Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 896: Coveted by other women

When it came to this matter, the old lady couldn't help sighing, saying that Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi, the young couple, were really too troubled.

I have been discussing the marriage since last year, but it hasn’t been married until now. The two weddings have been frustrated for no reason. How can people be relieved?

Of course, if the two people are emotionally broken, it is understandable.

But this young couple is so close, why can't they get married? It makes no sense.

The more I thought about it, the more strange it became, the old lady had to take this matter to the table.


As soon as the old lady's voice fell, Tang Nuanhua coughed awkwardly. She didn't know how to answer the old lady's question, so she looked at Li Jingyi silently.

The eyes seemed to be talking, please explain quickly.

Li Jingyi couldn't laugh or cry for an instant, and said that this girl would really throw the pot.

Then he had to look at the old lady and comforted him very patiently, "Grandma, in fact, Nuanhua and I don't want to get married. It's just that some accidents happen, don't they?"

"Oh, why are there so many accidents!"

The old lady suffocated her mouth when she talked about this. "Other young couples get married, and nothing happens. They are lively and happy. How come here you are like singing operas, and it will change soon. , If you keep dragging it on, I'm an old bone, how many years can I wait for you?"

The old lady actually didn't want to be so anxious, but she was worried that her health was getting worse and could not wait that long.

In case this young couple drags on again and again, she won't be able to hold her fat grandson for the rest of her life. Even the young couple's wedding can't be attended. What a pity!

"Grandma, why do you always say these unlucky words?" Tang Nuanhua also knew that the old lady was tired, so he hurried to calm down.

"Your body is strong. I don't think it will be a problem even if it lasts for another ten or twenty years. You will live a long life."

"Furthermore, the reason why Jing Yi and I delayed the wedding is really due to something. Does grandma think that I want such a good man as Jing Yi to be coveted by other women outside?"

"Even if you want, then I don't want to. I wish I could put him in my bag soon, so that all the women in the world would know that he is mine alone."

These remarks are true and sincere, because Tang Nuan painting thinks so.

She admitted that she was indeed domineering, but she was so domineering.

Li Jingyi was the man she had identified. This is an irreversible fact, so no matter who said or interfered with it, Tang Nuan would not give up on painting.

She was really sorry about the postponement of the wedding, after all, it was indeed a bit irresponsible to the elders in the family.

So Tang Nuanhua had no choice but to calm down and continue to appease, "Grandma, don't worry, Jing Yi and I will hold the wedding as soon as possible and will not let you down again."

"Yes, grandma, I won't let you wait too long." Li Jingyi also followed to calm down.

These words of the young couple seemed to be a reassurance in the hearts of the elders. After hearing this, the old lady was finally relieved.

She patted her Huns gently, "Well, you young couple can promise me with this heart, and I will feel more relieved. As long as you don’t let me down anymore, get married and hug the big fat boy. My old lady will never pick yours again."

"Yeah, we will definitely cheer." Tang Nuanhua smiled and nodded again and again.

The look in Li Jingyi's eyes was so cold that it couldn't be colder, but she still asked without a smile, "Are you right, Jing Yi?"

Li Jingyi wanted to laugh inexplicably, but he was still held back. He nodded solemnly, "Well, yes."

"Well, then I can rest assured." The old lady was finally satisfied.

"By the way, who is that little girl?"

At this moment, Qiao Manxue asked suspiciously.

The little girl she was talking about was naturally petty.

Looking carefully at Xiao Ke, Qiao Manxue found that this little girl was quite sunny.

A breath of innocence came to her face, coupled with the exquisite and cute face like a doll, like an elf in the sun, people had to be caught by her.

The old lady also noticed Xiao Ke at this time, and her eyes burst into light, "Oh, this little girl has a very bright look, her eyes are big and watery, and her skin is as smooth and tender as a freshly peeled egg. , Nuanhua, is it your friend?"


Tang Nuanhua smiled awkwardly, and finally mentioned the link she didn't want to mention.

At this moment, Tang Nuan's painting has not had time to introduce Xiao Ke, and Xiao Ke has already started to recommend himself.

"Auntie grandma, hello, I'm sister Nuanhua, my name is Xiao Ke." Xiao Ke said obediently, with a very sweet smile on her face.

"Yo, what a good girl."

When Qiao Manxue heard Xiao Ke's voice, she suddenly felt that this girl was very cute, cute and beautiful, which was really rare.

With joy, I couldn't help asking Tang Nuanhua, "Why haven't you heard of you having such a sister before? I haven't seen you bring it out."


Tang Nuan painted cold sweat on her forehead, and then she had to tell the truth, "Mom, in fact, I only met this younger sister recently."


Tang Nuanhua shrugged helplessly, and then talked about what had happened in the past.

"One night, it rained heavily. I couldn't see the road clearly on the way back, and I accidentally ran into a girl, which is Xiao Ke."

"Fortunately, after the accident, Xiao Ke did not have any major physical problems, but he suffered a brief memory loss. The doctor said that because of the accident, Xiao Ke might have been injured in the brain. , Is also normal. Later, Xiao Ke didn't remember anything."

While talking, Tang Nuan painted a sigh faintly, "I think Xiao Ke is really pitiful, so I took her home at that time, and Shun Ming wanted to find her biological mother, but it has been more than a week. , I didn't find it."

"Mom, grandma, would you please help Xiao Ke with this? I think your relationship in the police station should be relatively strong, and the efficiency of work should be higher than mine. Xiao Ke hasn't been there for so long. After going back, her parents will definitely be worried too, Mom, grandma, you can help her."

After Tang Nuan finished painting, Qiao Manxue and the old lady begged, as if they were really worried.

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