Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2232: Can't afford cancer

Baicheng sighed softly, then dialed the number over there and talked about the situation here.

After finishing speaking, Baicheng hung up the phone with a self-confidence, "Okay, we are all right now."

Hearing this, Li Jingyi didn't say anything.

At this time, the traffic police is comforting the rescued group, "It's okay, it's okay, you're okay, we will protect you!"

"Uuuuuu, scared to death, really scared to death, Comrade Police, thank you very much!"

Those researchers finally got the rescue one by one, and they all became grateful.

The police officer was naturally comforting, "It's okay. It's our duty to save you. We've kept you waiting for a long time, but what we want to know is, what happened?"

Compared to the group of people being rescued, the police are more concerned about what happened.

What is the situation, these people will be locked in such a carriage?

And the white lab coats they wore. It seemed that they were all medical personnel. How could they be treated as objects and installed in such a train carriage?

"It's them, it's them!"

At this time, a researcher saw Li Jingyi and Bai Cheng standing not far away, and immediately rushed over, pointing at them.

This person rushed straight to Li Jingyi and Baicheng, and charged angrily, "They are the two who imprisoned us in the mountain and let us do research for them. After our research failed, they will take us away. Take it for live experiments, it's them!"

In vivo experiment?

This term refers to the knowledge blind spot of traffic police.

They were originally here to manage the traffic situation, but they didn't expect to be here to rescue such a group of medical personnel.

Now, what are they talking about in vivo experiments?

"Forget it, call the detective to come over, we can't take care of this."

The traffic police shook his head helplessly, and the surrounding traffic police also nodded.

After that, they called the criminal police over.

The corners of Baicheng's mouth rose slightly at this time, thinking it was good, of course it would be the best to call the detective.

Because the criminal police basically know Baicheng, as long as they meet each other, it is estimated that they will not continue to embarrass Baicheng.

Soon after, the detective arrived.

Several police cars drove over with the mighty screams of the police. After arriving at the scene, a group of uniformed police officers got out of the car and then went to the scene to investigate the situation.

Sure enough, one of the police officers headed by him knew Baicheng.

"Officer Liu, you should know who I am?"

Baicheng walked over with a smile and said hello to the man called Officer Liu.

The man seemed to be the head of the criminal police. He was still calm when he stood in the forefront, but when he saw Baicheng, his scalp became numb!

How could he not know Baicheng?

Such a demon-like character is simply a cancer in the eyes of the police!

But the biggest difference between this malignant tumor and other malignant tumors is that Baicheng is not only a malignant tumor, but also a malignant tumor that can't be caused!

Not to mention the white blood organization behind Baicheng, just relying on the fact that Baicheng is the manager of the entire dungeon, Officer Liu must give this person a little bit of face.

No, the corner of Police Officer Liu's mouth raised. Although his heart was furry, he managed to send a smile on his face.

He smiled and nodded to Baicheng, "Of course I know you. I don't know anyone, and it's impossible not to know you."

"Hmph, you know it!"

Baicheng snorted arrogantly, and the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

After that, Baicheng didn’t talk nonsense, and pointed directly at the traffic policeman who just said, “This person, you said hello to me. I was about to cross this road just now, but he actually dared to stop me. Up!"

"Yes, yes yes, you are right."

Officer Liu did not dare to refute, so he turned his head and stared at the traffic policeman just now, "What's the matter with you? Do you know who this is? You even dare to stop Mr. Baicheng. Are you going to die?!"


The traffic police looked at a loss.

He just complied with his accusation and stopped someone to check it. Is there anything wrong?

And at this moment, the medical personnel who were dismissed by the traffic police couldn't stand it anymore, trying to step forward to be reasonable, "This police officer, why are you so unreasonable? Baicheng originally broke the law, shouldn't it? Stop him?"

In the final analysis, those medical personnel were saved because they had confidence, so they dared to stand up against Baicheng.

It's best to take advantage of this time to catch Baicheng all at once, that's the best!

Anyway, if they want evidence, they also have evidence in their hands. When the time comes, are they afraid that they won't sue a Baicheng?

Unfortunately, they thought all this too simple.

"What are you talking nonsense, why did our Mr. Baicheng break the law? How did we break the law?"

At this time, Officer Liu glared at the medical personnel who had just come out to speak, and his attitude was obviously biased towards Baicheng's side.

The medical staff was very surprised. I didn't expect the police officer to speak so favorably!

Suddenly someone stood up unconvinced, "This police officer, can you please investigate the truth of the matter before you speak, Baicheng illegally detained us for several months, and even transported us privately, wanting to use us as his living body. Specimens, I don’t know how many people died in his hands, can you find out!"

"Don't say it if you are done!"

The police officer felt annoyed when he heard that, and stared at them directly, "Everyone has a mouth, and whoever wants to say what he wants to say, should I just listen to your words?!"


"Don't be it, I know you have grievances in your heart, but is it time to talk about this now?!"


"Enough, don't you see that the road is still blocked? You are in the middle of the road, and the people behind can't pass it?"

Officer Liu didn't give them a chance to speak at all, and immediately blocked these medical personnel into speechlessness.

Obviously doing the most partial thing, but on the surface pretending to be very impartial, "Okay, no matter the truth of this matter, what is it, I can't just listen to one of you!"

"I will go back and investigate this matter carefully. When the investigation comes out, what is the real situation of the matter? I will know when I check it out. You don't need to say what you say here."

When the words finished, the police officer directly nodded at Baicheng respectfully, "Mr. Bai, you go first."

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