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Friday is a special day. For students, it is a day of rest; for fans, it is a day to play animation.

Friday of this week is a special day among the special ones - the finale of the "Digimon" animation.

The progress of the broadcast on the Dmfun website was a bit faster than that on the TV. He Chen deliberately adjusted the broadcast time to play the finale synchronously.

Countless people waited in front of the TV or computer early, waiting for the finale to come.

Although they have read the comics and already know the following story, they still can't help but want to read it again. For them, manga and animation are two completely different enjoyments.

At 6:30, the theme song sounded on time, and it was always so passionate. Whenever I heard this, someone would hum along unknowingly.

The story tells that after defeating the Clown Queen, the last Dark Digimon—a collection of evil thoughts of Digimons that disappeared during evolution—appeared, destroyed the badge, and disassembled children and Digimons into data. With the encouragement of Digimon, the children understood that what the badge showed was their hearts, regained their confidence and returned to the battlefield.

With the accompaniment of the "Digimon" evolution episode "Braveheart", the Digimon have evolved one after another.

"No matter who it is, there are times when you want to escape."

At this moment, the children got on the Digimon one after another and charged towards the Dark Digimon.

"Just bring out that latent power in that moment, and you can clear the way."

The tentacles of the dark Digimon attacked the children, but the children covered each other, and their respective Digimon showed their power, and the tentacles defeated them one by one.

"There must be something I'm afraid you did, so that this blue planet can continue to shine."

There is a bright light in the eyes of the children, which is hope and unyielding fighting spirit!

"Hold tight! The dream you have; guard! Your important friend; sprint! Faster than the wind; go! Farther than the sky."

Countless audiences waiting in front of TVs and computers hummed to the rhythm of the battle music in the animation, cheering for them and cheering for them.

As if feeling the hearts of the audience, the children became more and more brave one by one.

The Dark Digimon saw that it was invincible, and used the last trick - self-destruct, to destroy the Digimon world and the children together.

"He blew himself up!"

"Are we going to die like this?"

"I don't want to die yet!"

The audience seemed to have entered the world of Digimon. Even though they knew they would not die, they couldn't help worrying about the children.

"it's not finished yet!"

"How could it end like this!"

"I won't let it end!"

"Of course it can't end like this!"

"Absolutely not!"


"we still have……"

"Because we still have tomorrow!"

unwilling to compromise,

Unwilling to end, the light of hope will never fade away!

At this moment, they are not fighting alone!

The Digimon machines of all people united and launched their power to seal the self-explosion of the dark Digimon and dissipate all the Digimons that traveled to the real world. The crisis of the two worlds was completely resolved by the children.

The Digimon world is reborn, but the children will also leave the world—the resurrected Digimon world will clear the children as abnormal data.

A strange adventure ends here.

In the story, the children only read for one summer vacation; in reality, everyone followed them for more than half a year!

Friendship, courage, knowledge, love, innocence, honesty, hope, light!

These days, the protagonists are growing up, and the readers are growing up with them.

"Ah, it's over."

Such a barrage flashed across the animation screen.

Seeing this sentence, countless people feel lost.

"It's over." In the past, when they said this sentence, they were reluctant. They wanted to see the world and the children's adventures again, but this time, they were extremely satisfied.

In the animation, the children and Digimon say goodbye one by one, as if the Digimon world is saying goodbye to the audience.

In the end, the children set foot on the train to go home. The Balu Beast who avoided Meimei for fear of the pain of parting finally chased it out. While running, she cried and bid farewell to Meimei. When she accidentally fell down, Meimei's hat was blown by the wind. To the sky, the melodious theme song sounded.

This is exactly the lyrical version of "butter-fly".

The song is divided into two sections, the first section uses the lyrical version of "butter-fly", and the second section uses the choral version.

First use the suppressed voice to arouse the audience's emotions, and then use the explosion to push the emotions to the extreme.

People who have read the comics think they understand the plot, and will not be sad for the final parting.

But the difference between manga and animation lies in the sound. The songs that perfectly fit the plot instantly doubled the appeal of the animation.

Countless viewers finally couldn't suppress their emotions and wept, humming this familiar song along with the animation.

"Behind the endlessly extended dream, no matter how false and changeable the world is.

That common sense, even if you don't use it, isn't too bad.

Even with a pair of inflexible wings stained with lingering images.

Go forward bravely towards your dream, on-my-love.

Behind the dream of infinite extension, even if the world is false and changeable.

I don't want to lose to myself, having your beautiful memory will make me work harder.

Even with a pair of inflexible wings stained with lingering images.

Surely it will save the day, Oh-Year.

Behind the dream of infinite extension, even if the world is false and changeable.

