The name of this project is not called AOST.

However, the symptoms of the infected person described in this project are very similar to those of Li Jingyi.

The above clearly states that patients who are infected with this bacteria usually seem to be nothing special in their daily lives, but occasionally patients will feel nauseous, retching, unable to eat and sleep, and even in severe cases will suddenly feel bone soreness, etc. .

Li Jingyi happened to have all these symptoms.

After looking up and down carefully, Li Jingyi was basically sure that this information was indeed the source of the germs in his body.


With this information, you can find the antidote. As long as you find the antidote, Li Jingyi's body will naturally get better.

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi heaved a sigh of relief, a smile on his face uncontrollably.

However, everything was not as easy as Li Jingyi thought.


While Li Jingyi was holding this document in his hand, he was about to go to the shelf on the side to look for the corresponding antidote. Suddenly, a burst of crisp applause rang in the small document room.

The applause came from the direction of the door. Li Jingyi's dark and bottomless eyes looked towards the door, and he saw a tall figure standing there.

The man turned his back to the light, and Li Jingyi couldn't see who the man was.

The pupils tightened a little, and Li Jingyi had already raised the highest alert in his heart.

In the next second, the man reached out and pressed a switch beside the door.

Suddenly, all the lights in the entire reference room turned on.

With the sudden light, Li Jingyi couldn't help but squinted his eyes. After adjusting to the light, looking at the door, Li Jingyi saw an acquaintance.

How could it be him?

There was a burst of doubt in his heart, and Li Jingyi looked at the person in front of him, full of defense.

It turned out that the person who appeared here was not someone else, but Gu Jun.

Li Jingyi hadn't seen Gu Jun for a long time, and he didn't expect that when he met again, he would actually be at Base 8.

Of course, Gu Jun didn't know that the person in front of him was Li Jingyi.

At this time, watching "Zhu Luo" standing in place, Gu Jun's mouth was filled with a sneer, and his eyes were joking, "Unexpectedly, the dignified assistant Zhuluo would actually do these sneaky things here, but It's really shocking!"

Hearing this, Li Jingyi was a little embarrassed.

However, he remained calm, looked at Gu Jun blankly, and said coldly, "How come you, an unknown junior, appear here?"

If you guessed it correctly, Gu Jun should be just an ordinary member of the organization. Without specific permission, he would not appear in such a place.

At this time, Gu Jun was quite relaxed and replied in a natural tone, "Me? I just happened to come here to get something, but I just happened to ran into you. Seeing your sneaky look, it’s really a long time. See you there."

In fact, before Li Jingyi came here, Gu Jun was already in this medical base.

He was asked by the top of the organization to come here with Linda to get some specific drugs and materials.

But I didn't want to be in this place, I just happened to meet Zhu Luo.

Gu Jun had been in the white blood organization for so many years anyway, and had been by Baicheng's side for several years. It was impossible not to know Zhu Luo.

It’s just that I didn’t expect to see each other for such a long time, when I met again, it would be in such an awkward way.

When he was just in the corridor, he accidentally saw Zhu Luo approaching the reference room, and out of curiosity, he followed him to take a look, only to see the scene of Li Jingyi "stealing information".

At this time, the corner of Gu Jun’s mouth was sneered, and the smile on his face became more intense, "Heh, assistants, according to my previous impression of you, it seems that this is not your style. You are here. Stealing information, are you not afraid of being known by the leader?"

"Who said I was stealing information?"

A cold voice sounded, Li Jingyi took out the information very frankly, and said to Gu Jun in front of him, "The leader sent me to get it."

"Really? Then why didn't you turn on the light just now? I fumbled for a while and called someone..."

There was always a sardonic smile on his face. In fact, Gu Jun had already heard clearly the content of Li Jingyi's call just now. Naturally, he was particularly confident now.

"So, did you hear it all?"

Li Jingyi's face calmed down.

Originally planned to install a costume in front of this Gu Jun, but now it seems that there is no need for such a costume.

"Hey, it's really a coincidence. If the person hitting this scene today is not me but someone else, I guess they won't come out to hinder you, right? But unexpectedly, you met me, Li Jingyi, don't Come here unharmed."

When the voice fell, a smile appeared on Gu Jun's face.

There was a sinister smile in his face, and there was a bottomless darkness in his eyes. He was like a child of a devil, with dark qualities all over his body.

Li Jingyi didn't expect that he had concealed his identity for so long, but it was revealed all at once.

He looked up at the man in front of him, but he was still retorting, "I don't know what you are talking about. Although I made a phone call, it doesn't seem to hinder anything, right? Why do you think I am someone else? "

"Or, your eyes are not good? If you are nearsighted, I don't mind if you come closer, take a good look at my face, I am Zhu Luo, not Li Jingyi in your mouth."

Although it is useless to know this, Li Jingyi still wants to talk about it.

After all, although there is only one person in front of Gu Jun, who knows if anyone is eavesdropping behind him?

As long as Li Jingyi insisted that he was Zhuluo, even if other people knew that he was Li Jingyi, they would not be able to come up with evidence, so naturally they would not dare to chew their tongues.

"Is it?"

At this time, Gu Jun only felt funny when he heard Li Jingyi refused to admit his identity.

He simply strode towards Li Jingyi, and then, as Li Jingyi said, he carefully examined Li Jingyi's face.

Then, he leaned into Li Jingyi's ear and whispered, "Li Jingyi, you have fooled everyone, but you can't fool me."

"I'm telling you, I have used the human skin mask no less than you, but I just wore a mask. Do you really think I will believe your nonsense?"

When the words fell, Gu Jun burst out laughing.

Because he clearly saw that Li Jingyi's face had undergone some changes.

The true face was seen through, and there was no reason to refute, Li Jingyi's face was a little inevitably stiff.

However, these are not the most important to Li Jingyi.

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