Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2220: Successful replacement

He narrowed his eyes vigilantly, and Zhu Luo walked toward the bush.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind him unconsciously, covering his mouth!

Before he could react, his other hand took Zhu Luo's gun without hesitation, causing him to lose the only weapon in his hand.

However, Zhu Luo is obviously not so easy to deal with.

The super reaction speed made Zhu Luo instantly understand what happened.

His first reaction was not to be afraid or nervous, but to hook his leg back, directly hooking the person behind him into an unstable center.

At the same time, Zhu Luo took advantage of that person's center of gravity, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he took the person from behind and carried the person on his shoulders, hitting the ground with a shoulder-crossing!


The man who fell to the ground was grinning with pain.

He lay on the ground and looked at Zhu Luo's cold face, thinking that, as expected, the assistant beside the leader of the white blood organization was really not an ordinary person!

However, he still has a way to deal with him!

At this time, Zhu Luo bent over, trying to pick up the gun from the ground. One shot broke the man. Unexpectedly, this man took out an electric shock stick from his pocket without hesitation, and took advantage of the moment Zhu Luo squatted down. , Directly over with an electric stick.


Even if it is a person who has the ability and skill, he can't withstand a high-voltage attack.

Suddenly, Zhu Luo felt that he was losing strength all over, and couldn't even make a sound, so he could only fall limply to the ground.

The subordinates didn't dare to waste time, so they hurriedly picked up these Zhuluo and carried them to the car.

Inside the car.


As soon as he got in the car, a piece of adhesive tape immediately sealed his mouth, so that Zhu Luo did not have the slightest chance to speak.

And at this moment, the old doctor's face appeared in Zhu Luo's line of sight. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Zhu Luo, long time no see."

Zhu Luo's eyes increased instantly!

He recognizes this old man. Isn't this the same medical expert that the leader took back? Isn't this person dead?

With his big eyes open, Zhu Luo was as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight, and his whole person's expression was not good.

However, in the next second, something even more shocked him happened.

Li Jingyi forcibly twisted Zhu Luo's face, letting him face him, Zhu Luo's pupils instantly tightened, and he was even more surprised.

How could there be someone who looks exactly like yourself! ! !

However, Zhu Luo's shock cannot be explained, because in the next second, the old doctor shouted, "Hurry up, don't delay for too long, otherwise the old man should be suspicious!"

"Yes, let's move faster!"

When the voice fell, they did not hesitate and began to take off their clothes.

Zhu Luo's eyes had widened to the point that he couldn't get any bigger. He didn't have the opportunity to speak, so he could only yell in his heart constantly, what do these people want to do?

He is a man!

This gang of beasts should not do anything utterly conscience to themselves! ?

Damn it!

If he is allowed to escape from their hands, he will let them all die! ! !

However, it turns out that Zhu Luo thinks too much.

After plucking off Zhu Luo's clothes in twos and threes, Zhu Luo still had a small gray inner inner wall.

The smooth and white thighs came out, the lines were good, but it was a man, no one would be interested in him.

After that, Zhu Luo saw Li Jingyi in front of him, the man who looked exactly like him, quickly took off his coat and shirt, and then quickly put Zhu Luo's clothes on him.

When he fastened his tie, Zhu Luo finally understood that this person was going to impersonate himself!

There was a burst of ridicule in Zhu Luo's eyes, and those eyes seemed to mock them, "You despicable people, think you can pretend to be me? Oh, I'm not that you can just find someone to pretend to be. Yes, the leader will not trust you!"

However, no one cares what Zhu Luo thinks.

After Li Jingyi quickly put on Zhu Luo's clothes, his whole person seemed to have transformed into another Zhu Luo, and the cold breath instantly radiated from him.

After that, Li Jingyi opened the door and prepared to get off.

A second before getting off the car, he turned his head, smiled at Zhu Luo who was wearing only a small inner inner ring, and said, "I'm sorry, although the method is a bit despicable, but there is no other way. I can use your identity. I have the opportunity to return it to you."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Jingyi dropped his gaze on the sofa again. The mobile phone in Zhu Luo's pocket did not know when it fell out, so he quickly picked it up and put it in his pocket.

"Mr. Li, this is his gun, hold it well!"

The men on the side handed Zhu Luo's gun, Li Jingyi took the gun with his hand, and then faintly nodded at the people in the car, "Thank you for this trip, goodbye!"

"Mr. Li, we must come back safely!"

The old doctor called out in a hurry, but Li Jingyi didn't respond because he got out of the car and left.

The moment he got out of the car, Li Jingyi was wearing Zhu Luo's clothes, and his breath became much colder in an instant.

He didn't need to make any expressions, he just needed to look around indifferently, as if he had become Zhu Luo himself.

That kind of breath on his body is exactly the same as that of Zhu Luo.

Putting the gun on his waist again, Li Jingyi walked to the door of the private hospital without changing his face and said coldly, "You guys, show me tight!"

The two men in black at the door laughed instantly, saying that Mr. Li's acting is really alike!

It seems that this time, their revenge is expected!

Back in the private hospital again, Li Jingyi walked inside without changing his face.

There were nurses along the road nodding to Li Jingyi, which made Li Jingyi quickly find the leader of the white blood tissue, which is the old man’s ward.

Standing at the door of the ward, Li Jingyi heard a solemn voice before he even went in at this time, "Chief, your body is worse than last month!"


Suddenly, it seemed that some glassware fell on the ground, and there was a very crisp sound on the ground.

Then an old voice sounded. Although the voice was old, but the anger was still terrifying, "You tell me again?"

The man immediately lowered his head tremblingly, and kept apologizing to the old man, "I'm sorry the boss, I didn't think about it, sorry!"

"Damn it!"

The old man rolled his eyes, but his face looked better anyway.

And just at this moment, Li Jingyi took a deep breath, trying to calm his mood a bit, then he mustered up his courage and walked in with a cold face.


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