Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2266: Am I like someone short of money?

This approach is indeed useful.

Tang Nuan's painting was originally infinitely lonely. When Xu Mo reminded him of this, Tang Nuan's painting immediately recovered and broke away from the sad mood just now.

Of course, Tang Nuan painting also knew that Xu Mo was thinking about it for himself, so he smiled and said thank you to Xu Mo.

Xu Mo also smiled slightly, "You're welcome, Madam, it's not early, you should get home from get off work."


Tang Nuanhua nodded, then packed up and returned to the office.

When he arrived at the office, Tang Nuan's painting saw Jiang Jingfeng again. Recently, this little slippery head has become increasingly tightly attached to Tang Nuan's painting.

"Cousin, it's time to get off work, are you going to get off work?"

When Jiang Jingfeng saw Tang Nuan painting, his face smiled happily, like a little fool.

After a few days of getting along, Tang Nuan's painting and Jiang Jingfeng have gradually become acquainted with each other, so they didn't see Jiang Jingfeng apart, and said with a slight smile, "Well, it's time to get off work."

"Okay, let me get off work with you, and cousin, can I treat you to dinner?" the boy asked again.


Tang Nuanhua thought for a while, and refused without hesitation, "No need? You have only just worked, and you haven't got your salary, so just invite me to dinner? Save it."

"No, cousin, do you think I am someone who lacks money? I just want to thank you for your promotion."

Eating or not eating is not important to Jiang Jingfeng, he just wants to take the opportunity of eating to thank Tang Nuanhua.

In fact, since Jiang Jingfeng came to this company, he has been very pessimistic.

In this huge company, everyone knows that Jiang Jingfeng came in through the back door and inherited his mother's equity in the company. That's why he was able to sit directly as a director at a young age.

But Jiang Jingfeng thought that it was not like this.

He has worked desperately with Li Jingyi as his goal since he was a child. Even with a prominent family background, when Jiang Jingfeng was in school, his grades were still outstanding.

It can be said that his efforts will not be less than others because of his superior family background.

Although it was said that Jiang Jingfeng relied on his mother to enter the Li Group.

But even if he didn't rely on his mother, Jiang Jingfeng thought that he would definitely be able to come in with his own strength!

Unfortunately, no one knows this, because Jiang Jingfeng's identity, in the previous situation, did not have any opportunity to show his strength.

But now it's different!

Not long ago, Tang Nuanhua personally gave him an opportunity to be responsible for acquiring a large company in another city!

Jiang Jingfeng remembered that when he received this task, he was shocked, and everyone around him also stole unreliable eyes at Jiang Jingfeng.

Other directors even teased Jiang Jingfeng, saying that Tang Nuan's painting was mocking him in disguise, so that he could recognize himself.

However, Jiang Jingfeng did not give up because of this!

On the contrary, Jiang Jingfeng seized this opportunity tightly and directly acquired that large company successfully!

As soon as this matter was passed back to the Li Group, all the employees were a little dumbfounded, as if they did not believe that this was something Jiang Jingfeng could do.

After all, the company he wants to acquire is not a small company!

However, Jiang Jingfeng did it. He used his strength to slap many people in the face!

To be honest, Jiang Jingfeng's heart was really refreshed when he saw everyone's admiring eyes.

What is even more pleasing is that since the successful acquisition, Tang Nuan painting seems to have begun to reuse him, and he has actually begun to take charge of some projects.

In short, Jiang Jingfeng felt that after all these actions, Tang Nuan's paintings saw their own value.

And his own strength finally has a chance to play, can this make people unhappy?

This is also the main reason why Jiang Jingfeng wants to invite Tang Nuan painting to dinner and thank Tang Nuan painting.

Just as Tang Nuan didn't need to work overtime when painting, he thought that choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, let's do it today!

"Oh, cousin, you promised to answer me. I just want to thank you. You and I have nothing to lose after having a meal, right?"

Begged in a low voice, the boy's face was begging, and there was even a little coquetry in his tone.

He wanted to invite Tang Nuan to dinner very seriously, very, very seriously.

"Hey, do you think I owe this meal?"

Tang Nuan painted a laugh at this time, and said, "Okay, you have nothing to thank me, so don't engage in these formalisms."

"No, why don't I have anything to thank you, cousin, you helped me a lot! If I don't thank you, who can I thank me?" Jiang Jingfeng stubbornly defended.

Tang Nuanhua shook his head speechlessly, thinking that this little boy really didn't know what was thinking in his head.

In fact, from the very beginning, Tang Nuan painting didn't even think about helping him.

The reason why Tang Nuanhua asked Jiang Jingfeng to take charge of the acquisition case was that Jiang Jingfeng was young and deliberately wanted to send a young guy to humiliate and humiliate him. By the way, he would like to see whether Jiang Jingfeng flattered himself or how.

But who could have expected that this young man would do what he said, and then he would buy such a big company in one fell swoop!

Tang Nuanhua was shocked when he saw the acquisition contract, thinking that this is not something ordinary people can do.

It seems that this Jiang Jingfeng still has a little bit of his own strength!

So from then on, Tang Nuan's painting began to pay more attention to Jiang Jingfeng. She tried to let this kid take care of some of the less important projects under her, and by the way, she also found something for him to do.

But Tang Nuan never expected that his unintentional actions would make Jiang Jingfeng so grateful to him.


So are today's little boys so easy to cheat?

If this is put in the lives of ordinary people, it is estimated that it will be sold to others, and it is still going to help people make money, right?

"Come on, you can."

After thinking for a while, Tang Nuan painted a casual smile at this moment, and said, "I didn't help you. If you really want to thank you, thank you yourself. Don't say what I gave you a chance. That is to say, you are promoted to work for me based on your ability. I am just using your value. To put it bluntly, I will pay for your efforts. What can I thank you for?"

"Hey, cousin who was said that! If you say that, it would be too unkind!"

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