Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 64 The real opponent

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A bit late, Shan still caught up!


"Shadow! The essay competition is just a joke, a hype! All the winners have been pre-determined!"

Not long after Zhuang Bufan made the award public, some people made such remarks on the Internet.

"What's going on? Dmfun's essay competition is here to entertain everyone?"

That person directly posted the post to the Dmfun main site, and countless people with good deeds clicked in, pushing the post higher and higher.

"SB, the poster, right? Although I didn't write it, I have read all the novels in the solicitation, and those novels are really good! I'm afraid you didn't win the prize because your level is too low, so deliberately slander it!"

"Top! It must be that you can't eat grapes, they say grapes are sour!"

Swearing at Dmfun on the Dmfun main site is like stabbing a hornet's nest, and it is immediately attacked by netizens.

Posters have no fear.

"Ha! My level is low? Are you kidding me! I am the ashes of Huaxia Chinese Network. Although I am not as good as those great masters, I still have a monthly income of 80,000 yuan in manuscript fees. You think I can't write?"

In order to strengthen his persuasiveness, he also blew himself up on the background of the author of Huaxia Chinese Website.

"I saw you doing this thing, and I quite supported it, so I participated in the essay writing and wrote "Digital Craze", but I didn't expect such a disgusting thing to happen! I don't think I can do it, so you go and see it first! If it really doesn't catch everyone's eyes, I will be convinced!"

Below, he even gives a link to his book.

The tone is extremely arrogant, either a great god, or teasing. Forced.

"It's really ashes? I've read his book before, it's written with passion, and it's refreshing to read!"

"Hey! He just wrote "Digital Frenzy"? I'm chasing that book, it's really good, I was thinking why those books were selected, why "Digital Frenzy" wasn't selected... Ashes, I support you!"

Someone clicked on the link and found that this book is very good in terms of clicks, favorites, and reviews. It is much higher than some books on the list, especially the special award "My Digimon World".

"The Great God probably wouldn't do such a thing, could it be that the data is wrong?"

"Well, I don't think the Great God would do such a thing, it's completely unnecessary..."

"It's definitely not made by the master! The master has been engaged in comics and animations. He initiated the essay call, but he didn't review it! Maybe someone else was bribed!"

Having said that, many people began to shake their hearts. They were willing to believe in He Chen unconditionally, but they would not be so stupid as to believe everyone in Dmfun. As the saying goes, if a great god is attacked every day these days, would someone deliberately buy it off? Insiders, are you using this incident to smear the master?

"I don't care who reviewed it, I just want them to give me an explanation, where my book won't be judged! Other books, it doesn't matter, but the last thing I can bear is that the special award is awarded to such a book Boring My Pokémon World! Porter, Dmfun, give me a reason!"

Just as Ashes questioned, passers-by watched the excitement, and those who supported He Chen watched from the other side, this post fell into the eyes of Luo Hao, Zhuang Bufan and He Chen.

""Digital Frenzy" turned out to be Ashes' novel! I've read his before, Xiaobaiwen, very refreshing!" Luo Hao said excitedly.

"Then why didn't you get selected in the end?" He Chen looked at Zhuang Bufan. Since he is famous, he must be very skilled in writing, and he wouldn't even be selected. Could it be that he watched too much and missed it?

"It turned out to be him... This book is really good, and I was in a dilemma for a long time when it was finally ranked. Unfortunately, he used the Xiaobaiwen routine. Compared with other brand-new ideas, I still feel that other novels use similar pens. People are better..."

He Chen nodded after hearing Zhuang Bufan's explanation, and then found the novel from the website.

At first glance, I found that he was indeed a veteran, and his pen was the same as that of the current mainstream Internet literature circles, taking the novice route. But as Zhuang Bufan said, it is a routine, as if putting on the coat of "Digimon" for "Fights Break Sphere", which is refreshing, but lacks spirituality.

Soon after, Dmfun issued an announcement throughout the network.

"The subject of this call for essays is "Pokemon" and "Digimon", with creativity and attractiveness as the standard. After verification, "Digital Panic" does not meet the award requirements."

As soon as the announcement was issued, Ashes posted another post.

"I don't agree!"

"The audience's eyes are sharp! I won't say anything else, but why should the grand prize be awarded to "My Pokémon World"? In terms of rhythm, she is slow, can it be compared to me? On fighting , Can she compare to my enthusiasm? In terms of refreshing, you ask, people who have read my book and his book, which one will everyone say is refreshing?!"

"Huh! I think you must be working together! You deliberately took this opportunity to promote a so-called 'big god' on your website, so as to create a god to attract more authors and readers! Bah! No wonder people say that you are just nothing! If not! Block it, block me as an account, I will stand up thousands of times!"

Ashes' words were extremely fierce, and even caused a group of troublemakers squatting at Dmfun to denounce He Chen.

It is a fact that He Chen has not released any new comics. Faced with Ashes' abuse, those who supported He Chen could not find any strong evidence to refute it. At this moment, the porter's name appeared in the post.

"I won't ban you. I just pity an author who has lost his ability to create."

"Hahaha! I've lost my ability to create? It's better than someone who's exhausted and can't create at all!" Ashes immediately fought back.

"Then can you see the gap between you and "My Pokémon World"?"

"The difference? The only difference is that I didn't sign any secret agreement with you, right? I understand this kind of unspoken rules! It's just that I didn't expect that you, who dared to fight against the mainstream media, would not be in the same boat. I didn't expect that you are the same raccoon!"

"Hehe, you can't even see the gap, so you still say you can write novels!"

"When Lao Tzu published his famous work "The Dome", you hadn't even graduated from junior high school!"

"I took a look at your "Dome" and had to wonder if you hired someone to write it as a ghostwriter. I can't figure out why an author with such a creative idea would write "Digital Craze" which is hated by people. What a routine article! Since you are writing web articles, do you know the target audience? What is the audience of "Pokemon" and "Digimon", and what are you writing? Your plot is old-fashioned, There is no innovation, the characters are pale, off-topic, and not at all decent, how dare you say you can create novels?"

He Chen's words were deafening, and he couldn't see what kind of person was on the other side of the network, but in this post, the name Ashes never appeared again.

The next day, Sheng Shi took advantage of He Chen's siege to grandly release its first manga, which was adapted from the most popular and popular novel "Magic Map".

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