to spend such a large manpower expenditure, so is it not normal to lay off staff?"


"Gu Yunzheng, you have been with Jing Yi for so long anyway, so how can you be indecisive? Don't you think I don't know that layoffs will have a great impact on the company, but what about that? , I must get rid of those worms in the company!

I can tell you very clearly that the employees under my hand only need to be skilled, not too many. Since they are no longer needed in the company, why bother to spend so much money to maintain the appearance on the surface? "

Instead of keeping these people in the company and maintaining the hypocritical dignity of the company outside, Tang Nuan thought it might be better to break.

Only by completely removing those who are useless to the company can the company start again!

"Okay! I really convinced you!"

Tang Nuan's paintings are eloquent, and for a while, Gu Yunzheng didn't know what to say.

In the end, he could only sigh, and he seriously asked Tang Nuan to paint, "Tang Nuan painting, no matter what you did today, I just want to tell you that since Jing Yi is about to leave this position Here you are, please give me a position worthy of me, and don't let Jing Yi's expectations be disappointed! Also, I hope you can think carefully before doing things in the future, don't get angry with your emotions, think about the company more!"

After speaking, Gu Yunzheng turned around and walked away directly.

"Eh? Eh? Yunzheng!"

Mu Wushuang seemed to have something to say, but he could only be dragged away by Gu Yunzheng.

Tang Nuanhua stood there blankly, watching their backs leave, a cold sarcasm evoked at the corner of his mouth.


I didn't expect that these four words would still be used on myself.

Turning his head slightly, Tang Nuanhua asked Xu Mo behind him, "Xu Mo, do you think I did something wrong with this matter?"

Xu Mo paused without answering, as if he didn't know how to respond.

Tang Nuanhua knew that Xu Mo didn't dare to say it, so he asked in another way, "Then you think if it was Jing Yi, what would he do if he saw the company's current situation in such a downturn?"

Xu Mo's eyes lit up when he heard this, as if Mao Sai suddenly opened up, and suddenly thought that if he were the president, he would probably choose the same as Mrs. Young!

Because Li Jingyi has always been a decisive person, as long as he is useless to the company, he will get rid of without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Xu Mo told Tang Nuanhua very honestly, "Madam Young, if it is the president, I think he will take the same action as you."

"Haha, that's why, in fact, there is nothing wrong with what I did. It's just that I'm awkward because of these things."

Tang Nuanhua smiled casually, implying that if the layoffs were done by Li Jingyi, it would definitely feel different.

Li Jingyi is such a strong person, he has always said that he has a unique temperament. If he says to lay off employees, it is definitely because the employees in the company are not doing well.

But this matter changed when it came to Tang Nuan's turn.

It seemed that all of this was made by Tang Nuan painting unreasonably, but it made everyone unhappy.

But in fact, she was only familiar with Li Jingyi's way of doing things, so she made the same choice as Li Jingyi.

At the end, Tang Nuanhua smiled helplessly, "Oh, forget it, this is nothing to do, too lazy to care about them, anyway, I just want to start over with the company, no one can stop me! "

The eyes gradually rose to a sense of determination, Tang Nuan's expression on the painted face was very indifferent, but his body seemed to be full of strength, which moved people's hearts.

Xu Mo watched from the side, and thought to himself, that the young lady is indeed the young lady. She dares to be a young lady, which is different from other women.

Xu Mo couldn't help thinking silently in his heart. He believed that Mrs. Young would definitely get better with the company!

After all, Mrs. Young is a woman the president looks after, and she will not disappoint!

"Okay, I'll go back to the office first, there is still a lot of work waiting for me to take care of. You can just keep up here when you clean up."

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