Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 6 Dreams and rejections

"So, you rejected our invitation?" Director Ma pondered for a moment, tapped his finger on the teacup, and squinted at He Chen.

This is not the first time he has been rejected. There are so many domestic college entrance examination champions, and there will always be times when he is late and is snatched away by other prestigious schools.

But this was the time he felt the most regretful, the most puzzled, and even the most angry!

You said that if you want to go to other prestigious schools, he can understand, he will only sigh that he is a step behind, and send his blessings.

However, Director Ma was extremely angry when He Chen rejected him on the grounds that it was a child's toy.

How many scholars are working diligently and contributing, but in the end they are blocked by the elites because of their talent, but He Chen actually ruined his talent, this is an insult to those unknown scientists who have dedicated their lives !

Yao Ning stopped writing, and on He Chen's body, she suddenly saw her former self - that was the youth chasing dreams!

Once upon a time, she forgot her original intention of reporting everything fairly and objectively, and began to pursue readers' attention.

Compared with the stubborn He Chen, she compromised and was smoothed by reality; but He Chen did not compromise, even if he was not accepted by the world, even if he was despised by the world, he was still fighting for his dream!

She suddenly wanted to see He Chen, whether he could fulfill his dream?

He Xian was annoyed, you didn't cherish the opportunity that others dreamed of, you didn't say it, and you uttered wild words, he just wanted to teach He Chen a lesson, but was stopped by Chen Ping.

I saw Chen Ping shaking her head gently. After many years of husband and wife, the two had already connected with each other. He Xian understood what his wife meant: the child has grown up, and he can make his own decisions about what he wants to do in the future.

He Xian looked at his son with firm eyes. From the very beginning of his speech, everything was in order. Obviously this was not his impulse, he had been preparing for a long time.

He Xian sighed, his son's stubbornness is very similar to his own, once a decision is made, no one can influence it. He completely let go of his body and leaned back on the sofa. He no longer interfered with the child's decision. As a parent, he didn't want his child to be successful, but he wanted him to be safe for the rest of his life...

"Do not."

He Chen shook his head and looked at the manual in his hand. As a comprehensive university, Yenching Academy of course has an art college, which has an art major, and there are painting classes in the course introduction.

Since there is no manga major in this world, choose this one to learn basic drawing techniques.

"I want to enter the Fine Arts Department of Yenching University's College of Art."

Director Ma was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, it seems that this child is really not whimsical, he hopes to integrate art into the comic book.

But is this possible? Can children understand? Will adults go to see it?

"no problem!"

Yenching University School of Art originally needed to assess professional skills, but Director Ma really wanted to see He Chen's reaction after he recognized his dream and reality, so he made a decision directly.

"If you want to change your major, you can always come to me! This sentence is valid for two years."

Director Ma really couldn't bear He Chen's neglect, so he made a promise.

The weight of this commitment is extremely heavy. Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to change the major after choosing it. If you want to change, you can only do it in the first year, and you need to have a certain relationship, and you have to pass the professional assessment. The procedure is extremely troublesome. .

Therefore, people are cautious when choosing a major.

But Director Ma actually gave He Chen a promise within two years, which means that as long as He Chen gives up his comics within these two years, he can change his major at any time!

But will He Chen give up?

"Sorry, I'm afraid you'll never be able to wait for me!" He Chen raised his head and smiled confidently.

Director Ma also laughed: "Let's wait and see, and I hope you will never come to me."

If you find him, He Chen's dream will be shattered;

If he didn't find it, then He Chen's dream might have been successful. Even if he didn't succeed, it means that He Chen still hasn't given up on his dream. He is a person who chases his dream. No matter how unacceptable his dream is, his spirit is worthy of everyone. respect.

He really wanted to see how far he and He Chen could go in the future.

After negotiating the matter, Director Ma and others left, and He Chen and his parents sent them to the door.

Although He Chen had a disagreement with Director Ma, it was just that they insisted on different ideas. He Chen respected Director Ma who could speak such heartfelt words to him.

Before Yao Ning left, she said to He Chen: "Your comic story is very exciting."

She was the only one who read through the short four chapters.

"Thank you!" He Chen smiled, very happy, not because Yao Ning praised him, but because EVA's charm was still recognized even after crossing the world.

This is the first reader, and He Chen's goal is to spread those classics to the whole world!

"Xiaochen, are you so confident? Is this kind of comic book really so attractive?" Back home, his father He Xian casually flipped through EVA, expressing his puzzlement.

The four episodes are only the first episode, and several characters of EVA have just been introduced. Its depth is far from being developed. Moreover, this is a fantasy story. The target audience is teenagers. It is only natural that parents don't like it.