That common sense, even if you don't use it, isn't too bad.

Even with a pair of inflexible wings stained with lingering images.

It must also be able to fly high, On-My-Love. "


In Ping'an TV station, the moment "Digimon" ended, there was an explosion of cheers in the station.

The ratings exceeded 35%!

Nowadays, there are so many TV programs, even the prime-time hit TV series can't guarantee that they can achieve such ratings, and a cartoon can do it!

They are just a city-level TV station, but their ratings in this province have surpassed those of the provincial TV station!

All this is due to the director's wise decision, to the animation, and to He Chen!

"Tsk tsk, why do so many people like this "Digimon"?" Someone said with emotion, after all, they are adults, and they can't catch fire anymore, and they don't have much feeling for sub-supplied animations like "Digimon".

"Hey, if you knew, would you still be working on the TV station?" the companion laughed.

"Director, "Digimon" is over, what program will replace it? Is there any new animation on Tianman? Last time, no one wanted it. We picked up a bargain, but it's hard to say in the future. Whether it's for the name or For profit, the satellite satellite TV is much better than us.”

"Xiao Hu, Tianman Zhouzhe who asked you to contact last time, you should contact more. Our station is not strong enough, so we can win with attitude. We can give them better time slots and more broadcasting resources."


"Fatty, you have watched the last episode at least five times, why are you still crying?" He Chen laughed at Zhuang Bufan.

Although "Pokemon" and "Digimon" were produced at the same time, "Digimon" was their first completed animation.

To commemorate this historic day, everyone gathered in Tianman to watch the finale of "Digimon".

Zhuang Bufan sneered: "You still talk about me? Then why did you rub the corners of your eyes just now?"

"I'm in the sand, um, in the sand."

"Tch, in the office, can you find me a grain of sand?"

After watching, the two kept bickering. Zhou Zhe went out to answer the phone, and then came in and said to He Chen, "Ping An TV station hopes to continue buying animation rights."

"The animation hasn't been produced yet, and they don't even know the content, so they want to buy it?" Luo Hao wondered.

Ye Jun laughed loudly: "They have already tasted the sweetness of animation. If they don't act quickly, they are afraid of being snatched away by others... As for the ratings, they are not worried. With He Chen's famous brand, it will not be low. The garbage time is lower than before. This is just a way to show favor, after all, they are only a municipal TV station, and they have no competitiveness at all compared to so many satellite TV stations across the country."

"Well, tomorrow afternoon at the latest, when Ping An TV announces the ratings of the "Digimon" finale, those satellite TV stations across the country should contact us." Zhou Zhe nodded in agreement with Ye Jun.

The best way is to sell the exclusive rights to broadcast the animation in the first round to Shangxing Satellite TV, but Ping An TV was the first to let its own animation appear on the TV station when everyone refused—even though they may be out of favor , but without them, how long it will take for the influence of animation to be reflected is hard to say.

Therefore, He Chen decided not to sell the exclusive broadcasting rights, and reserved a spot for the first round of broadcasting rights to Ping An TV.

No one objected to He Chen's decision.

The production progress of the animation is step by step. In terms of approval, "Doraemon" has no problems; he thought that "Conan" would be stuck in some bloody plots, but unexpectedly, no one appeared in it. The blood and corpses disputed.

He Chen couldn't help groaning in surprise, did all those people fall asleep when "Conan" was approved?

After thinking about it carefully, it suddenly became clear: In his original world, Hexie Dashen was too nervous about children's works, he would not be allowed to see blood, all characters could not die, and even the behavior of hitting the head with a pan was forbidden.

And in this world, Master Hexie has no concept of children's works at all, and there is no grading system, which also leads him to treat all works equally-what can appear in TV dramas can appear in animations; what can't appear in TV dramas can appear in animations cannot appear.

For example, killing people, TV movies, various wars, and action movies can be said to emerge in endlessly. Those have no restrictions on children, and anime certainly doesn’t care; Feng, as soon as the style is changed, won't the river crab master immediately ignore it?

Another example is some passionate scenes, as long as there are no leaks, the river crab master will not care about you.

After figuring this out, He Chen's mind turned. In the past, there were many classic works of Island Country that could only be placed in the late-night file, such as a certain classic small book.

But here, he can put those directly on the prime time broadcast.

This is a golden file with a population of 1.3 billion!

How big of an impact should that be?

This is a very thought-provoking question, and he can't wait for the system to be upgraded soon, so that he can try out that kind of comics as soon as possible.

It's a pity that the wish is beautiful, but the system can't hear it.

The interface still displayed "upgrading". Seeing that the accumulation of these days was enough to redeem the prestige of a super-national manga like "Doraemon", He Chen could only say nothing.

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