Unfortunately, Li Jingyi didn't seem to like his cousin.

To be precise, Li Jingyi was a very cold child when he was a child, and he didn't like the children around him very much.

Jiang Jingfeng deeply remembered that once on Li Jingyi's birthday, he used his New Year's pocket money to purchase a set of limited edition car models for Li Jingyi, but Li Jingyi didn't even look at it.

At that moment, Jiang Jingfeng felt unprecedented sadness.

But he was still not discouraged, and tried to talk to Li Jingyi time and time again. Although he was beaten back by Li Jingyi's indifference every time, his admiration for Li Jingyi was not halved.

Later, after Li Jingyi took over the family company himself, Jiang Jingfeng also vowed silently in his heart that he must work hard in the same company as Li Jingyi in the future.

That's why he chose to follow his mother's words just after graduating from college and come to work in the Li Group.

Although the position is a director...cough cough, but at least he still came to Li Jingyi!

It’s just that the world is unpredictable. Yes, I finally came to the Li Group and officially worked with Li Jingyi, but Li Jingyi was no longer here.

"Cousin, do you know? I'm really sad. I want to make my cousin notice me, but I can't see him anyway... He is my idol since I was young, how could he be I'm leaving like this."

After saying this, his tears continued to fall rapidly like beads that had dropped.

Tang Nuanhua saw the boy crying in front of him, and his numb heart suddenly hurt at this moment.

Li Jingyi thought of Li Jingyi in his mind, and Tang Nuan's eye sockets also instantly moistened.

It's not sad, all are fake.

It’s just that these days, Tang Nuan’s paintings have been hiding his sorrow deeply, making everyone think that Tang Nuan’s paintings have almost no emotions.

But in fact, once the point in his heart is touched, Tang Nuan's heart is still more sad than anyone else.

However, Tang Nuan's paintings also knew very clearly that being sad was of no use.

In addition to expressing the sorrow in the heart, tears will not help the actual situation at all, and it will also affect people's mentality.

So soon, Tang Nuan's painting adjusted his state.

She gently lifted her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and calmly looked at the boy in front of her, "Okay, I see, thank you for your love of Jing Yi all the time, and thank you for your willingness to work in the company, and you will be fine in the future. Go to work and look forward to your performance."

"Yeah, I will try my best to show it, and, cousin, I want to tell you that I will definitely support you in the future! Although I didn’t have time to meet my cousin, I didn’t have time to prove myself to my cousin, But in the future I will treat you as a cousin, and I will always support and accompany you!"

Jiang Jingfeng said to Tang Nuan painting very sincerely.

The rolling Adam's apple and the extremely sincere look in his eyes made people have to believe that this boy was all true.

Although Tang Nuan painting didn't know if what the boy said was all the truth, she didn't want to believe it was fake.

So it was still warm, smiled at the boy, "Come on, work hard together!"

"Hmm, work hard together!"

When the voice fell, Tang Nuanhua turned and left.

He didn't know what he was thinking, Tang Nuanhua felt that his chest was tight, so he took a deep breath, adjusted his state and returned to the office.

As soon as he sat down in the office, Xu Mo followed with his things.

"Madam, there is one more thing I haven't reported to you." Xu Mo said something like a sudden thought.

Tang Nuan nodded calmly, "Well, what's the matter?"

"Just last night, I received news from the branch, saying that a company intends to acquire our branch, and the market there has been emptied. Now the shareholders over there are all There is a dilemma!"

Xu Mo showed a look of embarrassment, it seemed that this matter was indeed a bit difficult to handle.

"Where is that branch office?" Tang Nuan asked calmly without changing his face.

Xu Mo replied, "It’s from Haicheng. It’s not big or small. Our company’s branch in Haicheng is the only one. If someone buys our branch, we can Haicheng has no place at all!"

"Oh, is it? Then who is it that bought us?"

"Um, it seems to be a well-known local company, I forgot what it was!" Xu Mo answered honestly.

Hearing this, Tang Nuan drew the corners of his mouth indifferently, thinking that he was just a well-known local company, but he would dare to arrogantly come to his head? It seems that those people are really bold!

"Madam, what do you think we should do about this matter? If we are acquired, not only will we lose a branch, the outside world may also mock us!"

The properties of the dignified Li Group will also be acquired. If this is said to be heard by people in the business community, wouldn't it be a big laugh?

It is estimated that at that time, each of them will shake their heads in their hearts, saying that it seems that the Li Group is really not working!


As soon as he thought of this, Xu Mo felt that it was extremely difficult to handle. Now the company is really struggling step by step.

In contrast, Tang Nuan's paintings are much calmer.

She calmly looked at Xu Mo in front of her, no emotional ripples could be seen on her Jiao's face, "Are they going to buy us? Order it, I want to buy them!"

? ? ?

! ! !

Xu Mo was shocked in an instant, "Madam, you, are you kidding me!?"

I just said that the branch is about to be acquired, but now Mrs. Young is actually going to directly acquire other people’s businesses. What an extreme operation is this! ?

If there is a cool wind blowing now, Xu Moke will really mess in the wind.

"Why, do I seem to be joking with you? Could it be that they are only allowed to have this ambition to acquire us, and we can't fight against the generals?" Tang Nuan painted only thought Xu Mo's reaction was funny.

In Tang Nuanhua's view, as long as the company's interests can be maximized, there is nothing that cannot be done.

Acquiring the branch of their Li Group? Oh, I didn't expect someone to have such a big appetite.

So what else could be done? Tang Nuan's paintings had no choice but to have a bigger appetite than theirs. Then, let's see who is going to eat whom!

"But, Mrs. Young, that company is also a big local company. If we buy them, it will probably cost a lot of money!"

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