Even the old leader didn't even notice. The assistant next to her changed to another person. She rushed to expose Li Jingyi in this way. Didn't she move a rock for herself and hit her own foot?

Linda took a deep breath and thought, forget it, let's stop talking about it.

In case Li Jingyi was not targeted by the organization at that time, she would be targeted by Li Jingyi... Her life would definitely not be better!

Forget it, forget it.

Linda gave up her retreat and kept comforting herself in her heart, it's okay!

Anyway, didn't Gu Jun have said everything, didn't Li Jingyi have been infected with that germ?

As long as the germs begin to spread, even if Li Jingyi is not exposed, after the virus spreads all over his body, Li Jingyi will die sooner or later.

In that case, why bother to come out in person?

Thinking about it this way, Linda seemed to find a trace of comfort for her weakness in her heart.

Finally he exhaled, and his mood calmed down a lot.

Then Linda strode away from the No. 8 Medical Base, as if nothing happened.


A few hours later, the underground city.

The news of Gu Jun's death soon reached Baicheng's ears. When Baicheng heard the news, he was directly furious!

A face that was already pale, at this moment gloomy and terrifying, his voice asked his subordinates beside him in a gloomy voice, "What did you just say? Repeat your words to me again!"

The subordinates were so scared that they could not breathe smoothly, but they had to bite the bullet and say, "Boss, I also just got news from the No. 8 Medical Base, saying that Gu Jun provoked Zhuluo there, and was then caught by Zhuluo. The gun broke his head and died."


Suddenly, the white palm slapped heavily on the desktop, and Bai Cheng's eyes were gloomy with anger.

Gu Jun is by his side! He is the only one who has been with him for so many years!

Although Baicheng was dissatisfied with Gu Jun, after all, he regarded Gu Jun as his own!

But now, his own person is actually in Zhu Luo's hands, saying that he is dead?


"Ahem, boss, I don't know whether to say or not to say something." The subordinate hesitated at this time.

Baicheng stared at him angrily, "If you have a fart, let me quickly! Haw to die?"

"Yes, yes, I'll just say I'll just say it!"

The heart of the subordinate was shocked, and he quickly explained all the things he knew.

"Boss, I heard that Zhuluo had a very arrogant attitude when he killed Gu Jun, and he said that if you are looking for trouble, just go find him or something. Anyway, he is very self-righteous. I didn't put you in my eyes."

He didn't know if his words were fanning the flames, but as a result, Baicheng was indeed even more angry.

He gradually squeezed his fingers, as if he didn't expect that this Zhuluo would be so inflated!

Killed his people under Baicheng's hands, and arrogantly said that he would go to him if he was looking for trouble? Haha, did he think he didn't dare to go!

In fact, as long as Baicheng thinks about it, there is no trouble that Baicheng dare not look for, only he is willing or not!

"Boss, this is too much, you must not let him go this time!"

"Yes, boss, I remember that although Zhuluo used to have a feast with you, he never dared to openly touch your people. Now he actually killed Gu Jun. This is undoubtedly challenging your position. Yeah!"

"Boss, you can't just swallow this tone. Gu Jun is also our brother. How can you bully others?" At this time, beside Baicheng, there are several hall masters under the White Blood Organization.

They were only here to discuss matters with Baicheng, but they didn't expect to hear the news, and in an instant they all took out a posture of protecting shortcomings.

Judging from their tone of voice, they just regarded Gu Jun as their own person, and Zhu Luo was the culprit who killed their own person.

In short, this matter must not be let go of it so easily.

At this moment, Bai Cheng's expression suddenly became very solemn.

The expression in his eyes became very deep and full of gloomy birds, making it impossible for people to guess what Baicheng was thinking at this moment.

At this time, several hall masters had no choice but to look at each other, and each of them did not dare to make a sound, for fear that they might have said something wrong to make Bai Cheng unhappy.

In fact, Baicheng just remembered what Zhu Luo's wife said to him this afternoon.

Originally, after the discussion in the afternoon, Baicheng felt that this Zhuluo was very weird, but he didn't dare to make sure in his heart, so he was too late to make a conclusion.

But now that Gu Jun's death has deepened Baicheng's doubts even more.

Even if these hall masters weren't used to remind, Bai Cheng clearly remembered that even though Zhuluo had had a feast with him, the two people didn't have a lot of contact after all, so they can still be regarded as a well water and not a river water.

Except for the leader who sometimes gave tasks, Zhu Luo came over to pass on a message, and after the two met, they would quarrel or something. The other festivals really haven't happened.

Not to mention, Zhu Luohui personally killed the people under Baicheng's hands.

If this kind of thing was left in the past, Baicheng didn't even have to think about it, he concluded that Zhu Luo would not dare to do it.

Don't look at this person who is usually taciturn and seems like a robot, but in fact Zhu Luo has a sense of measure, what should be done or not, what should be said or not, he is very clear.

However, the current Zhuluo gave Baicheng a completely different feeling from before.

"Not urgent."

Finally after a moment of contemplation, Baicheng's eyes recovered a little bit of anger, and the anger in his eyes disappeared a lot unknowingly.

"Um? Boss, what do you mean?"

Several of the hall masters didn't quite understand what Bai Cheng meant. One and two faces were covered with ignorance.

Bai Cheng didn't bother to explain to these idiots, and said directly, "You don't need to know so much, anyway, I have my own plan. Gu Jun is my subordinate, I know, but this matter is not your turn to worry about. !"

"Well, what you said, boss."

Bai Cheng has said so, even if the other hall masters are not convinced, they can only do this.

They were just brave enough to help Baicheng speak, but since Baicheng has calmed down like this, they have nothing to fan the flames.

"Okay, all of you go back, I'll be alone."

At the end, Baicheng said to these hall masters indifferently.

Several hall masters stood up from the sofa sensibly, bending over to Baicheng, "Boss, then we'll go first."

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