Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 859: Unless you do not marry

"Moreover, Jing Yi has already obtained my consent in advance for the delay of the wedding date, so I have to temporarily delay the wedding date, so Dad, please forgive us!"

"After all, we are all a family. Family harmony is the best, right?"

While talking, Tang Nuan painted his father's arm without giving up, with an innocent expression on his face.


Suddenly, Tang Zhen sighed deeply. The anger that was originally full of anger was actually shaken by this girl.

He looked at his daughter helplessly, "You girl, you just don't live up to it."

"Where is it?"

Tang Nuan painted a sweet smile, the apple muscles were plump and beautiful, "I'm just telling the truth. Besides, do you think your daughter likes hot faces and cold **** so much?"

"If Jing Yi really doesn't want me this time, I'll definitely turn around and leave. How can I be so stupid to speak for him in front of you? Isn't all of this still a cause?"

"Huh, I don't care about so many reasons. I only hope that you will get married in the future, and your husband can treat you sincerely and let you live a happy life, so that I have nothing to ask for." Tang Zhen said.

He has no particular nostalgia in this world, but he can't worry about this baby girl.

If he couldn't watch Tang Nuan draw happiness, Tang Zhen said nothing.

"Dad, please rest assured." At this moment, Li Jingyi inserted appropriately.

Of course he knew Tang Zhen's good intentions, so Li Jingyi thought he had to express his attitude.

Then Li Jingyi said, "I know you told me this today for the sake of Nuanhua, and for the sake of my future marriage and life with Nuanhua, but I also hope that in the future, you can trust me with all your heart, Li Jingyi, In the future, I will take good care of Nuanhua, so that she won't be aggrieved at all."

"Although the delay of the wedding date is indeed a bit sudden, but I assure you that next time I will give Nuanhua the best wedding in the world, so that Nuanhua can marry me in a fair and graceful manner, without suffering any Human cold eyes."

"There are also online media that publish public opinions. Their remarks have deeply hurt Nuanhua. I will order them to publish a clarifying news to solve everyone's misunderstanding about Nuanhua."

"I also hope that you can be satisfied with my attitude. Don't just say that you will marry Nuanhua to other people. I will not agree to it and will not allow it."

Although it was an apology, Li Jingyi said it very confidently.

Tang Zhen was speechless for a while after hearing this. Obviously he didn't expect Li Jingyi to be so sincere, especially the last sentence that would not allow Tang Nuan to marry someone else, enough to hear his seriousness.

But in Tang Nuanhua's heart, pink bubbles have already appeared continuously.

Then she didn't want to explain any more, but said directly and firmly, "Dad, you have seen Jing Yi's attitude. If you continue to be angry in this way, you can even get angry with me. Anyway, I agreed with Jing Yi. When I was betrothed to Jing Yi, there will be no chance to go back in this life."

After speaking, he moved his **** and moved to Li Jingyi's side, with a battle of the same enemy.

"Hey..." Tang Zhen finally sighed as he looked at the two people who were close to each other.

"In fact, how can I be really angry? Painting, I also know that Jing Yi is not that kind of person, but I am a father after all. I must say a few words for you, let Jing Yi give an attitude, otherwise I How do you know your weight in his heart?"

In fact, Tang Zhen had already guessed that this delay of the wedding period would have some twists and turns. The reason why he found Li Jingyi was because he wanted to be fair to Tang Nuan's picture.

After all, Tang Nuan painting does not have a mother by his side. If no one can help her stand up and call the shots, I am afraid the Li family will not take her seriously in the future.

Fortunately, Li Jingyi's attitude was impressive after all, and Tang Zhen had no reason to regenerate.

But in the end, Tang Zhen said vigilantly, "Jing Yi, I hope you can remember what you just said to me, not a single word can be forgotten."

"Hua'er is my only baby girl. I gave her to you out of trust in you. You must abide by your promise and treat Nuanhua properly. You can't make her suffer and feel wronged, understand? "

"Please rest assured, I will." Li Jingyi answered without hesitation.

Having said that, Tang Zhen was naturally satisfied.

But in the end Li Jingyi added, "But there is one thing, I hope you can forgive me, that is that I can't hold a wedding with Nuanhua for a while. If you want to hold a wedding, you may have to wait until I hold my hand. The matter is completely dealt with, and only after the troubles are eliminated."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you." Tang Nuan painted with a smile before Tang Zhen could reply.

She knew what problems Li Jingyi was facing now, and naturally wouldn't come out to add chaos to Li Jingyi, not only that, she would also have to fight alongside Li Jingyi herself.

Of course, all this is unknown to others.

Tang Zhen also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, "It's nothing, you young people always have some troubles to deal with, and I don't understand this even when I get older."

"But I will only explain one sentence, Jing Yi, you can handle things, but don’t let our warm painting wait for you for too long. If you let the warm painting wait for you from a big girl and wait for you to wait until you are an older woman, then I will not accepted."

Hearing that, Tang Nuan's painting suddenly laughed, "Dad, you are too exaggerated? I am only in my early twenties. Even if I wait for a few years, I can't be an older leftover girl. You are so worried. It’s too far."

"Then am I worried about you?"

Tang Zhen quibbleed, "Could it be that you want your father to wait for you until the beard is all white, haven't you seen you getting married?"

"Of course not." Tang Nuanhua smiled and defended, "Daddy, don't worry, Jing Yi and I won't let you wait too long, right?" She smiled and looked at Li Jingyi.

The atmosphere is finally a little more pleasant now, and Li Jingyi also has a relaxed tone, "but next year at the latest, I will make you the daughter-in-law of my Li family as soon as possible."

"Hee hee, Jing Yi, you are so kind. You will not marry me in my life." Tang Nuan hugged Li Jingyi's shoulder tightly after listening to the painting, and his heart was almost sweet.

Li Jingyi also patted the little girl's head gently, saying softly, "It's not that you don't marry."

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