Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2271: I'm going to get engaged

Even Lin Nanxiang couldn't help but laughed out loud, and asked directly, "Do you want to find a girlfriend?"

"Well, although I mainly want to do a career now, but if I don't want to find a girlfriend, it doesn't seem to be practical. After all, I am also a young boy with a new relationship, hehe."

Having said that, Jiang Jingfeng, who has always been very cheeky, was a little embarrassed, and his head was lowered.

I have to admit that he is actually very cute like this.

If it is placed on a university campus, a sunny boy like Jiang Jingfeng should attract a lot of girls.

Unfortunately, it is not Lin Nanxiang's dish.

In order to prevent the little boy from thinking too much, Lin Nanxiang took the initiative to dispel the thoughts in the little boy’s head, and smiled, “You, it’s normal to want to fall in love at this age, but it’s a pity that I don’t have the right one by my side. Recommended to you, and I also have a boyfriend."

"Huh? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Jiang Jingfeng was immediately lost.

He didn't conceal the disappointment on his face. He hadn't fallen in love yet, as if he had already experienced a broken relationship. His expression was a sad reminder.

In fact, at the first glance Jiang Jingfeng saw Lin Nanxiang, he had such a fond impression of Lin Nanxiang.

No way, young boys prefer the kind of gentle and quiet young lady, and he is the same.

Originally, Jiang Jingfeng was still cheerful and thought, if this young lady had no match, maybe he could still fight for it.

Now it seems that he has no chance at all.


"Okay, you, don't pretend to be bitter and enmity here, there are many people you can choose from in the future based on your ability, don't chirp here."

Seeing Jiang Jingfeng's look of disappointment, Tang Nuan painting interrupted his thoughts quickly and amusingly.

In order to prevent Jiang Jingfeng from having "evil thoughts", he should pull out the roots before the buds grow out.

"By the way, Nuanhua, I am looking for you today, and there is one more thing I want to tell you."

At this time, Lin Nanxiang put the topic on the right track again.

Tang Nuan drew a picture, nodded and asked naturally, "What's the matter, just say it."

Lin Nanxiang replied, and then said, "Well, it's actually nothing, I just want to tell you that Lan Sixia and Bai Ye will be back recently."

"Is it?"

Hearing that, Tang Nuan's paintings were a little more interesting.

Speaking of Lan Sixia and Bai Ye, the two Tang Nuan paintings hadn't seen each other for a long time, and now they heard that they were coming back.

Lin Nanxiang continued, "Yeah, speaking of it, the two of them have been enlisted in the army for about a year and a half, and they should be back, and they seem to be able to take annual leave this time. They can stay at home for about a month or two. Time."

"That's good."

When Tang Nuan painted this, he felt happy for Lan Sixia and Bai Ye.

After all, they are old friends who have not seen each other for a long time. Tang Nuan is naturally happy to be able to come back.

And they stayed in the army for one and a half years, so they should have a good rest.

"There is..."

At this time, Lin Nanxiang suddenly hesitated again, as if there was something he didn't know whether to speak.

Tang Nuan raised his eyes with some doubts, and saw Lin Nanxiang's face flushed. He couldn't help but be a little curious, "What's the matter with you? What's your blushing?"

"I, oh, forget it, let me tell you."

In fact, Lin Nanxiang was just a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, he would have to say it sooner or later, so he simply looked at everyone calmly, and then summoned the courage to say, "Well, I'm going to get engaged!"


"Isn't it?!"


As soon as these words were said, it caused everyone's suspicion.

Lin Nanxiang saw everyone's very strange expressions and couldn't help but wondered, "What's the matter, I'm getting engaged, shouldn't it be a good thing, why do you all have this expression?"

She thought that when she said about marriage, everyone would feel happy for herself. How come it seems that everyone is not very happy now?

"No, Nanxiang, are you serious?"

Tang Nuan painting is actually not happy for Lin Nanxiang, or it feels a little sudden.

She couldn't believe it and asked, "Nanxiang, don't you joke with me, why did you suddenly decide to get engaged? Why didn't you discuss it with me in advance? Let me prepare mentally."

"That's right, Nanxiang, when did you decide to get engaged? It's too sudden, right?"

Chu Chen also looked incredulous.

The two of them were by Lin Nanxiang's side, and spent so long with Lin Nanxiang day and night, they had never heard Lin Nanxiang talk about getting engaged.

As a result, Lin Nanxiang suddenly gave everyone such news, which is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue!

Of course, even if it is a thunderbolt from the blue sky, it is also a thunderbolt of joy.

Lin Nanxiang smiled embarrassedly at this time, and explained to everyone, "Actually, this news was a little bit sudden, but it's not very sudden, because, in fact, I have already thought about it with Bai Ye. I just haven’t told you about getting married this year."

Speaking of this, a sweet smile appeared on Lin Nanxiang's face.

After that, Lin Nanxiang explained his thoughts honestly one by one.

"Nuanhua, do you remember the Chinese New Year last year. At that time, I went to his hometown with Bai Ye and met his family members. At that time, Bai Ye and I had made an agreement. Is going to get married."

"However, because Bai Ye is in the army all year round, I can’t see Bai Ye, and I don’t know when he will have time to get engaged with me, so this day has never been set, and I don’t want you to be happy. Never said."

"But now, Bai Ye has been confirmed. He is about to take his annual leave. For two full months, he and I have enough time to prepare for our engagement."

"Ahem, in a nutshell, I'm just about to get engaged, and I'm serious, please bless me!"

When the words fell, Lin Nanxiang blushed and lowered his head, so shy that he wanted to bury himself.

She has never been embarrassed to talk about her own affairs in front of everyone, let alone marriage.

But despite his embarrassment, Lin Nanxiang was more satisfied and happy.

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