"No, I'm not confident, but I believe in the charm of comics!" He Chen specially emphasized that what he believes in is not himself, but the charm contained in those classics that transcend the country, race, and the world!

"Brother, villain... are comics really that good?"

He Feifei also read page by page. She didn't read it carefully before, but now she calmed down and looked at it carefully, and suddenly found that these characters whose styles were completely different from those of the real-life TV movies suddenly had an inexplicable attraction, attracting her to watch. Go on, and show her a real world that is not weaker than TV movies at all.

"You'll know... One day, I'll let them include comics in their textbooks!" He Chen rubbed his sister's hair. It's still long!

He Chen is very fortunate that he has an enlightened father. If it weren't for the final acquiescence of his parents, he would not be able to make such a rebellious decision. Because of this, he has to do better, so as to prove how correct his parents' decision is.

He asked his father about the situation of some publishing houses. Publishing houses have self-funded publishing and publishing houses publish on behalf of the publishing house. The former has no requirements and can be published as long as you give money, but the publishing channel has to be contacted by the author himself; the latter It is a manuscript submission. After the submission is approved, a contract is signed with the publisher, and the publishing house publishes it. The author only needs to write the book and collect money.

He is already very grateful that his parents do not object to him taking this path, and he will not use his parents' money to publish—even though he has full confidence in EVA. So I can only go to contribute.

He Chen selected a few publishing houses in the city that had published comic books, and sent EVA to them. Then, while waiting for the reply with confidence, I continued to draw the content behind EVA.

In his mind, EVA's passing the review is a matter of iron nails, and there is no possibility of failing. Even if the content of the story is not mentioned, EVA's painting style alone has blown up those comic books by several times.

However, only five days later, the first publishing house gave him an unexpected recovery.


What a surprise it was rejected!

He Chen was furious, did the editor reviewing EVA look at the long dog? What kind of garbage can pass, why can't EVA pass? !

In his mind, he greeted all the female relatives of the publisher and editor before looking at the reason for the rejection.

"Hello, Mr. He, because your work "EVA" does not meet the requirements of this publishing house, we cannot publish it. You are welcome to continue to contribute. If you need to publish at your own expense, please contact XXX-XXXXXXXX to discuss related matters with editor XX .”


What kind of request is it?

He Chen was a little crazy, EVA should say bloody, some scenes are really bloody, and there are some borderline **... But none of these are in the first episode!

Moreover, EVA is an overhead world and does not reflect reality. The first episode is about the resistance of human beings in the face of monster attacks. It is full of positive energy. Why does it not meet the requirements? !

In the past few days, the publishing house has returned letters one after another, and the manuscripts have been rejected without exception.

He Chen thought hard, and even temporarily put down the content behind the EVA. He couldn't figure out why the EVA, which can be called a milestone in the animation industry, was rejected?

Until I saw the reply from the last publishing house...

"Hello, Mr. He, your EVA story is very exciting..."

Well, He Chen nodded while watching, this editor is good, at least read it carefully, unlike other ones, who just glanced at it and threw EVA aside, since this one finished reading it, it should pass !

"Characters are distinctive..."

In terms of image creation, EVA is absolutely second to none, and even the animation after EVA, each can find a prototype from EVA.

"Drawing techniques like never before..."

Isn't this nonsense, although He Chen's level is very poor, but he copied it, and his style is still very obvious. Just relying on those graffiti garbage, can it be compared with professional painters?


Just when He Chen thought that the overall situation was settled and the publishing house had passed the review, these two words suddenly popped up, causing He Chen's heart to twitch.

But? But what? What are the shortcomings of EVA?

He Chen was curious and continued to read.

"This subject matter is not suitable for children and is not recommended for publication."

The letter fluttered down from He Chen's fingers, and He Chen's heart was like 10,000 No. 1 machines running wildly, only the words "not suitable for children" echoed in his mind.

He finally understood why EVA was rejected!

Co-authoring their goal is only children! Where does that leave our youth at large!

This time, He Chen didn't even have the desire to scold.

He finally understood the difficulty of his journey. This deep-rooted discrimination against comics is not just talking about it, but is rooted in the consciousness of each of them!

First of all, if the target audience is not children, the publishing house will not even consider it!

Could it be that he really has to go the road of self-publishing?

However, the cost of self-publishing is extremely high, and even if it is published, how will the sales channels be contacted? Publishers are all aware of this, how can they persuade the distributors to agree to release their comics, which are not children's comics at all?

He Chen was confused...

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