Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2217: This time, I won’t run away again

At the moment he left, Li Jingyi felt extremely complicated.

This is the first time Li Jingyi has walked out of the villa's door since this month.

At this moment, with a strange face and a completely strange identity, he was about to accept a completely different life. He didn't know whether this choice was right or wrong.

But whether it's right or wrong, you have to try it before you know it, right?

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li!"

Not long after Li Jingyi got into the car, his mother suddenly chased up with an eager tone.

After catching up and seeing Li Jingyi sitting in the car, she asked concerned, "Mr. Li, are you leaving?"

"Yeah." Li Jingyi responded lightly.

This month, thanks to this old mother who has been taking care of herself, he is also grateful to this old mother.

The corner of his mouth silently aroused, and Li Jingyi said softly, "Auntie, I'm leaving now, remember to take care of yourself."

Hearing that, the old mother is still a little sad, because she has lived alone for a long time, and now she has lived with Li Jingyi for a period of time. Although it has only been a month, she has already born some dependence in her heart.

In a blink of an eye, Li Jingyi was about to leave, and the old mother felt a little bit sad.

But reluctant to give up, the old mother knew that she could not interfere with Li Jingyi’s major event, so she nodded her head caringly, and said kindly, "Good sir, I will take care of myself, and you remember to take care of your body too. !"

After speaking, the old mother turned her gaze to the old doctor who was aside, and the expression in her eyes instantly softened, "And you, remember to take care of yourself. You are already a lot of age, don't let me I'm worried about you."

Hearing this, the old doctor did not answer, but he nodded slightly.

Then the old doctor said to the few partners, "Okay, it's time to go, let's go!"

Soon, the car started and left the place completely.

"Where are we going now?"

Sitting in the car, what Li Jingyi cared most was where they went next.

"First take the plane, I have already arranged the helicopter in advance, and you can fly directly to Country S. It's not far anyway," the old doctor replied.


After getting the answer, Li Jingyi didn't say much, but after a while, they arrived at a spacious place.

There was a helicopter of just the size parked in the spacious place. There was not much space inside, but it was enough for a few of them.

Then a few people boarded the private jet. After getting on the plane, Li Jingyi took advantage of the flight and squinted on the plane for a while.

When he woke up again, he had successfully arrived in Country S.

S country, Li Jingyi is not the first time here.

The last time Li Jingyi escaped from this place to South Africa, and now he has fled back from South Africa, this feeling is really unusual.

Looking at the street scenes of the S city, Li Jingyi's eyes were very cold and firm.

Of course he knew what he was here for this time.

Only this time, he would never run away again.

"Mr. Li, let's change a car. It's time to set off to the old man's private hospital. It is estimated that in the afternoon, the old man will go to the hospital to check his body regularly. Then it will be a good time for us to do it." After the plane, the old doctor stepped forward and said to Li Jingyi.

Li Jingyi nodded, and then tacitly cooperated with the old doctor, and the group of people once again got into a black car together and headed to the destination.

The destination, which is where the leaders of white blood organizations often come-Wannian Private Hospital.

What is a little surprising is that Li Jingyi originally thought that this hospital should be opened in a place that was not noticeable in the wilderness, but he did not expect this private hospital to be opened in a wealthy area in the city.

Said this is a wealthy area, because there are some villas all around here.

There is more or less a garden and a fountain outside the villa. The decoration style of the villa is also full of European-style magnificence. At first glance, it is definitely not a place that ordinary people can afford.

When the car drove into this wealthy area, the old doctor saw the surrounding scene, and he thought of the painful days he lived here many years ago.

The old fist gradually clenched, and the old doctor's face was darkened.

"Doctor, calm down."

Li Jingyi noticed the change in the doctor's mood and immediately called out in time.

The doctor's thoughts were pulled back, and he immediately smiled at Li Jingyi apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I'm lost."

"It's okay, if it were for me, I would lose my temper." Li Jingyi casually comforted.

Then the car drove slowly, and finally settled down at the door of a private hospital after driving some distance.

Wannian Private Hospital.

"Wannian? This hospital has changed its name, but the name is indeed the same as the old man's style. He wants to live for ten thousand years at every turn. It's really whimsical and ridiculous!"

After not coming to this place for many years, the old doctor saw the name of the private hospital changed, and the corners of his mouth coldly evoked a touch of sarcasm.

"Professor, is our car safe to park here?" At this moment, the driver in the front row turned around and asked.

"Safe, nothing insecure."

The old doctor replied naturally, "This area of ​​the rich are all rich and powerful. He usually arranges a lot of black cars in it. As long as he sees a black car, he will not be suspicious, but will I feel like my own."

As soon as the voice fell, two black vehicles approached.

These vehicles look very brand new. When the sun falls, dazzling light will be reflected from the roof.

And when these cars passed by the car where the old doctor was, sure enough, they were like old friends and old friends meeting, and they didn't feel any strangeness at all.

"It's weird, why?"

At this time, the driver in the front row was very puzzled, "When we entered this rich area just now, the guard at the door did not stop us. Why would they allow them to pass as long as it is a black car? Are they not afraid of some outsiders coming in? Huh?"

This question happens to be a question in the minds of other people.

They didn't quite understand why, when the car just entered this wealthy area, the guard at the door didn't stop them at all, so they let them in so casually.

And the black vehicles around at this time didn't feel surprised at all when they saw them, wouldn't they be surprised?

"It's very simple, because our car has an internal sign, the doorman at the door will not stop it."

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