Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 965: Why can't you wake up

"No, I really just want to take care of Nuanhua..." Xia Xiner was helpless.

Xin said that she would be misunderstood no matter how she spoke casually, this Lin Nanxiang's hostility towards her was too great.

However, Lin Nanxiang did not hide these hostility in the slightest. She just stared at Xia Xiner fiercely, "A ghost believes what you say, who doesn't know what kind of bad water is hidden in your belly, a woman who looks kind and harmless on the surface. ?"

"Hmph, let me tell you, I am not as cheating as Nuanhua. If you still want to sneak around Nuanhua to harm her, you will give me this heart! I will never let you have a chance Half a step closer to Nuanhua."

With that said, Lin Nanxiang also protected the heroine, just like a mother chicken protecting her little chicken, wishing to hide the heroine in her arms.

Xia Xin'er was really speechless when she saw this, and she didn't know what to say.

She thought to herself that she was obviously out of kindness, but in Lin Nanxiang's view, she was a femme-like woman.

In that case, what else is there to say?

"Then what do you want to do? During Nuanhua's illness and hospitalization, no one can take care of her, right?" Xia Xiner had to ask at last.

"Furthermore, Li Shao has been very busy with his work on weekdays. There is definitely no way he can stay by Nuan Hua's side all the time. In case we are not paying attention, when Nuan Hua wakes up, we don't know?"

Lin Nanxiang snorted proudly when he heard this, "You don't need to worry about this, isn't there another me?"

"But are you busy alone? Don't forget, there is still a lot of work on the Tang Group that needs you to be busy." Xia Xiner reminded.

Lin Nanxiang didn't care, she said confidently, "Do you think I'm a fool? Of course I know there are a lot of jobs waiting for me, but this doesn't prevent me from taking care of Nuanhua."

"Furthermore, when Nuanhua asked you to give her the **** before, when the diarrhea reached the hospital only, didn't I take care of her personally?"

"Why, Xia Xin'er, don't you think you can't do without Nuanhua?"


Xia Xin'er didn't expect Lin Nanxiang to be so aggressive, and she also provoked the last time she gave the hostess a laxative.

For a time, even if Xia Xiner had a hundred mouths, she couldn't argue with her.

After all, what she did to hurt the heroine before is indeed true, so now Lin Nanxiang will doubt her intentions, which is inevitable.

Thinking of this, Xia Xiner had to give up.

She looked at Lin Nanxiang helplessly, and said, "Okay, since you insist on being so tired by yourself, I will not hinder your intentions."

"But I will put it here. As long as you feel a little busy, you can tell me whenever you need my help. Don't say that I didn't take the initiative to help you."

"You can have this heart, I thank you." Lin Nanxiang coldly snorted a few times indifferently, and then didn't talk to Xia Xiner again.

Xia Xin'er was also very speechless, but she thought about it and didn't know what to say, so she had to shut up obediently.

After that, several people stayed in the ward to guard the hostess for a while, and Xia Xiner took the lead to leave.

The male protagonist still has many things to deal with, so he had to leave, but before he left, he said, "Miss Lin, I will transfer the servants at home to help you, so you won't be too tired, don't worry. "

Lin Nanxiang was instantly grateful, "Thank you too much, Li Shao."

Otherwise, she would have to be busy with the company alone and take care of Tang Nuan's paintings, and she would indeed be a little too busy.

But she just didn't want Xia Xin'er to be close to Li Jingyi, so she would rather cover everything alone than give in.

Fortunately, at this moment Li Jingyi took the initiative to help and sent a helper over, everything was much easier.

Then, in only half an hour, Li's wife was sent by the male lead.

After that, Sister Li temporarily changed classes with Lin Nanxiang, and Lin Nanxiang went back to the company to handle the matter first.

When it got dark, Lin Nanxiang came to take care of Tang Nuan's paintings again, sitting by the bed and patiently accompanying her...

In this way, about a week later.

Over the past week, Tang Nuan's painting showed no signs of improvement. She just slept quietly in the hospital bed, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with her.

No matter how Lin Nanxiang held her hand by the bed, and no matter how Li Jingyi was by her side, she was like a hibernating animal, unable to wake up.

It was like a princess sleeping in the castle, waiting for a certain prince to kiss her and wake her up.

But the prince appeared, but still couldn't wake her up.

"Oh, Nuanhua, when do you think you will wake up? Do you know that we are really worried about you." When Lin Nanxiang said this melancholy, because of the busy week, the whole person Some of them have become thin and yellow, and their complexion has also changed a lot.

But it was Tang Nuan's painting that was worse than her expression.

Her whole person is like a plain white paper, so thin and so fragile, as if as long as a random gust of wind blows over, she can take away her fragile life directly.

If it weren’t for the heartbeat of Tang Nuan’s paintings on the instrument, perhaps Lin Nanxiang would really think that Tang Nuan’s paintings had already...

Bah, baah!

Bah, baah!

What are you thinking about?

As soon as that thought came up, Lin Nanxiang quickly suppressed his bad thoughts.

Then she held Tang Nuanhua's hand very sincerely and apologized, "I'm sorry, Nuanhua, I didn't deliberately think about that. How can you not get better? You will get better soon, after all, You still have me, right?"

"No, you are not only me, you also have Mr. Tang who loves you very much, and Young Master Li who loves you very much, and many friends who care about you and love you, so why don't you want to wake up? What?"

"Nuanhua, please, don't sleep like this anymore, OK? OK?"

Talking to himself, Lin Nanxiang suddenly felt a sore nose, and his eyes quickly turned red, and then big tears fell down.

Although Lin Nanxiang has been consoling himself in the past few days, he has to admit that seeing Tang Nuan’s increasingly thin face, the eye sockets are recessed due to lack of nutrition, and his thin lips are becoming more and more bloodless. Up...

Lin Nanxiang really felt so uncomfortable in her heart, and even wanted to be the person lying in the hospital bed.

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