Originally, I wanted to take time to visit the Tang Group, but Lin Nanxiang always insisted that the company there was well managed, so that Tang Nuan painting was relieved, and Tang Nuan painting never went there.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Lin Nanxiang and Chu Chen would come over to see themselves.

A smile appeared on Tang Nuan painting's face, and after that, he walked forward two or three steps to talk to the two of them.

"Nuanhua, haven't seen you for a while, I miss you so much."

Lin Nanxiang hasn't seen Tang Nuan's painting for nearly half a month. Now he has finally seen his good sister and couldn't help but step forward. Lin Nanxiang directly gave Tang Nuan a very strong and warm hug.

Tang Nuan's painting also hugged Lin Nanxiang firmly, knowing that Lin Nanxiang was not easy during this period, and he was full of emotion in his heart.

At this moment, Jiang Jingfeng and Xu Mo, who came out with Tang Nuan's footsteps, became quiet after seeing this scene.

Of course Xu Mo knew Lin Nanxiang and Chu Chen, but Jiang Jingfeng was the only one. At this time, seeing Tang Nuan painting and Lin Nanxiang hugged tightly together, he couldn't help but question, "Hey, Xu Mo, these two people are Who is that?"

"Nonsense, don't you see that this is Madam's friend?"

Xu Mo rolled his eyes speechlessly, thinking that Jiang Jingfeng was really a little bit insightful.

Jiang Jingfeng had an epiphany immediately, oh, and there was no sound from the side.

"Nuanhua, shall we go to dinner tonight?"

After hugging tightly for a while, Lin Nanxiang released Tang Nuan's painting at this time, looking at Tang Nuan's eyes sincerely, and said, "We haven't been out for dinner for a long time. Originally, Chu Chen and I thought you were today. I will get off work late, and I plan to wait for you here. I didn’t expect you to get off work so early, so why don’t you go to get together?"

"Okay, okay, okay!"

At this moment, before Tang Nuan could say yes to the painting, Jiang Jingfeng on the side could not help responding.

He stood up excitedly and smiled, "It's a coincidence that the two of you are here. We just made an appointment. We are going to eat out together. Now you are here, we can just make a bunch together! "

The air was suddenly quiet for two seconds.

Lin Nanxiang glanced at Jiang Jingfeng next to him, and asked Tang Nuan with some doubts, "This is?"

"Oh, I am..."

"Ignore him, just a fool, let's go, let's go eat."

Before Jiang Jingfeng could say anything, he was interrupted by Tang Nuan's painting.

No way, Tang Nuanhua thought that Jiang Jingfeng was just talking about it. If he kept listening to his nagging here, wouldn't he eat this meal until next year?

So let's go to dinner first, and leave it to the dinner table to talk about other things slowly.

In this way, the group of people waited just to make up a table and went out for dinner.

The place to eat was still fixed at the rotisserie, because Jiang Jingfeng was clamoring that there was a rotisserie that tasted good. The rest of the people couldn't stand his yelling, so they had to go to the rotisserie.

Facts have proved that this is not the first time Jiang Jingfeng has visited this barbecue restaurant.

No, as soon as a few people walked into this barbecue restaurant, a few waiters stepped forward and shouted, "Hello boss."

Hearing that, among a few people, you look at me one by one, and I look at you, thinking to whom is the waiter calling the boss?

Does he call one or a group?

"Boss, you are really diligent in coming these two days, why didn't you say hello today?"

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes walked out of the restaurant. He seemed to be the manager here.

Walking straight to Jiang Jingfeng, his attitude was very respectful.

Now everyone finally knows that the boss in their mouth was referring to Jiang Jingfeng.

Jiang Jingfeng was not at all polite at this time. He was very impatient and said, "Hey, aren't you asking nonsense? Didn't you see how many friends I brought here? Why don't you take us to a better position?"

"Oh, yes, yes, what the boss said is, how many people please here."

Wherever the manager dared to neglect, he immediately led a few people to find the best tables in the shop, and asked them to sit down with a group of five people.

After that, there was a group of waiters who enjoyed tea and poured water. The attitude was very good and the service was very attentive.

"Oh, after a long time, you clamored that you must come to eat barbecue. It turned out that you came to do business in your own shop?"

After finally sitting down in the seat, Tang Nuan painted at this moment unceremoniously mocking Jiang Jingfeng, saying, "I thought you were sincerely inviting me to dinner. It turns out that you are taking a few of us to your shop. Is your store advertised?"

"That's right, I was thinking in the car just now, why do you have to take us over to eat barbecue? It turns out that you opened this restaurant yourself."

Chu Chen couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but say a few words.

When they drove over just now, Jiang Jingfeng's voice was louder than anyone else, and he had to yell that he wanted to come over and eat barbecue.

After being so yelled by him, several people thought how delicious the barbecue here is.

In the end, it took a long time, this girl just came to do business for his own store?

Good guy, this trick is really treacherous!

Hearing this, Xu Mo shook his head slightly and smiled, feeling helpless.

Lin Nanxiang on the side also smiled faintly. In fact, it doesn't matter where you go to eat, as long as you have a meal together, but it is quite interesting to be served by this person before eating.

In the end, Jiang Jingfeng didn’t recognize it. He was mocked by several people and immediately retorted stiffly, “Hey, hey, you are not kind enough to say that, huh, who said I’m here to advertise my store? coming?"

"Yes, I admit that this shop is indeed mine, but I invited you to this meal. I never thought about making your money, OK? Besides, the taste of my shop is indeed pretty good. , Or who wants to take you to eat."

"Cousin, I kindly invited you to dinner. You can't say that to me."

Jiang Jingfeng also puffed up his mouth as he said it, seriously.

Tang Nuan was looking at the painting and wanted to laugh, just in case this Jiang Jingfeng continued to use his three-inch penetrating bubble, hurriedly said, "Okay, I know you kindly invited us to dinner, okay? Okay, hurry up and let someone serve the food, you can stop your mouth when you eat."


Jiang Jingfeng was satisfied.

After that, the waiter started serving dishes.

They first served a plate of top-quality fresh meat with traces of blood on it, which was obviously freshly cut.

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