"Hmm, I said."

Baicheng held his chin proudly, his face full of confidence.

It wasn't that Baicheng had never been compared with Zhuluo before, but Zhuluo at that time had no knowledge of billiards. Under the hands of a master of billiards like Baicheng, he had suffered countless defeats.

However, Zhu Luo is also a person who refuses to admit defeat, so every time he loses to Baicheng, he still has to get more frustrated and courageous.

This also led to Baicheng, as long as he competed with Zhu Luo to try table tennis, he would be extremely confident.

But this time, Baicheng miscalculated.

At this moment, it was not Zhuluo who stood in front of him, but Li Jingyi.

Li Jingyi was originally a very savvy person, and he could do better than others with just a little bit of light in any aspect.

As for billiards, Li Jingyi hadn't actually played much before, just casually played with friends.

However, although there is not much game experience, it does not mean that Li Jingyi does not understand.

I saw that after Li Jingyi picked up the cue, he first put the ball in the ball grinder and rubbed it a few times, then lightly blew the tip of the cue.

"Hey! Bluff!"

Bai Cheng sneered. Seeing his pretending appearance, he remembered that Zhu Luo had been defeated repeatedly under his own hands before, and he only felt that he was just playing around.

Li Jingyi didn't say anything. How about his strength, wouldn't he know if he played a ball?

Later, I saw Li Jingyi standing by the table, glanced at the table roughly, and asked quietly, "Do you choose a suit or a full color?"

There are sixteen **** on the table. Except for one white ball and one black ball, the other sixteen **** are divided into panchromatic **** and colored balls.

There are seven panchromatic **** and seven colored **** respectively. If the two of them have to face off, the comparison is who hits their target ball into the hole first.

If the **** of both sides are cleared, it depends on whoever hits the black ball into the hole first, and whoever wins.

"Oh, I choose any color, anyway, you will definitely lose."

Baicheng raised his chin arrogantly, thinking that it didn't matter which color ball he chose, what was important was that he would never let the opponent win.

"Okay, then you come first." Li Jingyi replied readily.

"No, I will give you a goal, you come first!"

Baicheng smiled, thinking he didn't want to bully people.

Originally, Zhuluo's basketball skills were not very good, but Baicheng's subordinates all saw it. If Baicheng still served first, wouldn't it be clear to bully?

Therefore, Baicheng decided to be generous and give the opportunity to serve to the opponent.

"you sure?"

Li Jingyi's lips curled up with a smile, as if he was amused by Bai Cheng's blind confidence.

But he quickly realized that Zhu Luo should be someone who didn't like to laugh, and he and Baicheng should be rivals, so he tightened his face coldly.

"OK, hurry up, don't waste time."

Bai Cheng urged, he couldn't wait to see how this man was defeated.

Li Jingyi sneered in his heart, thinking that if you want this, I can't help it.

Later, I saw Li Jingyi picked up the club confidently, leaned slightly, and prepared to serve.


With a crisp sound, the **** on the table were scattered by Li Jingyi, and a ball fell into the pit.

Baicheng was extremely surprised when he saw this scene.

I didn't expect Li Jingyi to be so accurate right after the start?

However, it soon occurred to me that this man had lost to himself so many times before, and even if he scored a goal this time, it was just a coincidence and nothing to care about.

So immediately returned to normal, Baicheng walked to the side of the coffee table, took a sip of water from the teacup, and sighed gently, very leisurely.

Unexpectedly, when he turned back, Li Jingyi was already addicted to playing.




After several crisp noises in a row, Li Jingyi's every shot was accurate, and the ball on the table was scored by Li Jingyi within a few seconds, and there was nothing wrong with it!

Baicheng's eyes widened suddenly, and he was shocked. He couldn't believe it was true!

At this moment, is this Zhuo who is strategizing with the cue, or is it the one in his memory that he has repeatedly defeated?

In the past, as long as Baicheng competed with Zhu Luo, he had never beaten his own, okay?

Why did he become so powerful in a blink of an eye?


There was another crisp sound, this shot was missed.

To be precise, Li Jingyi deliberately knocked it out, because it seemed boring to be accurate.

Li Jingyi deliberately pretended to be miscalculated, and shook his head unfortunately, "No, it's your turn."

After speaking, he leaned the cue on the table and planned to hand over the table to Baicheng.

If Baicheng has a beard, it is estimated that the beard can be blown away at this moment!

Don't say that the **** on the table are full-color or suits, but any ball is scored by Li Jingyi!

The one that Li Jingyi missed just now is the only white and black **** remaining on the table. This is considered to be given to Baicheng to play. What can he play?

Victory or defeat has been decided, but also a hammer?

"Zhu Luo, you deliberately?"

Baicheng looked at Zhu Luo angrily. At this time, Li Jingyi had already sat down on the sofa calmly.

After being so annoyed by Baicheng, Li Jingyi's face was calm, and he pretended to be innocent, "No, didn't I leave you two?"


Baicheng became angry.

What he hates most is losing, no matter what he does, he least likes to lose!

After being tricked by Li Jingyi, Baicheng was angry for a whole month, but now he didn't expect to lose to Zhu Luo again!

Bai Cheng was so angry that he took out a gun from his waist and aimed it at Zhu Luo's head.

Li Jingyi still had a calm face, because he was sure that Bai Cheng would not dare to do anything to himself.

Just because Zhu Luo had been the old man's confidant for so many years, Baicheng couldn't have the courage to do it on himself.

Sure enough, Bai Cheng stared angrily for a while and Zhu Luo put away the gun again angrily.

Then Bai Cheng sat down beside Li Jingyi and asked angrily, "When are you so good?"

"I took time to practice, why, you win, can't afford to lose?"

Li Jingyi could see that this is a typical case of Baicheng who just wants to win and don't want to lose, otherwise he wouldn't be so angry after losing a few goals.

"Who said I can't afford to win and lose? I'm letting you. Didn't you see that I haven't had a chance to shoot yet!"

Bai Cheng didn't want to admit that he had lost, and quickly quibbled a few words out loud.

In fact, there is indeed something unacceptable in my heart. My own once defeated opponents actually beat myself?

Are you kidding me?

However, if you lose, you lose. This is a fact everyone can see.

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