Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 943: Who on earth did you send

But who could have imagined that a man who is strong enough to call the wind and rain all over the country, a man who makes people feel terrified just by hearing his name, a man who can be called a miracle in the financial world, is now subdued by a little girl film.

What is this called? One thing drops one thing? Nemesis from heaven?

Gu Yunzheng also didn't know clearly, anyway, after Li Jingyi in front of Tang Nuan's picture, he was completely devoid of majesty. And if it develops in accordance with this trend, it may become stricter in the future.

Tsk, brother, brother, this is the woman you choose, and the path you choose, so you can ask for more blessings in the future.

Gu Yunzheng thought boredly.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" As he was thinking, Tang Nuanhua looked at the two and asked, "Is it possible that the achievement is dedicated to golf?"

"Why, can't it?"

Gu Yunzheng hummed carelessly at this time, with a rascal feeling in his tone, "This is my brother's home. I can come to my brother at any time. Does it have to be something to come over?"

"Cut, I didn't mean that."

Tang Nuan's painting also hummed proudly, "But as the saying goes, you don't have to go to the Three Treasures Hall, I don't believe you came here specifically to play golf with Jing Yi. What's the matter? Right."

"Well, you have a little brain."

Gu Yunzheng talked and smiled, and then he didn't bother to sell it anymore. He bluntly said, "Did you not catch a thief in your house last night? I heard that the thief was related to the destruction of a major company project recently, so I just wanted to investigate it myself and see if I could ask anything."

What he said is naturally trivial.

"It turns out that you are here for this." Tang Nuanhua nodded at this moment, then took out the phone and looked at the time.

It happened to be past ten in the morning.

She thought to herself that Xiao Ke was hungry all night last night, and did not eat this morning. She should be weak enough by now.

So Tang Nuanhua waved his hand, "It just so happens that I want to interrogate that woman too, so come together."

After speaking, Tang Nuanhua took the lead and led a few people to the warehouse where Xiao Ke was detained.

At this time, in the warehouse.

Since Xiao Ke was caught last night, in order to prevent her from escaping, Xiao Ke tied her to Wuhuada with a thick twine.

In addition, a layer of yellow tape was placed on her mouth. Xiao Ke couldn't do anything even if she wanted to talk, and she hadn't drank a sip of water from last night until now, and she was already insufficient.

But her consciousness was still firmly supported. She was lying on an old wooden chair, breathing a faint breath, waiting for the arrival of Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan painting at any time.

Finally, they came.

The warehouse was originally a claustrophobic environment. At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and a strong light slammed in. Xiao Ke had to close his eyes tightly, don't turn his head and carry the sun to prevent it from piercing his eyes.

After she got used to the light, she saw several people in front of her.

They are Li Jingyi, Tang Nuanhua, Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang.

Xiao Ke knew Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan paintings, but didn't know Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang, but don't even think about it, these two strange men and women are definitely under Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan paintings, so I didn't ask much.

"Tear off the tape on her mouth." At this moment, Tang Nuanhua ordered.

"Yes." Hearing this sound, the men behind him immediately stepped forward and tore off the tape.


With this cruelty, Xiao Ke felt so painful that her mouth was about to fall, and then she looked at Tang Nuan's painting with a hostile look and sneered, "You are finally here."

"Let you wait a long time, right?" Tang Nuan painted then smiled.

"Yes, waiting for you all night."

Little is ridiculously noncommittal, but there is obvious hatred in her eyes, and then she coldly spit out, "Kill me."


Tang Nuanhua felt a little funny when he heard this, "My good sister, are you so anxious to die?"

"Yes, long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain, please kill me directly."

"But I don't want you to die yet, and you are not guilty of death." Suddenly, Tang Nuan painted a mischievous smile, showing a neat and beautiful white tooth, very bright.

"Don't let me die? So what do you want!"

Xiao Ke was suddenly a little mad.

From the moment she was caught, she could almost guess her own fate. She must first be tortured and forced to ask some useful information from her, and finally be handled quietly.

If so, it would be better to die at the beginning.

"Is this the thief? He looks pretty, but he can't tell that he is a bad woman." At this time, Gu Yunzheng murmured from behind.

I have to admit that even if this woman's beautiful face is embarrassed, she is still so provocative.

If she is right, she should be considered a monster if she dresses up properly. What a pity...

After that, several people questioned Xiao Ke.

To be precise, at first it was an inquiry, and then it was forced to ask.

Because when they first started, they asked trivial questions.

"Xiao Ke, I have always wanted to know what your real name is." Tang Nuan asked curiously.

"Xia Xin'er." Xiao Ke said truthfully.

"It's a nice name." Tang Nuanhua suddenly felt that the name was weird.

Xia Xin'er smiled coldly, "What's the use of it? Isn't it just anonymity?"

"Oh?" Tang Nuan's painting became more and more interested in Xia Xiner as soon as these words came out.

She looked at Xiao Ke of the past with curiosity, which is today's Xia Xin'er, and suddenly smiled curiously, "How old are you this year?"

"Twenty-eight." Xia Xiner said honestly.

"I really can't tell."

Tang Nuan painting exclaimed again, and then asked gossiping, "Then do you have a target?"

This time, Xia Xiner was silent.

"Why don't you speak?" Tang Nuanhua asked strangely, but Xia Xiner still didn't speak.

At this time, Gu Yunzheng who was standing by was seriously dissatisfied, "Tang Nuan painting, look at what questions you are asking, people don't bother to answer your **** questions, let me come."

Speaking, Gu Yunzheng pushed away Tang Nuan's painting, leaned in front of Xia Xin'er, and asked fiercely, "Let's talk, who on earth sent you!"

Not thinking about this time, Xia Xiner closed her eyes directly, obviously not wanting to answer this core question.


Gu Yunzheng was directly stupid, but he didn't expect this woman to give no face at all.

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