As everyone knows, Baicheng really felt a pity in his heart.

When Li Jingyi kept asking him to get the antidote, Baicheng couldn't get the antidote, so now he really wants to know if the antidote has been developed.

If it is developed, Baicheng can be regarded as making up for a kind of debt to Li Jingyi, although this kind of debt is meaningless.

"Forget it, you won't understand what I'm thinking, so I won't tell you."

Although Baicheng felt regretful in his heart, he would never let people know his regret, because he knew no one would understand him, so why bother to say more?

At this time, Li Jingyi silently observed Baicheng from the corner of his eye, and found that there seemed to be a slight pity in Baicheng's eyes. He couldn't help but chuck, and then warned, "Don't ask more about things that are not yours in the future."


Bai Cheng didn't care about it and went back, "If you really give you a little sunshine, you will be bright. I tell you, I just asked casually. Even if I stand in front of the leader, I dare to ask, what are you? "

"Then you go and ask in front of the leader." Li Jingyi answered calmly.

"You!" Baicheng gritted his teeth, "you irritated me again, right? Okay, my lord has a lot, so I don't care about you!"

"Oh." Li Jingyi replied indifferently.

And just at this moment, the car kept driving forward, and it was about to reach an intersection. Suddenly a car swiftly moved towards the car where Li Jingyi and Baicheng were.

The driver was so frightened that he immediately turned a sharp bend at the fastest speed.

The consequence of this sharp bend was that Bai Cheng fell unpreparedly on Li Jingyi's body again, and fell accurately into Li Jingyi's arms.

Li Jingyi immediately pushed the **** man away, "Get away!"

"Do you think Lao Tzu is willing?" Bai Cheng was also angry, glaring at the driver in the front row angrily, "How do you drive a car?"

The driver in the front row quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, boss, I can't do anything when a car rushed out just now, I, I really can't help you."

"I think you don't want to do it!"

Baicheng snorted angrily, then turned his attention, and suddenly remembered that when he just fell into Li Jingyi's arms, he seemed to smell a good smell, and this smell was particularly familiar, as if he had smelled it somewhere. .

No, to be precise, it seems to have been smelled on someone.

"Hey, did you spray perfume?" Baicheng suddenly looked at Li Jingyi.

This is the second time Li Jingyi heard this question today. Is the fragrance on his body so obvious?

But Li Jingyi had never sprayed any perfume. As for where the scent came from, Li Jingyi didn't know, it was probably the scent that was left over from washing clothes.

"Nothing, probably the smell of laundry detergent."

He gave a flat reply, and Li Jingyi still showed expressionless expression on his face.

"is it?"

Baicheng thought that the smell didn't seem to be laundry detergent, it seemed like...

It's the smell of Li Jingyi's body!

Yes, Baicheng suddenly remembered that when they shook hands with Li Jingyi before, the scent on Li Jingyi was just this smell.

Of course, the smell on Zhu Luo's body in front of him at this time is very weak, maybe it's just that the two of them use the same perfume.

I didn't worry too much about coming to Baicheng like this, but I couldn't help but look at Li Jingyi's body, as if he wanted to see through Li Jingyi thoroughly.

Li Jingyi also clearly felt the deep gaze of the person beside him, and it was not a way to keep being stared like this.

Li Jingyi simply turned his head, gave Bai Cheng a fierce look, and gave Bai Cheng a warning with his eyes.

Bai Cheng immediately made a cut and turned his head to ignore Li Jingyi.

Li Jingyi was also a lot more comfortable, and he ignored Baicheng.

After a while, in the city, the entrance of the underground city.

The car slowly stopped at the entrance of the dungeon, and Baicheng was almost there. It was convenient to get off the car and close the door, "Go."

Just about to turn around, he turned his head and added, "By the way, you can come to me if you have nothing to do in the future, I don't want to see you again."

Li Jingyi didn't make any sense when he heard this, and said directly to the driver in the front row, "Drive."


The driver quickly started the car and left with Li Jingyi.

"Hey! Hey! Damn!"

Baicheng was just ignored, and he suddenly felt a little angry.

But there was nothing he could do if he was angry. Baicheng had no choice but to endure forbearance, and then returned to his territory with anger.

"Assistant Zhu, where are you going now?"

At this time, in the car, the driver didn't know where the destination was, so he asked in passing.

However, Li Jingyi didn't know where he was going. After all, he was pretending to be someone else and naturally he didn't know anything about it.

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi asked the driver, "Are you familiar with the routes of various places in the organization?"

"Of course, I have been a driver in the organization for many years. I don't know where the organization is. So just tell me where you want to go, and I will take you there." The driver smiled. .

He felt that the scenes in front of him were much better than the moody Baicheng, and his tone was relaxed a lot.

Li Jingyi nodded at this moment, and then ordered, "Well, since you know everything, take me to see the leader first."


When the voice fell, the driver started driving here, and took Li Jingyi to find the leader.

After half an hour.

The car drove into a villa area. There is no such thing as the morning and the two luxurious places in the medical base just now, but this place is also very valuable.

Li Jingyi thought that the old man was so rich, and if he guessed right, the old man should have bought this neighborhood.

What he never expected was that Li Jingyi was wrong.

The car slowly drove into the villa area, and Li Jingyi saw many ordinary residents here along the way.

They wear ordinary clothes, or take their children to play next to the sand, or chat with each other, and even the elderly do exercises on public sports facilities.

At this time, the old leader is one of them.

The old leader seemed to have a good relationship with the old people around him. When Li Jingyi arrived, the old leader was still chatting with other old people about physical fitness.

Even if he saw Zhuluo coming, he still looked calm.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, look at him, my son is here."

When Li Jingyi walked in front of the old leader, before he could speak, the old leader laughed first, "Zhu Luo, hurry up and say hello to your uncles."

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